Jai Rodriguez

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#0Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 1:47pm

I think we should all take a minute to worship his greatness, for he is absolutely AMAZING.

jv92 Profile Photo
#1re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 1:59pm

Eh, he's alright. I liked Roger Bart better in The Produces. I haven't seen him in anything else though.

RabbitRun Profile Photo
#2re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 2:10pm

This is what I posted after seeing Jai back in November ...

I saw the show last night; and Beach's performance is pure magic, but he is given very little, and I mean "very little" to work with in his scenes with Rodriguez. Jai seems to be walking through the part in a lifeless almost cardboard cutout like manner. His singing also leaves a lot to be desired.

Jai should just stick to lip syncing "King Tut".

#3re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 2:34pm

It's always the best to be able to act with people who are more experienced than yourself. That's the way you learn and grow in the craft. It's too bad that Jai is unable to take advantage of the gift he's been given in working with Gary Beach.

#4re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:36pm

When I saw Jai, Gary was out, Jai and Jim Borstelmann(My second favorite Roger) worked very well together.I liked Jai more than I like Brooks as Carmen, but no one compares to Brad Musgrove or Roger Bart.
"To be or not to be, You mean alot to me. Showstopper, fabulous."
-The Producers

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#5re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 6:05pm

I saw Jai as Angel back in 2002, and the man was absolutely PHENOMENAL. He was one of the standouts in my opinion. I absolutely adored him in the role.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#6re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:01pm

RabbitRun, you saw him back in November right after he started the show. I saw him Friday and thought he was great. I guess it never occurred to you to let him grow into the role before completely writing him off and posting your criticisms for the world to take as gospel truth.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

badreligion Profile Photo
#7re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:16pm

eh, his Angel in Rent left alot to be desired.

kas Profile Photo
#8re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 7:52pm

i've always loved jai since the Zanna days, but he is a better singer than he is an actor. sometimes he is just too much the same all across the board, if that makes any sense. but he's just so damn cute that it's easy to forgive. i also saw him as angel, and he was very sweet. but no one compared to wilson.

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#9re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 8:02pm

He's the most adorable adult I've ever seen on a Broadway stage (besides maybe Jennifer Cody).

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#10re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 8:04pm

Jai is definately my favorite Angel that I've seen live. I saw him in August of 2004. I love Wilson too of course, they're both my favorties. Jai is absolutely amazing. And he's so sweet!

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Angelbabe Profile Photo
#11re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 8:15pm

I love Jai next to Wilson he's the best Angel ever. He's also my favorite in the fab 5 on queer eye....Carson is in a close 2nd

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#12re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 8:56pm

Rock on Angelbabe. So true.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

BroadwayRandy0711 Profile Photo
#13re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 9:26pm

I saw Jai in December 2005 and I thought that he was hiliarious. I think that he made the role of Carmen his own. On the other hand John Tracey Egan reminded me too much of Nathan Lane.

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#14re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 9:33pm

He is an extremely attractive young gentleman.

that is all.

(seriously, I've never seen or heard him on anything but the Actor's Fund Hair Recording and he sings for like, 30 seconds.)

But wow.

Him as Sabu? gahhh.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#15re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 9:51pm

On the other hand John Tracey Egan reminded me too much of Nathan Lane.

I thought the same thing. You know how understudies are told to play a role exactly like the lead? It was that kind of a performance. But he's not an understudy, he's a replacement 5 years after the fact. If this is how they're trying to have the show survive without Nathan and Matthew, that's really sad.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how
Updated On: 1/2/06 at 09:51 PM

BroadwayRandy0711 Profile Photo
#16re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 10:26pm

I totally agree some understudies bring just a slight change but I did not see that with JT Egan.

Celestial Entropy Profile Photo
Celestial Entropy
#17re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/1/06 at 10:45pm

but no one compares to Brad Musgrove or Roger Bart.

I 2nd that!

I've come this far with the truth of the heart. Deep down inside I think we're all the same. Try not to judge and never shame... I do believe people are good... they just want hope and respect... to be understood ~Melissa Etheridge

ThrourouglyModernMLE Profile Photo
#18re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 3:49pm

He's my favorite on QE, too! He's so much fun!

#19re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 5:18pm

Brad Musgrove is the best Carmen to date. And that's including Roger Bart.

Question: Will Esparza win for The Homecoming? BobbyBubby: I hope so. If only for the mental health of many people on this board.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#20re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 6:18pm

Wasn't Jai sposed to play Carmen in the movie? I thought I read a story on here at one point saying so. Although this was at the same time as they were announcing him going into the stage production, so maybe I just got confused. But why would they announce him being in the movie if he was only going to have that tiny part?

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#21re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 6:23pm

Because he has a good publicist.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#22re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 7:30pm

haha. touche, orangeskittles. lol.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

idinarocksmysocks!510 Profile Photo
#23re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 8:27pm

i saw him in the producers recently and he was so nice and personable! not to mention gorgeous and talented! i love him!

you say i'm weird! look at everyone you're sitting with! and hey, those guys over there just threw napkins up in the air like they were on something! it's contajous! you can't help it!

moulin724rouge Profile Photo
#24re: Jai Rodriguez
Posted: 1/2/06 at 10:25pm

definitly agree! When I saw Jai in RENT i thought he was the cutest angel i had ever seen! he was the best of 4 angels that i have seen and the cutest too :)
