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re: Favorite song in See What I Wanna See
 Apr 18 2006, 11:18:00 PM
I think I heard on the radio this past weekend (WERS - the Emerson College radio station) that The Lyric Stage of Boston has snagged the rights for their next season. I haven't been able to confirm, but perhaps someone can enlighten us on that?
re: ADAM PASCAL to Speak at Boston University!!!
 Apr 1 2006, 12:34:05 AM
Adam Pascal will also be doing a concert at Stonehill College (a small liberal arts college about 20 min south of Boston) on 4/1/06. I'm not sure what the policy is on outsiders (as an alumni, my guess would be it is only open to students/faculty and guests of students/faculty) but I thought I would let you all know!
re: theory: songs that put me to sleep
 Feb 12 2006, 09:12:21 PM
What song are you referring to from "Miss Saigon"? The song "I Know the Truth" is from "Aida", though there may be another song of the same title that I am unaware of.
re: Caroline Question
 Oct 4 2005, 02:19:05 PM
For those of you in the Boston area, "Caroline, or Change" is also being produced by the SpeakEasy Stage Company in Boston in the Spring!
re: Saturday Night
 Sep 24 2005, 04:39:34 PM
Yeah, it's available from MTI for regional/amateur productions. I know SpeakEasy in Boston did it a few years ago. Other than that, I haven't seen any theatre companies in the Boston area producing it.
re: Saturday Night
 Sep 24 2005, 04:10:43 PM
"Saturday Night" is one of the very first (if not the first) shows that Sondheim started working on, if I'm remembering correctly. He stopped working on it for some reason, and then released the new recording of it a few years ago. I'm pretty sure it never actually played on Broadway, but may have played in New York (Off-Broadway?) In my opinion it's a great score. It has a very "classic" Broadway feel to it, mixed with the specific "Sondheim sound".

re: Songs For A New World ?'s
 Jul 6 2005, 11:09:34 AM
One of my friends attended a "talk-back" sessions after a production of "The Last 5 Years" in Boston, and he told me that someone asked him about the high tenor part in SFANW. Jason's response was that he had written the part LOWER, but when they found the person who was going to be singing it (not sure if it was Taylor or Porter), JRB re-wrote a lot of the notes HIGHER for him. Has anyone else heard this?
re: Another Show Based off A Musicican!
 Jun 19 2005, 01:09:50 AM
I am currently working on this show in Hartford. I highly recommend going to see if it if you're in the area for Ms. Fabrique's performance alone. While the fact that Ella Fitzgerald did not have the most dynamic of personalities and that her life did not contain huge drama has been discussed throughout the rehearsal process, the director, playwright and music arranger have done a superb job of making the show intense and exciting for audiences. Ms. Fabrique also brings a certain energy to the
re: TGIF's Pillowman Review 4.27.05
 May 7 2005, 10:50:29 PM
I'm dying to see this show. Any idea if there are student rush tix for it?
re: Paper Mill serves fresh, sumptuous, whole-grained 'Baker's Wife' - nj s
 Apr 21 2005, 12:46:47 PM
Can someone tell me how far outside of NYC Papermill is? If I'm in NYC next week (from Boston) would it be possible to take a trip out to Papermill? Or do you think that would have to be its own trip?
re: I SING - I want to know all about it
 Mar 21 2005, 01:55:33 PM
I have the recording of "I SING" and absolutely love it. If you go to the website ( there is quite a bit of info. It has been staged several times as actual productions. You can also get info on how to get copies of the music, as well as how to obtain production rights for the show. The writers of "I SING" have a great future ahead of them (they're only in their early 20s!)
re: Wall to Wall Sondheim!
 Mar 18 2005, 12:15:18 AM
Hey, my friends and I are planning on leaving early early Saturday morning (4-5 am-ish) and driving down from Boston. We'll get there around 8 or 9ish. Is that too early? Too late? Anybody have any opinions?
re: Good plays to read...
 Jan 17 2005, 12:00:29 AM
If you're going to read "The Normal Heart" I recommend that you also read "The Destiny of Me", which is a sort-of sequal to "The Normal Heart" in that it has the same main character and takes place a few years afterwards. "The Destiny of Me" is, in my opinion, superior to "The Normal Heart". Just my two cents!
re: Licensing for A New Brain
 Jan 16 2005, 11:58:03 PM
It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I encourage you to grab any chance to be a part of this show!
re: Licensing for A New Brain
 Jan 16 2005, 11:43:47 PM
Great show! Samuel French holds the rights.
re: I Sing
 Jan 12 2005, 05:09:03 PM
I recommend it. I bought it a few months ago when I was in NYC and I enjoy most of it. (If not for Lauren Kennedy and Matt Bogart alone!) I find it to be not so much a show about young people trying to survive life in the city as much as it is about their relationships with one another. This is where I feel it differs from shows such as Millie, Avenue Q, etc. It's definitely a great start for these young composers!
re: I just saw this on a Wicked Fansite...
 Jan 8 2005, 11:05:51 AM
Well I know Idina is leaving on the 9th (how can anyone NOT know that at this point!). I honestly don't know about Christopher Fitzgerald and Joey McIntyre, though I do recall hearing something about Joey McIntyre leaving on the same day.
 Jan 8 2005, 11:04:03 AM
Thanks for the info/opinions everyone. I think maybe I'll order a copy of the recording from Amazon. It seems like something that would be fun to have in my collection.

eslgr8 - that is interesting about Michael (Mike) Rupert! "Flasettos" is my favorite show, and I have never really heard Michael in anything prior to it. Can he be heard on the recording?

 Jan 8 2005, 01:55:10 AM
Yes the review on Amazon hinted towards a song that was a tribute to St. Pierre. I listened to the clips on Amazon and the score seems pretty good.
 Jan 8 2005, 01:36:08 AM
This is part of the review that I read on Amazon:

"The story involves a world renowned photographer, who makes a journey back to his hometown of St. Pierre, French Canada. It is a story of reflection. and the authors do their very best to make it a very poigant piece."

I'm considering purchasing the recording. Do you think it is worth it?

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