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Member Name: irene2
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re: Jersey Boys set for Los Angeles
 Aug 30 2006, 07:10:56 PM
"Saw it in La Jolla prior to B'way and loved it...can't wait to see what changes they made. Anyone know?"

I saw it in La Jolla and then on B'way back in 10/05. From what I recall, the changes were very few and I certainly can't remember them now. I doubt you would notice any changes if it has been that long since you've seen it (if you do notice changes, you certainly have a better memory than I...).

re: Official Christian Hoff Love Thread
 Jul 17 2006, 11:48:17 PM
I agree, Christian is wonderful as Tommy D. He is one of the reasons the show is so great!
re: Backstage at Jersey Boys with Christian Hoff
 Jul 5 2006, 11:34:29 PM
Christian has always been my favorite of the JB's because of his performance on stage. What a great personality off stage as well...
re: To all San Diego Theater goers
 Jun 28 2006, 11:42:32 PM
Just a reminder that the wonderful play "Hannah and Martin" has its last performances: Thur, Fri, Sat and Sun, at the Lyceum Theater in the Gaslamp Quarter in downtown San Diego.

Tickets are only $25.

(Boy has it been hot here lately! The theater is nicely air conditioned )

re: To all San Diego Theater goers
 Jun 25 2006, 10:54:13 AM
Yes, several of us went last Thursday and loved it. It is not typically a subject matter that interests me, and I would not have gone but I like to support my sister's directing. The performance blew me away and everyone else that went. Too bad you wont be here (in San Diego) to see it. Please let your theatre friends know about this play > I think they would enjoy it.

re: To all San Diego Theater goers
 Jun 25 2006, 02:24:22 AM
And an excerpt from George Weinberg-Harter’s review:

This very engaging play, "Hannah and Martin" by Kate Fodor, in a polished production by Laterthanever, deftly directed by Francine Chemnick, begins at that point, with Hannah Arendt – who had successfully decamped to America – supposedly covering the postwar trial of Hitler Jugend leader Baldur von Schirach for "The New Yorker" (a proleptic substitution and one of several expected indulgences in dramatic licence).

For the fu

To all San Diego Theater goers
 Jun 25 2006, 02:20:53 AM
Hannah and Martin, now playing (only thru July 2) at the Lyceum Theatre in San Diego is a wonderful play. My sister (Francine) directed it; the cast is amazing and the show a must see if you live in the area.

Excerpts from NPR's Pat Launer's review:

THE PLAYER/THE PRODUCTION: The production is excellent. Francine Chemnick has cast beautifully and directed with extreme sensitivity and a precise vision. Christina Barsi, a recent g

whiners get shiners in the theater!
 Apr 10 2006, 01:02:33 PM
I read the entire thread. Like a horrific car accident, you cant look away. Question for NAMO (excerpt from your last post):

....."It's interesting that you keep writing that you "have no problem" with this behavior or that behavior... and then you insist you don't have control issues".....

Why, oh why, do you insist on attacking? I think you have mentioned "control issues" at least three times. So, what is your point?

re: help me decide what shows to see
 Apr 4 2006, 10:18:29 AM
Re the museums: If you only have time for two, go see the Moma and Met unless the Guggenheim has a specific collection of great interest to you.

Oh, and Jersey Boys is really fun.

re: the times they are a-changin'
 Feb 20 2006, 10:27:15 PM
I just had another friend see this and he also came away not impressed. His big complaint was they were singing Dylan songs as Broadway numbers. When I said, “well that comes with the territory,” he didn’t seem placated. He said it is “bizarre” and “mostly just dancing and tumbling” and didn’t recommend it at all. And this from a person with strong theatrical ties who usually enjoys the avant-garde. However, he is also a huge Dylan fan and I wonder if Dylan purists are the ones most bothered by
re: The Times They Are A-Changin'
 Jan 31 2006, 08:30:45 PM
Okay, I wasn't going to post this because it is such a negative review, but my friend saw this show last week and this is what he thought:

... "The vocals were saccharine and smarmy. The women were shrill coffeehouse sopranos. The "young man Dylan" was a Bobby Sherman look alike that belabored every phrase like Robert Goulet singing Dylan. The "old man Dylan" looked like a street person on muscatel. Couldn't hit any high notes. Lay Lady Lay, was spent rolling around on a trampoline, w

re: Jersey Boys- Love Thread
 Jan 26 2006, 07:50:41 PM
Add me to the list. Saw it in San Diego and liked it so much we saw it again on Broadway. The show has amazing energy and of course the great music. Christian Hoff was my favorite, but all the boys are wonderful!
re: TOMMY the musical
 Jan 12 2006, 01:13:44 AM
I saw Tommy at the La Jolla Playhouse before Des McAnuff took it to Broadway. It was a long time ago, but I really enjoyed it. The music was quite loud, just like a Who concert, and the staging quite clever. As I recall, the show had lots of energy. It was the first "big" theatrical production that I remember origintaing here in San Diego.
re: Is San Francisco over as a place to try out new musicals?
 Jan 12 2006, 01:01:53 AM
QMAN03, did you forget Jersey Boys also originated here in San Diego? I agree with the poster who said Zhivago needs LOTS of work. Interesting production, but I can't see it going to Broadway any time soon.
 Jan 11 2006, 03:47:22 PM
Re Charitable Deductions (as copied from this site:

"... If you go to a charity affair or buy something to benefit a charity (e.g., a magazine subscription or show tickets), you cannot deduct the full amount you pay. Only the part above the fair market value of the item you purchase is fully deductible. For example, if you pay $500 for a charity luncheon worth $200, only $300 can be deducted. An exception allows you to deduct the full amount if what you get in return is insubstantial in value (e.g., 2% of the value of your contribution) and the charity tells you the deductible amount...."

In summary, you might want to check before deducting full tkt amount.

 Jan 6 2006, 11:46:11 PM
Hey, rebels, thanks for posting that link. I missed the interview this morning, but just watched it thanks to you. I think they did a great job! They sang one song acapella (don’t think it is in the show); that turned out to be my favorite.
 Jan 6 2006, 10:03:28 PM
It's really a great show... Don't let a few negative remarks and a 10-miunte segment on a TV news program put you off. Granted, there is always a chance you might not like it. But if the majority of posters are saying the show is great, why not go with that rather than the negative?

re: Lou Rawls has passed
 Jan 6 2006, 07:16:23 PM
Speaking of jazz, a really great "real jazz" station, one that has been playing many of Lou Rawls's more obscure songs through out the day, may I suggest JAZZ 88 KSDS (from San Diego):

re: Who has the Jersey Boys CR?
 Dec 31 2005, 05:20:25 PM
You can buy the CD new, on for $14.00

I love the music and dont mind the dialogue, in fact, I kind of like it.

re: John Spencer (West Wing, Bway etc) Has Passed Away :(
 Dec 16 2005, 08:25:45 PM
John Spencer was wonderful in West Wing. Also in LA Law.
He will be missed. Very sad news...

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