
'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News

'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News

CapnHook Profile Photo
#0'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 6:46pm


"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#1re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:08pm

Umm...on the back cover...the second picture from the top...did they just make that "Light My Candle" picture...in the daytime? Or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

YayJudyYayJudy Profile Photo
#2re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:12pm

haha, it's just the snow

.... i think

proudly changing my name frequently since 2004

chances are AndyF is posting above or below me...

"THIS is how you dress for the Tony's, get it!? Ok, see you at the after-party..." [YAHM]

#3re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:23pm

I like the back cover...they selected good pictures to use. I have a tiny nitpick (lets face it, all complaints about the cover are nitpicks)- Mimi and Roger's pic is the largest. I don't like how they emphasize that couple so much in the movie and in ads. I think that it's about *all* of them, and therefore a different pic, such as the scene from La Vie Boheme should be used.

Okay, unnecessary rant=OVER. Thanks for the info, CapnHook!

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

Mandi Moo Profile Photo
Mandi Moo
#4re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:26pm

I really wish they'd confirm who the 'selected cast' on the commentary is. I mean, I'm about 99% sure that it's Anthony and Adam...but I'd still like to know for sure.

guitargeek0624 Profile Photo
#5re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:26pm

They emphasize the Roger/Mimi relationship the most because a) let's face it, Adam's gorgeous, Rosario is more well known b) they're the only straight relationship, and pushing the Collins/Angel and/or Maureen/Joanne relationship might drive some people away. It's all marketing, really.

Meh, the inside of the case is what matters anyway. The extras should be fantastic!

"A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." - Thomas Jefferson

#6re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:29pm

Looks great. I'm SO glad its coming out so soon!

badreligion Profile Photo
#7re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:37pm

Thank God it's a double disc. Disappointed its not a directors cut but will accept deleted scenes instead.

#8re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & Other DVD News
Posted: 1/12/06 at 7:50pm

Yeah, I get the marketing. I'd just prefer that they didn't emphasize *any* romantic relationships, because that would take away from the group dynamic as a whole. But yeah, the interior's what matters, which is why I labeled my rant a "nitpick" and why I'm swearing now that this is the last time I'm bringing it up.

Mandi Moo, I'm pretty sure it was confirmed somewhere that Adam and Anthony recorded their voices for the recording, but the source could be misinformed *crosses fingers*

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

#9re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 9:49pm

It is Anthony and Adam. I heard it from Anthony himself re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O

Granted, they could have recorded other commentary after he said that, but, Adam, Anthony and Chris Columbus all all together.

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#10re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 10:04pm

Anyone know if Halloween and Goodbye Love were added at all for the DVD?

#11re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 10:25pm

Yay, thanks for the info, timote! re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O DefyingEDCT, I know they're in the deleted scenes, I just don't think they were added to the dvd, as in put into the actual movie.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#12re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 10:27pm

Damnit, I watned the option of being able to put them into the movie so I could watch it as a whole.

#13re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 10:29pm

Yeah, me too re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O I'm not sure though- they might fit it in as a whole. And if not, there's always the "Director's cut".

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

corsairstw Profile Photo
#14re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/12/06 at 11:57pm

Haha, I kinda feel sorry for Benny and Mark on that cover. They're like the 4th wheel of a tricycle.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#15re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:06am

Unfortunately, you are correct corsairstw. I agree with guitargeek about the marketing thing. Unfortunately, that's how society is. re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#16re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:07am

Unfortunately, you are correct corsairstw. I agree with guitargeek about the marketing thing. Unfortunately, that's how society is. re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#17re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:07am

Unfortunately, you are correct corsairstw. I agree with guitargeek about the marketing thing. That's how society is, to my long-lasting frustration. re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

#18re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 12:42am

"Yeah, me too I'm not sure though- they might fit it in as a whole. And if not, there's always the "Director's cut"."

No. The scenes will be separate. And, there is no real hope for a director's cut version, either, as Chris Columbus did the editing. So, basically, this is his cut.

LariTheLoud Profile Photo
#19re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 1:19am

I'm excited about the Anthony and Adam commentary...

"Oh, good. After all, I can rub my stomach and pat my head at the same time, and I can do it with my eyes closed while whistling 'The Entertainer.' That's rhythm for you." ~ Snaps, proving that White Boys CAN have rhythm

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#20re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/13/06 at 2:26am

nice avatar RENTingfame!

No Child: http://www.epictheatrectr.org/
I Love You Because OCR: http://www.psclassics.com/cd_iloveyou.html

rentrocks27 Profile Photo
#21re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/28/06 at 7:26pm

I love the back side of the coverm but the front looks so cheesy. The colors look too bright for the content. Just my opinion.

lukeboy25 Profile Photo
#22re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/29/06 at 11:27am

Totally agree rentrocks, I don't think primary colors were the way to go, unless done like the movie poster, ect. Also anyone notice it's not even Adam and Rosario on the binding, its Rosario and Taye......

I always try to save a couple of the marshmallows till the very end but I never make it. I always end up with a bunch of flake things and pink milk...my mind wanders. - Garden State

#23re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/29/06 at 2:12pm

Did I read somewhere that they shot "Contact"? Anyone know all of the deleted scenes?

"I've always secretly longed for an actress to get to the top of the cherry picker and projectile vomit all over the guards below."- Wonderwaiter in the "Defy Gravity?" thread. ~~~~~~~~My dream? Sutton Foster as Cassie in A Chorus Line

ShuQ Profile Photo
#24re: 'Rent' DVD Back Cover Art, Also Packaged With 'Godspell' or 'Tommy' & O
Posted: 1/29/06 at 2:15pm

I know that the rest of "Goodbye Love" and "Halloween" are featured as deleted scenes. I never heard that 'Contact' was ever included, but I could be wrong.
