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Welcome, Anthony Rapp!- Page 384

Welcome, Anthony Rapp!

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 8:53pm

I've seen a few kids at my school wearing Mark-esque scarves (not the official ones, though) and I can't help but smile when I see them. Finally!

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 8:56pm

Ohhh vivabohemia i love your avatar.

Hi everyone=)

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:02pm

Alan Tudyk :)

I was so mad, last year I found a Mark Scarf at Target.. (it was one of those female fashion ones that is like 5 miles long so you can wrap ot multiple times around your neck...but it was the same pattern and color LOL.) But when I went back to buy it, it was gone. I knew I should have gotten it when I had the chance.

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:06pm

I wish I had a Mark scarf. *cries in corner*

...I feel so uncool.

And Mandi, your av is aweosme.

Why does every one have a sarcastic, yet witty signature besides me? :-(

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:08pm

Its okay, I dont have one either! :)

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

Stater2002 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:09pm

nor do IFinally! ::cries::

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself. Anthony Rapp My avatar- the amazingly talented Michael Buble

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:10pm

Yay! We can wallow in our non-Mark-scarf-y-ness together. Finally!

Why does every one have a sarcastic, yet witty signature besides me? :-(

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:11pm

I'm seriously considering buying a white scarf and painting/coloring in the blue stripes. Either that, or paying my friend to knit one for me.

Wow, I think I've officially lost it.

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:21pm

I'll join in the non-Mark scarf wallowing. Maybe we can all learn to knit them together or something.

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:24pm

I sure hope so.

Why does every one have a sarcastic, yet witty signature besides me? :-(

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:26pm

The alliance of Non Scarfers.

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:27pm

*high fives* I like it.

Why does every one have a sarcastic, yet witty signature besides me? :-(

One Song Glory
Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:28pm

I too have a whole in my heart that only a Mark scarf could fill. Maybe I'll ask my grandma to make one foe me, she loves making stuff.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

Posted: 12/21/05 at 9:34pm

I'm terribly sorry I can't relate to any of you people....for I have a Mark scarf and I wear it when it is 800 degrees outside.

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:06pm

I have a black and white Mark-esque scarf. That's good enough for me. Finally!

Stater2002 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:13pm

Anthony should write his next book on the art of knitting a proper Mark scarf. Then we would all be set:)

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself. Anthony Rapp My avatar- the amazingly talented Michael Buble

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:20pm

I don't think Anthony knows how to knit. Finally!

Stater2002 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:31pm

I know, I know:) I was kidding of course

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself. Anthony Rapp My avatar- the amazingly talented Michael Buble

Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:38pm

random: has anyone seen the movie "Flawless"? I set my TiVo to search for anything with Rent castmembers and this came up for Wilson. I just started watching it. The funny thing is, one of the first things Angel says in Rent is "are you ok honey" and in this movie he's a drag queen and his first line is "everyone needs love honey"

thought I'd share.

oh and I want one of those Mark scarfs that you can get through one of the show sites that actually says "rent" on them.

VivaBohemia Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 10:42pm

The only one I have ever seen was Blue and Red and said 525,600

I don't like it as much :) It doesnt scream "Mark Scarf" Finally!

*Krissy* **Support the use of illegal wood burning stoves. Get your own metal trash can today!**

Posted: 12/21/05 at 11:01pm

It wouldn't be a Mark scarf if it had words written on it!

Posted: 12/21/05 at 11:08pm

very true, Kelly.

but this is as close as I've found, besides the pleasure of having a somewhat 'mark' scarf, you can publicize your love for 'rent' Finally!

Stater2002 Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 11:10pm

Ah, the scarf from the blog:) My only issue with that scarf is that the stripes are too small, but it is better than no scarf:)

There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself. Anthony Rapp My avatar- the amazingly talented Michael Buble

opiv Profile Photo
Posted: 12/21/05 at 11:32pm

mark scarf Finally! i realized today at the movie how it was like chocking him in some they said on the view, its another character

"I feel god in this chili's..."
Updated On: 12/21/05 at 11:32 PM

gertrudejessalynn Profile Photo
Posted: 12/22/05 at 12:46am

Excuse me for my lack of internet, ALL DAY! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Ok, haha... I'm good now. Finally! For those of you that care, I got my external hard drive today! It was waiting for me when I got home from the mall (shopping with my Mom is annoying, but I did get a pretty sweater.) The downside of getting my hard drive is that my wireless connection hates me Finally! Oh, well... I'll still be trying to get stuff up online.

YAY for 'A Beautiful Mind'... I watched that movie to see Anthony, but it really is quite good. Your avatar is adorable, Mandi. Finally!

Oh, and to be quite honest, I don't need a Mark scarf... but that doesn't mean that I don't look for a Mark-esque scarf every time I go to the mall. Tehe.

All caught up? Eh, good enough.
This is an atricle from The Advocate in 1997... it's cute for those of you who haven't seen it

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to

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