adotburr said: "I can almost guarantee that lady’s kids have heard curse words before seeing Hamilton."
And used them too!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
People keep talking about Jessica Vosk as Jenna in Waitress but I just…no thank you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
"KathyNYC2 said: "I really disliked To Kill A Mockingbird. They just trashed the book IMO."
I just saw it today for the first time (and thought it honestly was phenomenal) and I haven't read the book in 5 years. I remembered the major plot points so nothing was a surprise, but I think I need to reread the book now haha.
To the original poster who asked me why I hated the play...I apologize. You hit a sore spot with me. I could probably write a book. I'll try not to ..LOL
It was not a bad production. it just was NOT To Kill a Mockinbird.The book is my favorite book - I can't tell you how many times I have read it. The FILM captures the essence of the book well. The play does not. This current production tried hard to improve on the original book. It didn't need improvement.
I don't want it re-written. I don't want to see the political updates to Calpurnia. This was not the 60's...but decades earlier. Calpurnia would not have spoken to Atticus that matter what kind of relationship they had. And that's not what Harper Lee was trying to say. I didn't want to see Atticus grapple with his beliefs. That was not what HL wrote either. Well maybe she did in Go Set A Watchman, but she decided not to publish that book but to publish TKAM instead.,,for a reason.
I hated that the children characters were played by adults. The idea of Scout being played by a 42 year old actress as a "memory" was ridiculous. I don't remember if it was Alan Sorkin or Jeff Daniels who said.."Can you imagine our lines in this script being said by children??" First of all, yes I can. There are some wonderful young actors out there. And second of all, if I can't's the lines that are the problem because the characters were children when they said them. It's like saying, well when we made The Miracle Worker years ago, we should not have hired the marvelous 12 year old Patty Duke..we should have hired a 42 year old woman to play Helen as a memory. I mean seriously...this script wasn't that complicated. Ok you can't hire a 6 year old but 42?
But if you want to do this as a childhood memory, at least let it make sense. This was the final straw for me. Midway in the book, the Finch family is sitting around the family table at lunchtime and Atticus is trying to explain to his children why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. It's not a bird that eats your crops or is a nuisance but just sings for all to enjoy. And then towards the end of the book after all the drama unfolds, Scout realized that Boo Radley, who they had teased and tormented as children, who was shunned and ostracized by the town was actually like that mockingbird, because all he really did was "sing his song" and save their lives. Atticus hugs her. Big moment, huge realization by Scout.
I loved that moment in the play too, didn't you..when Scout made the mockingbird connection? Right? Oh wait...Scout does not say that line. Judge Taylor does. Judge Taylor????? Judge Taylor was not even a party of that how did he even come up with this line? I resent that the production has insisted that adults had to play the children parts to since they were more mature and could express what needed to be expressed better than children could... and then you took the most important line in the whole book and gave it to some random character without any rhyme or reason.
I could go on..I won't. I am happy if others enjoyed this. I did not. On a much more minor note, I thought the music used during the show was nearly adequate and did nothing to enhance any real mood for the play. I guess they think so too because in all the ads for TV, they use the movie music..which is not even part of the production..
I'll shut up now..
Stand-by Joined: 10/25/21
Groundhog Day, in my opinion, was definitely underrated, and Barrett Doss is an undiscovered superstar
Broadway Star Joined: 10/11/11
It's abundantly apparent to me the people who loved The Spongebob Musical were not fans of the show.
I loved the show and the musical did not capture the hilarious stoney stupid low stake oddness of what made the original show great.
It was just a quirky and bright and wacky family friendly musical. The characters could've been from any children's property. It really reminded me of theme park theatre.
A true Spongebobesque musical would probably look a little more like You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. Silly chill vignettes of nonsense.
The Broadway version of The Addams Family was better than the revised version of the show.*
*Except for "In the Arms." The licensed version cut "In the Arms" and that is the only change I agree with. Otherwise I think the Broadway book and score is far superior. I don't like all the new songs written for the current version and I don't understand why they cut "Let's Not Talk About Anything Else But Love." Grandma is completely missing in the second act of the current version of the show. She disappears from act two entirely and just shows up for the finale. That wasn't the case in the Broadway version.
I feel guilty because I don't like Caroline or Change and think it's boring.