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Susan Boyle Sings I Dreamed a Dream

Susan Boyle Sings I Dreamed a Dream

wicked_beast4 Profile Photo
#1Susan Boyle Sings I Dreamed a Dream
Posted: 4/13/09 at 12:49am

On Britain's Got Talent

I started crying. Just... wow.

"He found something that he wanted, had always wanted and always would want— not to be admired, as he had feared; not to be loved, as he had made himself believe; but to be necessary to people, to be indispensable." -F. Scott Fitzgerald's This Side of Paradise
Updated On: 4/16/09 at 12:49 AM

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#2re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 3:31am

This is amazing! Made my day..

toanythingtaboo 2 Profile Photo
toanythingtaboo 2
#2re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 3:35am

I haaattte shows like that, the sob stories and the total ridiculousness of the whole shebang - especially the annoying audiences...but when I watched this in passing, I let that all go for a few minute because that moment was really awesome.

She's no Elaine Paige...but she certainly has something to work with. All she needs is a bit of tender love and car...maybe a wee makeover too :P

#3re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 4:47am

That She brought total justice to that song...what is it about that show that surprises like that bring tears of joy(literally) to my eyes?

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#4re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 4:55am

I guess I have a heart of stone since it didn't do anything for me, except annoy me when the audience went nuts.

She's not bad, but not "amazing" either.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#5re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 5:24am

The crowd went wild because no one...NO ONE expected that from her. She sure can belt it out, ok she didnt have much emotion to the"when the tigers come out at night" part so shes not Paige but good least that was surprising, as surprising as Potts.

#6re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 7:17am

Yea, I gotta say, after hearing this song being belted by varying Broadway and London stars, this was a breath of fresh air.

I expected it to be awful, but boy. I got chills.

I think it adds a stronger punch when Fantine is older, and looks it.

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#7re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 9:17am

She's an amateur singer for pete's sake! Of course she's not Elaine Page. But I can tell you right now, that was pretty damn good for an untrained singer. Not impressed at all? Okay then...

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

#8re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 9:32am

Yeah, I feel that the show (and its audience) is just looking for another "Paul Potts" moment. Paul Potts comes a lot closer to being Pavarotti than she does to Elaine Paige! (And Potts is a very long way from being Pavarotti.) Don't get me wrong, BRAVA to her, she does have a nice voice and is charming, more power to her. But I don't get all the fuss that's being made about this clip. She's just not THAT good.

*end of my Simon Cowell moment*

Amalia Balash Profile Photo
Amalia Balash
#9re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 10:32am

I thought she sounded great but the judges sounded patronizing.

#10re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 11:55am

What is the point of this show? I tried looking it up, but I couldn't actually discover what the purpose is. Is this woman competing for a recording contract or lead role in a musical?

Perfectly Marvelous Profile Photo
Perfectly Marvelous
#11re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 12:56pm

It's kind of like a public talent show, more or less. I'm not actually sure, really.

Anyway, I was impressed. She proved everyone wrong (although I was annoyed with people randomly clapping and standing up during the first few moments).

"I am and always will be the optimist. The hoper of far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams." - Doctor Who

"Yes, the brutalities of progress are called revolutions. When they are over, men recognize that the human race has been harshly treated but it has moved forward." - Les Miserables

Anastasia_Beaverhausen Profile Photo
#12re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/13/09 at 1:07pm

She was fantastic and I cried like a baby. I hope she does really well in the competition. I hope they bring Elaine Paige to meet her!!

pc1145N2 Profile Photo
#13re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 1:39am

I loved her performance of this song. I've now seen this video many many times and I cry just a little each time.

Simply wonderful.

#14re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 2:06am

She was amazing.

She mad me cry. I could see her in Blood Brothers as the mom

#15re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 2:34am

The idiots were judging a book by its cover hence not expecting much. Quite nice for an amateur.

#16re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 5:24am

I've been so busy, that I just finally got to watch the video this morning, even though I've been hearing about it all over the place =I...and I have to say that she is truly gifted!
This is the best support ever had for the phrase: "Can't judge a book by its cover". A great knockout for the shallow people out there who put all their attention on how something looks, rather than its substance. Great for her, and I hope that she gets a substantial record deal, and a happy everafter life...ah, yes, and a "first kiss" re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'

Wanna Be A Foster Profile Photo
Wanna Be A Foster
#17re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 6:51am

I don't understand why people expected less from her. Because she isn't young and pretty? Only young and pretty people can sing well? The pathetic superficiality of television bores me to tears.

"Winning a Tony this year is like winning Best Attendance in third grade: no one will care but the winner and their mom."

"I have also met him in person, and I find him to be quite funny actually. Arrogant and often misinformed, but still funny."
-bjh2114 (on Michael Riedel)

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#18re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 6:56am

"I don't understand why people expected less from her. Because she isn't young and pretty? Only young and pretty people can sing well? The pathetic superficiality of television bores me to tears"

-I agree 100%, plus the way the act around it, it's just pathetic. Also, and I know that most people are going to hate me for saying this, but I don't think she is THAT good. She would do terrific on Broadway though.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

kec Profile Photo
#19re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 7:14am

Theminutepast, the winner of Britian's Got Talent will perform at the annual Royal Variety show in December, performing before the Queen. For some it's also a way to get a recording contract, i.e. Paul Potts two years ago, and Andrew Johnston last year (he didn't win, but got the contract anyway).

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#21re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 8:07am

She sounded like some sort of cross between Sarah Brightman and Betty Buckley. When she wins (like Adam will), it sounds like she'll definately be headed over to either the West End or our side of the pond to do something... we hope...

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#22re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 8:16am

Cameron is in there already with a contract being drawn up in the last few days.
He has said he will spend whatever time it takes to get her stage worthy but he is in awe of her raw talent.
Mdm. Thenardier in the next 18 months I guess or something along those lines.
Updated On: 4/16/09 at 08:16 AM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#23re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 9:15am

I agree to an extent with the Dont Judge Book By Its Cover, but i dont think that was what they were doing. It was that silly thrust she did to them after she revealed her age what made them role their eyes, and normally when people are like that they do turn out to be dreadful lol

I worked a few days on this show last year and have to say how surprised i was at the amount of editing there is.
Most of the audience reactions are taken from different points of the day, most applause/boos/ovations are recorded when nothing is going on except a warm up man shouting "cheer for 10 seconds" and a lot of the close ups of the judges are also recorded whilst nothing is going on on stage.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

JenNYferTheatrical Profile Photo
#24re: Susan Boyle Sings 'I Dreamed A Dream'
Posted: 4/16/09 at 10:12am

Yeah, she oversings it a little, but I still started sobbing. Way to make us question our first impressions, Susan!
