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Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

#1Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:12am

Didn't see a thread about this. Anyone watch? I thought it was one of idol's weakest shows overall, but that Syesha is ready for broadway now. She just nailed it! Arhculeta's take on Think of me was nice, but very safe. Cook pretty much nailed The Music of the Night, though its obvious this isn't his style. The rest of the idols were dreadful. Castro was bored to death, and Brooke was nervous. Carly just didn't seem suited for her song. Overall, Syesha made the whole night worth watching. I hope she stays around another week!

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#2re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:14am

David A.'s performance bothered me like CRAZY! I was thinking, "WHAT IS HE DOOOOOING TO THE SONG!?!?!?" David Cook was 'David Cook', but gave a rather uninspired performance of "Music of the Night" (ie: didn't act it AT ALL), Carly was AMAZING (minus the last yelp ... which SHOULD'VE been a high belt), Brooke was ... well, I felt bad for her. Truly, I did. She did an okay job, but that slip-up really put her mind in the wrong place. Seyesha (?) was terrific, really FOUND the voice and ran with that number! Jason Castro, WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING ON THE SHOW!? LoL Those are my thoughts. I enjoyed it for ALW, but that's it!
Updated On: 4/23/08 at 01:14 AM

nitsua Profile Photo
#2re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:16am

Cook - Great.
Archie - Great.
Carly - Great.
Castro - Dreadful. He was the only one I didn't vote for.
Syesha - Great.
Brooke - Nervous, but good.

"Writing is like prostitution. First, you do it for love, then you do it for a few friends, and finally you do it for money." ~ Moliere

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#4re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 1:50am

Overall it was not very good. Syesha was the standout by a mile. Carly did well, but was really shouty. David A was pretty was hard to hear such a huge spin on that song, but he pulled it off.

Brooke's vocals were very strained. David Cook has no power in his low range, and so there were only about 20 good seconds in the whole song. Plus, he was really uninspiring to watch.

Jason Castro wins the award for worst song choice ever. The song is all about the melody line and the phrases, and he doesn't do that kind of singing. I knew before the show started that this was going to be a hard week for him, but I hoped he would have found a song that could be altered to suit his style.

Eris0303 Profile Photo
#5re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:25am

For those of us who missed it and don't have time to go through the longer thread can you let us know who sang what?

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#6re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:44am

Syesha's song escapes me...
Jason Castro sang "Memory" from CATS
David A. sang "Think of Me" from Phantom...
Brooke's song escapes me...
Carly sang "Superstar" from JCS
David Cook sang "Music of the Night" from Phantom...

antonijan Profile Photo
#7re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 2:59am

Brooke sang "You Must Love Me" and she stopped her performance the first 5 seconds bec she 4got the lyrics and started all over again.

I liked Carly's performance.

...and Syesya definitely gave the best performance of the night.

metropolis10111 Profile Photo
#8re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 6:09am

Syesha did One Rock and Roll Too Many from Starlight Express

#9re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 6:40am

Other then Syesha (yay to Starlight Express!), what an uninspired choose of songs.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#10re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:42am

I loved seeing Lordy Lordy ALW like that re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts? He IS a real person afterall.

Now... the show and performances.

UGH!!! The song choices and arrangements?! BLAH. I was cringing the whole time. Can't imagine how ALW himself felt.

Carly and Syesha made the best song choices. I agree, sesot: ALW saved Carly by telling her she should sing JCSS.

David Cook should have done GETHSEMENE from JCSS. But I still love him re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

David A should have sung ANY DREAM WILL DO... or maybe NOT WHILE I'M AROUND. Still can't believe he thought... Oh, never mind.

After Brooke got going, she emoted and sang the song perfectly, if not sounding eerily JUST like Madonna. So I guess that means she chose well, too, in the end. She should NEVER have stopped and started like she did. It could be her downfall.

I was hoping against hope that the kids would have "turned their face away" from anythng PHANTOM, but... who was I kidding, right?

Jason was horrible. No two ways about it. He didn't even know it was from CATS?! I hope he is gone.

Updated On: 4/23/08 at 09:42 AM

jv92 Profile Photo
#11re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:52am

Aside from the fact that the songs are all quite awful, the performances were also lackluster, except for the girl who sang the Evita number. She was quite good, I thought. Paula Abdul's advice of never stopping durring a song was ridiculous, by the way. I normally don't watch American Idol, but I watched it last night to see how terribly the singers and the songs came out and if Lord Andrew has gotten any scarier looking since the last time he appeared on TV here in the US.

