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Member Name: Jenny1284
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re: Grey Gardens seating question
 Dec 20 2006, 06:02:21 PM
I sat in the second to last row in the orchestra, and like others have said, the overhang wasn't a problem at all. I thought it was a great seat and it really did feel much closer to the stage than you would expect.
re: What would make Spring Awakening survive?
 Nov 29 2006, 02:11:44 AM
"I also think they don't have to reopen the 2nd act with them having sex."

When I saw it, one woman said, "Oh no, not again" and started laughing at that part. I didn't get the impression that she was offended, but she was a bit uncomfortable. I think she was with her teenage daughter.

I liked the show overall, but maybe not as much as I wanted to. Moritz was the most interesting character for me, and I wasn't as interested in the relationship between Melchior and Wendla. (

re: Grey Gardens Film (2007)
 Oct 28 2006, 04:20:22 PM
There's an interview on with Michael Sucsy, and he said they were going to start filming at the end of October. Here's the link: There's also an interview with Christine Ebersole.
re: Shakespeare in the Park?
 Jul 5 2006, 10:34:07 AM
The ticket has your seat number on it, so you don't choose where you sit. Most of the seats seem pretty good, though.
re: Seating/Ticket-getting question for Macbeth
 Jul 5 2006, 10:29:39 AM
Someone said this past Saturday, the last person to get tickets got on line at 10:30am. (It was in this thread: Maybe someone else would be better at describing the seating. Your ticket has your seat number on it, and the seats kind of make a semi-circle around the stage, if that makes any sense.
re: Originals vs. Revivals
 Jul 4 2006, 12:28:25 AM
I don't really enjoy it more than the original, but I love the London revival of Sunday in the Park with George. Lately, I've been playing it as often as the OBC.
re: Pet Names?
 Jul 4 2006, 12:15:41 AM
My dogs were already named when we adopted them, but one is named Nellie. It's appropriate that she shares Mrs. Lovett's first name, because she really would eat anyone anything.
re: If Fantasticks Has Snapple Center...Where's Perfect Crime?
 Jun 29 2006, 12:18:11 AM
The Playbill article said previews start July 29 and it opens August 16. I never got to see it before, so I'm looking forward to this!
re: Sweeney website changed...AGAIN
 Jun 28 2006, 03:15:42 PM
There's a list of links on the left side of the screen, and Downloads is second from the bottom. You can download wallpapers and buddy icons.
re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 28 2006, 01:22:09 AM
At Broadway Under the Stars, while Manoel Felciano was singing, the women next to me
had a conversation:

Woman 1: He's Patti LuPone's son.
Woman 2: Really?
Woman 1: Well, in the play that they're in he plays her son.

Later, about Sutton Foster:

Woman 1: What did they say she's in?
Woman 2: The Sleepy Chaperone?
Woman 1: Oh, yeah, I think you're right.

re: Broadway Under the Stars
 Jun 26 2006, 05:33:38 PM
It's supposed to be on CBS, July 15 at 7pm.
re: Overheard New York
 Jun 26 2006, 01:26:21 PM
kec, yes, it's a web site:

re: Overheard New York
 Jun 26 2006, 12:49:42 PM
I love that site. There are a couple Broadway-related ones from a while ago that I saved:

Spinster #1: Really reminds you of your first love, doesn't it?
Spinster #2: Yeah, that and segregation.
--Hairspray matinee

Tourist lady #1: Sweeney Todd...I heard that's a spoof on a cooking show.
Tourist lady #2: Oh, is it about Julia Child?
Tourist lady #1: I think so.
--49th between Broadway & 8th

re: Shakespeare Ticket Lines
 Jun 25 2006, 09:47:35 PM
I went on Thursday. We got on line around 9am, and we were toward the front. There were a decent number of people ahead of us, but we knew that we wouldn't have a problem getting tickets. The line wasn't crazy at all, especially compared to the weekend I went last year (got there at 9:30 and didn't come close to getting tickets). On Thursday the people next to us thought we could have come at 10am and still have gotten a ticket.
re: Doubt, Final Weeks. *Spoilers*
 Jun 24 2006, 04:53:23 PM
As much as I enjoyed Doubt, I preferred The Pillowman. I keep forgetting that it lost.

I almost wish I could see Doubt again, though, since I seem to be one of a few who thought the character might be innocent. I'm starting to feel kind of crazy.

re: Doubt, Final Weeks. *Spoilers*
 Jun 24 2006, 04:00:57 PM
I saw it for the first time a few weeks ago, and I loved it. I assumed that I would leave thinking he was guilty, but I changed my mind fairly early in the play. I got the impression that he (and Sister James for that matter) just had a different idea of how they should offer guidance to the students. Sister Aloysius struck me as a bit paranoid and unwilling to consider their differing philosophies about education. Although, if I remember correctly, I think she told Sister James and the boy'
re: Sweeney Todd Matinees
 Jun 19 2006, 11:12:58 PM
I think I'm going to be in the minority, but I've sat in AA115 and C3, and I preferred C3. It is interesting to sit close to the stage for this show, especially if you like the creepy stares and eye contact, but I agree with those who've said that the first row is a strain on your neck and makes it difficult to see the entire stage. Since you'd be right in the center, that might help, but I think your neck would thank you for going back a couple rows. I definitely didn't feel as though I was
re: Hilarious Comments Overheard By Tourists and Audience Members
 Jun 16 2006, 07:52:23 PM
I asked my friend how girls on a school trip from her old (Catholic) high school decided to see Sweeney Todd, and she said:
"[Girl's name] told everyone that it was about a fat, happy man. And then the show started and we were like, 'No, this is definitely a bald, scary man.'"

And there's also the time someone wrote a review of Sweeney Todd for our school paper, saying that she really enjoyed the show and "Michael Cervantes," whoever that is.

re: The Audience at Sweeney Tonight
 Jun 14 2006, 06:23:51 PM
No, I didn't stage door. I'm very shy, so I'd probably just stand there and be awkward, especially when I'm by myself. I was so tempted to do it, but I had such I great time at the show, I didn't want to do anything to ruin the experience.
re: The Audience at Sweeney Tonight
 Jun 14 2006, 06:16:24 PM
If you're asking me, yes, I was. It was great to be there that night.
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