Stand-by Joined: 2/13/09
oh and 1000th comment. lol rofl coolies!
How fascinating to be allowed access to such a bizarre and absurd personality disorder.
Don't stay on our account, though. :)
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
final words
well, this WOTV thread has been a thrill ride... it will go down in history as one of the most memorable, notable and quotable threads in the history of this website...
i joined the site because i was sooooo upset about what they did to the musical version of WOTV... i was moved to speak out... i felt terribly for the actors... i knew that they thought they signed on for something interesting, valuable and artistic...
what a LETDOWN... what a DISASTER...
i learned VERY quickly what these forums did... and how they are used... and it was EQUALLY disastrous...
ideally, these forums/threads/boards are for theatergoers who want to share their opinions/thoughts/comments... but that is not what goes on around here... people are not welcome to voice strong opinions...
sure, you can do it... but the insecurity/pomposity/fear around here is sooo great... that people literally resort to calling each other names, defaming others and defaming their opinions.... no one listens... there are no intelligent debates... oh well...
it was fun sparring with all of you... it was a humorous distraction...
the last thing i expected was to gain fame, notoriety and, in many ways, receive vindication regarding my original and VERY ACCURATE review of this embarrassing show ...
but, i DID get all those things.... and will be running with them !!!!
i hope you all start to HEAR others opinions... i also hope you start to EXPECT more from musical theater... if you support garbage, you will get more of the same....
but, if you don't... I COULD CARE LESS...
i couldn't go to the gym today... my injury is still working itself out... however, i felt energized knowing those actors would be singing the final notes to that sad show...
i still owe you my exciting announcement.... and my retirement post... then i am gone !!!!
i love the people who keep saying things like... you better leave like you promised... do not worry... it will be the pleasure of pleasures...
you'll miss me... but, don't worry... there will be a place you can find me......................................
.....and scene.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
no... 2 more... shorter posts.... for later... but thanks !!!
^ hahaha
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
ok.... well, thanks to the fame and acclaim this thread brought me... stateside and internationally... i have been asked to do my OWN theater blog... it debuts january 15... the domain is fab... but cannot be announced here... i will, however, associate myself with my screen name here... KYLE 4 ....
you will be hearing a lot ABOUT me AND FROM me in 2011... if you think i am kidding...
I AM NOT !!!!!
most of you have been horrendous... the others that contacted me privately have been wonderful !!!!
the new blog was INSPIRED BY and a REACTION TO this thread !!!!
all great things have to start somewhere!!!!
KYLE 4 lives !!!!!!
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
oh... and with that...
i formally retire from this thread and site....
i will leave my account active, so you may email me through here... however (and sadly) i will no longer be posting on these boards!!!!
PATTI, LAURA... you are FREE !!!!!! pretty sure the final show has ended !!!
i'm gonna GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE !!!!!!!!
Swing Joined: 12/16/10
LOL, this thread is like a bad reality show!! Best wishes to the cast of Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown.
Leading Actor Joined: 10/9/10
! ; : .
Saw it. Loved it. Wish I could see it again. Absolutely brilliant show beautifully performed by an amazing cast. Such a relief after what I felt was Yazbeck's true disappointment, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.
Stand-by Joined: 12/19/10
Saw this show. LOVED it. I go to the theater for a living. I lead group tours into the city. I wish I hadn't listened to the reviews. I wish I'd seen this more than once.
As far as this thread goes...
Kyle you are THE lowest form of troll I can think of. You're the kind of person who is killing our theater - not to mention my business. I despise people like you. I wouldn't pee on you if you were on fire. How anyone spews such bile post after post after post is beyond me. You must be the most unhappy person in the world. Sad and pathetic. You're the kind of sick, empty nobody that takes pleasure in denigrating others. What a sick person you are. You're the lowest form of life. I'd call you pond scum but that wouldn't be fair to pond scum.
It's a true shame this show is gone. I LOVED it and can't wait for the cast recording.