
Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

#0Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 6:25pm

I thought this was interesting...and sadly, I agree with him...

From Broadway.com:

In 2005: Took his act to the big screen, recreating the role of Roger in the film version of Rent.

Resolution: "My resolution is to stay away from all Broadway chat rooms and message boards!!! They're deadly, and the kids are vicious."


Kinda sad...but true. Be careful what you say!

#1re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 6:31pm

I think this has been discussed before.

What the puck?!

#2re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 7:17pm

Thats sad.....I hope no one has the same one as him otherwise i might cry

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#3re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 7:34pm

Oh, that Adam... always stirring up talk with his comments. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

His resolution SHOUlD be to get his butt DOING something. We miss you, Adam!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 12/31/05 at 07:34 PM

MrMidwest Profile Photo
#4re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 7:37pm

From what I've seen, it's not always the kids who are vicious. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

"The gods who nurse this universe think little of mortals' cares. They sit in crowds on exclusive clouds and laugh at our love affairs. I might have had a real romance if they'd given me a chance. I loved him, but he didn't love me. I wanted him, but he didn't want me. Then the gods had a spree and indulged in another whim. Now he loves me, but I don't love him." - Cole Porter

dreaminaret Profile Photo
#5re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 8:31pm

Or we can all not write mean things about him and just form a lot of 'Adam Pascal Love' threads. Oh wait, that's been done already.

Happy New Years, all.

i grew up 13 miles north of bohemia and 31 miles northeast of hicksville.

Angelbabe Profile Photo
#6re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 8:42pm


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#7re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 8:46pm

You know what? The sad part is that I'm fairly critical of him. I don't criticize in a mean-spirited way, I mean, I love the man to bits, but even the biggest fans are guilty.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#8re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 9:19pm

It's a good resolution, really. Even with some of the constuctive things people say on here, there's plenty of vicious talk that would do a performer no good.

#9re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 12/31/05 at 9:21pm

Em, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. It just means that you're not a blind fan. Realizing that he might not be awesome at everything he's ever done is healthy, IMO.

#10re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 12:56am

There are some pretty nasty people on the boards though that have no clue what they are talking about and it really is a waste of their time to read their opinions... and hurtful. I can completely see what Adam is saying. And I also have noticed it isn't just the kids, the "adults" are just as evil.

badreligion Profile Photo
#11re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 4:43am

If you puruse through these boards there are ALOT of obnoxious kids on this board that spend their time flaming each other and ganging up on others. Adam is right, this board is predominately vicious, but then again most internet chat boards are. If I were him I wouldn't take a second glance and Anthony's pissed off at this board as well right now for good reason. Adam has never been the type to like overgushing and nervous fans either. He is much better with someone who simply walks up to him and says, "What's up" So the love threads may scare him also.
oh and by the way i changed emails and changed screennames so don't start with "well you just joined how do you know" stuff Updated On: 1/1/06 at 04:43 AM

#12re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 11:58am

you mean Anthony Rapp is mad at this board to not fair I just joined hoping to have a convo with him so not fair

#13re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 12:42pm

It is fair... I don't think he is really mad at the bored per se, but he probably realized it really was hurting him more than helping him.... we aren't always the most objective voices, and often things get a little ridiculous and scathing.

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

#14re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 12:46pm

ya I guess your right but I hope he comes back sometime, that would be nice i just hope.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 12:51pm

This crap can't be EASY to take. I don't blame him from needing to get away. I do hope he comes back, after things have died down.

As for Adam, I'll vouch for him not being too comfortable with nervous fans. He tries so hard TO make you comfortable, but there's only so much he can do if you don't talk to him. He and I have gotten on much better now that I'm ready to just walk up to him and be like "hey, how are you?" I'm glad for it.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

catharsis Profile Photo
#16re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 12:52pm

I didn't even realize Anthony might upset with the board, but I guess it could explain his absence. I suppose can see why, though, I mean I'd be rather frightened of some (if not most) of the people on this board! (I say that in the most loving way possible). I've noticed that people can get a little overcritical and not offer constructive criticism, just downright bashing.
I just hope they realize that not everyone online is an insane, over-obsessed fangirl or extremely ill-tempered critic.

#17re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 1:50pm

I don't think that these 2 individuals are the only ones. I think other actors may read these posts and choose not to post for various reasons.

I don't think all of it has to do with the harsh critisizing. I'm sure a lot of it does, if not most of it; however, I think they may feel 'over-loved' (for lack of a better word.)