#12re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 9:57am

Question, could Brooke's cockup actually save her? I mean sympathy voting and all? It isn't like Idol isn't littered with examples of this in the past (Scott Savol to name at least one after his absolutely horrific performance of "On Broadway" managed to achieve some absolutely weird sympathy vote and not even be bottom 3 that week).

Plus Brooke is way way more likeable then Scott Savol ever was.

Updated On: 4/23/08 at 09:57 AM

#13re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 10:54am

Well, most of them screwed up their lyrics at some point. I didn't mind that she stopped and started over, at least we were spared the horror of watching her struggle to find the right lyrics.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers." Thomas Pynchon, GRAVITY'S RAINBOW "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Philip K. Dick My blog:

IAMmyownMUSICAL Profile Photo
#14re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:03am

Eponine...comparing Brooke to Madonna is not a good compliment when it comes to Evita. like hearing that amazing score sung by a half talent celebrity who doesn't having the acting chops, nor the vocal range to handle the music.

Now all I see are cute boys with short haircuts in a maze of their own...

#15re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:05am

Poor girl really must of gotten bad stage freight or something since I have always found 'You Must Love Me' to be one of ALWs easier-to-remember set of lyrics (but then again it just maybe me).

Kitzarina Profile Photo
#17re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:09am

David A should have sung ANY DREAM WILL DO... or maybe NOT WHILE I'M AROUND

Other than the fact that Not While I'm Around is by Sondheim...

"You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" --Family Guy

"Shut up! It's been 29 years!!!" --the incomparable Patti LuPone in her MUCH DESERVED Tony acceptance speech for Gypsy.

Kitzy's Avatar du Jour: Kitzy as Little Red Ridinghood in her college's production of "Into the Woods"

Adam Chris Profile Photo
Adam Chris
#18re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:31am

Ok, here is my opinon of Brook's performance.
She should not have stopped. It's unprofessional. If someone is performing live on a grammy show they don't say, "oh hey, can we start over?"

With that said I thought her second time was great.
I actually thought her nervousness enhanced the song somehow.

I was listening to just the audio this morning and found her voice had way more conviction and emotional than Madonna's version.

As for David A, I was just amazed. I have always felt that Think Of Me was the weakest song in the Phantom score. The musical arrangement and the approach to the song was beautiful.

Updated On: 4/23/08 at 11:31 AM

MCfan2 Profile Photo
#19re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 11:57am

"Other than the fact that Not While I'm Around is by Sondheim..."

Yes, but David A. reportedly got the two mixed up (attributing "Sweeney Todd" to ALW, I believe), hence the joke.

purpleprince101 Profile Photo
#20re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:02pm

The girls really shined last night. Syesha was cleary the best and nailed that song. I thought Brook was great despite her forgetting the lyrics. The worst was cleary Jason Castro.

Overall: Best to worst
1) Syesha
2) Brook
3) Carly
4) David Cook
5) David A
6) Jason

StarUsher Profile Photo
#21re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:08pm

Overall, I thought the performances were not very good. However, I did think Syesha was great and I really liked David Cook. David A was tolerable once I could get past the song in that arrangement being sung by a guy but then it sounded like he flubbed lyrics again and that tends to ruin it for me.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#22re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:10pm

Good point, IAMmyownMUSICAL re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?

Thank you, MCfan2 re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?


sesot Profile Photo
#23re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:11pm

There are actually 2 threads about this already- one on the off topic board that is for AI in general and one on the Broadway board that is only about this topic. There are several comments on both of these threads.

crc03772 Profile Photo
#24re: Andrew Loyd Webber Night on Idol thoughts?
Posted: 4/23/08 at 12:19pm

The best in order:

1. Syesha
2. Carly
3. David C.
4. David A.
5. Jason
1000000. Brooke (she's just awful no matter how you look at it)

What I really liked about the show, was how ALW gave his down right honest opinion. Like during Brooke's rehearsal how he said "she doesn't really understand that song" or during Carly's how he said he couldn't believe she picked the song she originally did. I'm glad that finally a guest artist isn't afraid to be honest about what he really feels about the contestants. He also look horrified last night after Ryan asked him how he thougt the contestents did. I thought it was pretty hilarious...oh well, here's hoping that America was smart enough to NOT vote for Brook last night...
