"I can't STAND Heather Hachs. I blame her for the show's problems, TBH. "
I love when they keep saying, "You know this show better than anyone," when it's clear, based on her statements, that I don't think she really understands the character of Elle.
I love Autumn, She's goofy and sweet and amazing. She did such a good job during the line flub audition.
I enjoy Cassie S, even if she is slightly bitchy. She does a good job and I think she can do it, if she just stops being a bit too sexy and less bitchy.
I also enjoy Bailey. =]
Ok, now I know for SURE who the next Elle is. With proof. PM me if you must know.
EDIT* It may not be 100% now.
Updated On: 6/10/08 at 08:06 PM
"SporkGoddess, I am in agreement with EVERYTHING you just said."
Ditto to this.
I like Autumn and think with a little more perky she could be a great Elle Woods, and she of course is one of the best singers.
And I really like Lauren as a performer. She has great skills for someone so young.
Also dug Natalie's acting.
I think Elle is a chewing the scenery part a little bit...and we're seeing these up close. I think Autumn is good but needs to up the perky a bit.
Swing Joined: 6/10/08
These girls are nothing compared to LBB.
They kicked off the only girl I liked - Rachel. She was the only one who could sing.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/8/06
i really like autumn. i hope she wins it. my second choice would be bailey.
I loved Autumn based off that full scene. I hate that they said she wasn't acting "Elle" enough, what, because she wasn't chewing scenery and completely overacting?
Oh, and I'm so glad they got rid of Cassie O. All of her lines and actions were completely unmotivated. I hated her.
Do we know if Emma ever went on as Anne in La Cage?
I don't know, but look at this thread from way back:
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
I think I said this earlier in the thread, but...
I've disliked Heather Hachs ever since I saw those interviews of her on the LB website about adapting the movie for the stage. Everything she said either implied to me that she didn't understand the movie, or was the opposite of what she said she would do (for instance, she said that she would flesh out certain characters, and did not). Or, she did not fully think her ideas through and it ended up becoming a problem in the show. She also completely bashed the movie, and I think that in order to do a good adaptation of something, you need to have some respect for the source material.
Her comments on the show are just making it even more apparent to me that she was a terrible choice for the bookwriter.
Swing Joined: 6/11/03
Well, the powers that be just nixed the Emma Zaks thread. So I'd wager a guess that some of the harmless speculation regarding Emma might have rubbed some the wrong way...
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
In her bio on the MTV site it says Emma went on 30 times.
Okay so now that I've watched the full auditions from last night, my opinions have changed a bit.
I really liked Bailey and was impressed with how much she was able to get rid of her accent. That SC accent is pretty strong and I think she did a good job with that and her acting choices.
I could NOT stand Natalie when I was watching the show. I still thought her reactions to waiting to hear her name and the crying in the interview shown before the auditions were a bit melodramatic. That being said...I kinda liked her audition.
I was very impressed by Lauren's audition. I think she doesn't play her age...she's able to play older and that's great. Some of them were playing Elle a little younger than LBB does, it seemed. But Lauren was cute.
Autumn was pretty good. I liked her.
I want to root for Celina. I want to like her, but so far I just can't really. I agree with a previous poster that she would be good in a different show. Maybe even as Enid in this show...but I don't see an ounce of Elle in her.
I didn't think that Cassie S. was that bad...but she played a different kind of sorority girl than Elle, I feel. Also, I felt that they that she, Celina and a couple other girls reacted to Brooke's lipo secret was almost judgemental rather than shock and I think Nikki picked up on that right away. Her delivery of the cottage cheese on my ass line changed with those girls and she sounds defensive and offended. That's not Elle...and that's not a way to win your client's trust. So that would be something to think about.
As for Emma, so far I'm not finding her personality endearing. And I felt she played Elle as pretty aggressive, I just didn't see Elle (as the judges like to say).
I think the bottom three were pretty close. I think I might have put Celina there rather than Cassie S. But otherwise, I think they probably made the right choice.
sorry if this was posted earlier (I swear I did a search); was Cassie S in the Hairspray the Movie as Brenda?
"was Cassie S in the Hairspray the Movie as Brenda? "
nice. she was my favorite and is my fav. in the show.
My comment made no sense. Thanks.
Updated On: 6/11/08 at 12:20 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
LBB's Elle doesn't come off as intelligent at all, though.
Stand-by Joined: 3/16/08
Exactly - which is why I don't care for LBB's interpretation in the show. Reese Witherspoon came off as being intelligent. That quality has been lost in either the adaptation or LBB's acting choices. I think the whole song Chip On My Shoulder actually makes Elle seem less intelligent than she does in the movie.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
The entire show, really, makes Elle come off as dumb. In trying to strengthen the Elle/Emmett relationship and add more humor (most of which falls flat anyway, IMO), they really hurt Elle's character. It's not entirely LBB's fault, though I have seen other portrayals onstage where she comes off as smarter (Becky Gulsvig, for instance).
I would be thrilled if they found an Elle who comes off as smart, but to say that the role absolutely requires it is wrong because the current Elle lacks that quality. If they want to change that, fine, but then say so.
Anyway, I'm bored so I rewatched the singing audition from ep 1. Bailey's singing was quite unbearable, to be honest, but maybe that's because she was singing quite a screechy song. Maybe that will improve once she gets more into the role. Lauren, Cassie S., Autumn, and actually Lindsey (minus the ending of that last note) had the best vocals, I thought. Of course, it will be easier to judge that in the next episode when we hear them sing more.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/25/04
Damn get rid of Cassie S already. She is such a bitch and so full of herself.
Can someone remind Hach that SHE didn't invent the character of Elle Woods? She's pretty mediocre and completely lacking in any sort of charm to be as pompous as she is.
Is Cassie S. the young one, the 19 year old? If so, wowie kazowie. She reminds me so much of a girl I did theatre with 'back in the day'. While talented, she is just.... too much. I hee-hawed at the teaser for next week, wherein she throws her other contestants under the bus by telling the judges that they pulled back when she did her "Elle gets the dress" scene.
Also, isn't she one that was like "OMG, Jerry Mitchell is like this legendary broadway director...OMG"? My, my, my -- methinks Cassie S. might not be the most popular girl on the playground.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Cassie S. is young, but Lauren is a year younger.
Holy cow, Cassie O. is a student in a Conservatory. It's too bad her acting wasn't the best.
Bwahaha, from Lauren's profile: "Lauren may come across as the sweet girl-next-door type, but this blonde beauty is coming to win the role of Elle Woods. While cute and charismatic, she is also competitive, passive-aggressive and willing to attack when provoked. "
I like Lauren as a performer, but being passive-aggressive isn't exactly something that I'd brag about.
And wow, Bailey's more accomplished than I thought she was.