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christy carlson romano

#100Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/2/04 at 10:39am

Wow, that was certainly real mature. This thread has certainly degraded quickly since I last checked. Who are these people? Everyone is certainly welcome to their opinions, that is what this country is all about. I still don't understand how anyone can find her singing voice enjoyable. I'm sure she is a perfectly nice person and she is certainly a beautiful girl. I wish her the best of luck in what she decides to do next. I just hope she realizes that she should not return to Broadway and instead finds success in television, film or even politics. I think this is the last time I will ever visit this thread.

luvWICKED416 Profile Photo
#101Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/2/04 at 1:23pm

ugh... she's awful. I've seen her on the Disney Channel, and she shouldn't been seen on TV or in heatre period. She needs to chill out on the overdone facial expressions and maybe do voices for movies like "The Little Mermaid 5" or "Land Before Time 20"

#102Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/2/04 at 3:09pm

OMG LUVWICKED that's funny. You're completely right though. This thread turned into a long episode. All I did was ask when she was leaving so that I could bring my nephews to see it without having to sit through 2 hours of listening to her try to sing again. I think the show is better off closing than to stoop this low in casting. I know there are so many others out there that could play this role beautifully...but they are using Christy as a means of getting a tv audience to come in and see it.

#103Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/2/04 at 3:26pm

As a Wicked fan, I want to apologize if I ever sounded like these Christy Carlson Romano fans.

About Broadway on Broadway, Brooke Shields hosted it too...

I don't think I really saw anyone attack Romano on a personal level in this thread, but I'm not looking for anything that could remotely be seen as a personal attack either.

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

#104Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/3/04 at 11:08am

After reading about what you all have said about Christy my husband and I decided to go see her and judge for ourselves. We will be seeing Brooke on Oct.26 and it would be nice to compare.
First we both thought see did a great job as Belle. What's wrong with you people? Give the kid a break. Her voice was lovely and we thought her acting was first rate. We went to the show with low expectations because of all you hate-mongers and we came out smiling and pleased with what we saw. Disney is right on with this girl...she is cute,talented and should be entertaining us for quite some time............................
Bravo Christy........but we still can't wait to see Brooke!!!!!!!

#105Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/6/04 at 8:36pm

I was a fan till I saw BatB yesterday. It was worse than I ever imagined. The video clips were nothing compared to the crap I saw. The beast was awesome. And Gaston and Le fou were comical, but she was really truely horrible. She cracked at least 10 times. Plus she did like this dorky voice over for the character that I totally did NOT agree with. It was like one of those annoying girls from a 20's show who are supposed to be comedic relief but really just get on your nerves.

She threw lines away, clipped notes, sqeaked, smiled maybe a total of 2 times, and I am being gracious. You don't have to be a broadway expert to know she was bad. Sure she's ok on TV. I even USED to be a fan.

If your going to see it, wait for her to leave is my suggestion. Trust me. I am not lying or exaggerating. Wish someone would have warned me to wait before I shelled out $300.

I may consider still watching something she does if she swears to never set foot on B-way again.

Don't get me wrong the show it's self is amazing. (the set is beautiful) But unless you can replace her voice with susan egan's in your head... wait for Brooke.

crazyforpenny: I don't know who you saw, but I was actually a fan of Christy and I don't like her anymore. Maybe she had a single on day while you were there, or perhaps your tone deaf... ? It is people like you that caused me to waste my $300 on a bad belle though.

cutiepie0882 Profile Photo
#106Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/6/04 at 8:41pm

She was supposed to leave November I think. And the girl replacing her was Penny from Hairspray.

Thus is how the book of man and woman shall be written endlessly crashing into each other like 2 vengeful bumper cars - I Love You You're Perfect Now Change

#107Christy Carlson Romano
Posted: 9/6/04 at 8:47pm

ok i've really kept my true feelings inside. now i can't take it anymore! this thread started out as a simple question. Now, it's turned into ANOTHER thread that bashes someone. i personally, did not enjoy christy's performance, but i realized that she is still young and she is still learning. Her voice is not even close to being fully mature. She is still very young. We don't know her personally, so we really shouldn't judge someone. Yes, we can judge their performance. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Respect that.

"People asking questions, lost in confusion. Well I tell them there's no problems, only solutions." ~The one and only John Lennon