I think people obsess over them way to much. They are normal human beings. They have talents, just like you do- perhaps in different areas. They have feelings, just like you do. If someone was to harshly critisize you, how would you feel? If someone were to obsess over you and say for example: "I want to have his babies," how would you feel? Personally, I would be turned away.
Some of it may be a joke but never-the-less...I would feel scared as I think many of you would be. Although many of the comments can be flattering, sometimes they go too far.

Hopefully we can keep in mind how we would feel in their shoes. re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

#18re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 2:45pm

I agree completely, SweetQ. I've had my obsessive fangirl moments, but some people just go way to far with it.

Grief does not expire like a candle or the beacon on a lighthouse. It simply changes temperature. -Nocturne

badreligion Profile Photo
#19re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 2:56pm

Well put Emcee, I talked to Adam alot during Rent (yes I was obsessed with the show, sorry) and we would walk away from the theatre to talk because he was VERY uncomfortable with screaming fans, nervous fans and I never saw him as anything but the guy who takes the stress away from me from a horrible job I had at the time, and the first time I walked up to him and said smiling, "dude you f***ed up" and laughed cos he said "It was mad - I got bad" (reversed mad and bad) during X-Mas Bells and he laughed so hard and we talked for 20 minutes. That was the first time I met him. He's a good guy and no one should take his comments on his resolutions to heart, he has the right to say it also.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#20re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:04pm

hah. I guess that's not too obvious of a mess-up, since they sound SO similar, but that's funny.

The first time I met him, someone just dragged me along. I had no idea who he was or what Rent was or why people were screaming. I remember being petrified, because I'm really shy, but he was nice to me. I was only 13, and very quiet, so I doubt I freaked him out too much. Since then, knowledge of who he has made me a lot more nervous around him, and he can tell how afraid I get, I think. I've had my stupid fangirl moments, but especially with him, I've been putting in a conscious effort to be respectful, and to act like a person. I don't think he's ever been put off by how nervous I am, because it's not like shyness is scary, but you can tell he'll try to strike up a conversation, and it's very difficult to do. Truthfully, the fact that I am *scared* of him is almost funny. I made a conscious decision one day a few months ago that I was just going to get over it, and have a normal conversation with him. No autograph icebreakers, just normal. Real. He's a person, I'm a person, and there's no reason for me to be so scared. He's taken really well to me in the past couple of months, and has more than shown his appreciation for my support. There's been a very palpable sense of mutual relaxation when I'm around him now. It's really special for me. He's a really great guy.

I still laugh at the people who scream and squeal and hyperventilate when they see him.

And I've always said that his honesty is kind of rare, but I think people should listen to him. He's not stupid, and nor is he afraid to say what he thinks. I think that's really cool.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 03:04 PM

#21re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:05pm

Adam's a smart guy... He knows better than to let himself get sucked into people's overtalkative opinions. It's obviously not any one person's fault, it's just something that happens in message board forums about stuff that people are passionately in love with or passionately in hate with. *shrugs*

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#22re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:07pm

Yes, he is, but on some level, people bashing you can't NOT hurt. If you read it, you're going to be affected by it, as much as you can try to brush it off.

Part of me wishes he WAS still active on the net -- or that he COULD be. Part.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 1/1/06 at 03:07 PM

#23re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:17pm

I think it would be hard for any actor, as well as those close to them to go on this board (or any other internet message board) and read negative things about them, or judging every little note or mannerism that they do.

badreligion Profile Photo
#24re: Adam Pascal's New Year's Resolution
Posted: 1/1/06 at 3:28pm

I am absolutely positive the Adam acting bashing definitely hurt him as did some of the neg. reviews of him in the film. He's been trying to break into film since '97 and hasn't had much sucess. And I doubt after the failure of Rent critically and box office is not going to help him. And people here definitely let him know. Emcee- I'm glad youve gotten over your fear of Adam and have been able to have a comfortable repoire with him. Its important, i think im somewhat older than you, i met him at Rent when I was 22 and to me as is any person in any spotlight just a person. When I first went to see APB (Adam Pascal Band) at Irving Plaza he walked off stage and cos he recognized me and I saw a different talent of Adam's on stage, I hugged him and said "I'm proud of you", which I was cos he was nervous about the show, and we went and had a drink together. God that was so long ago. I'm old. LOL
