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re: Krakowski, Jackson, Testa set for Xanadu...
 Jan 8 2007, 10:31:07 PM
Does anyone know how Krakowski will work this along with 30 Rock? I assume it will be renewed for another season...the summer hiatus isn't all that long.
re: Beyonce Disqualified for Oscar Songwriting Category?
 Jan 3 2007, 01:45:21 AM
"It seems to me that songs with more than 3 writers should be evaluated on a case by case basis. I understand not wanting repeats of the situation with the SHREK song (7 writers) but if a reasonable explanation can be shown that 4 writers contributed significantly to a song (and LISTEN is a long song) then they should be eligible..."

But it is very important to note that the Shrek song was written by a BAND. It had 7 credits for music because there are 7 members of the band Counting Cro

re: Derrick Williams as Fiyero
 Dec 14 2006, 03:01:20 PM
Eh, saw him on B'way and wasn't too impressed. He wasn't bad but he didn't stand out as great; he didn't seem to create very much chemistry with Eden. I'm a little disappointed that he's coming to Chicago, especially in the wake of Kristoffer Cusick, who is my favorite Fiyero to date. (Though being a huge Norbert fan and having my first celeb crush on Joey Mac, I'm just sorry I never got to see either of them in the role!)
re: Ana Gasteyer on Entertainment Tonight
 Dec 14 2006, 12:17:33 AM
Thanks! I can't get the clip to play, though! I'll keep on trying...

Ana is a stellar Elphaba. She brings a depth of character to the part that I haven't seen with other actresses in the role. Her Elphaba is very bitter, angry, and sarcastic. Plus, she has unparalleled comedic timing in the part-- she knows how to bring the funny without making Elphaba a "comic" character. With vocal chops to boot, she was the most well-rounded performer I have had the pleasure to see in the part.

re: ana in wicked
 Oct 31 2006, 08:40:42 PM
Ana was my first Elphaba and made me fall in love with Wicked. I didn't realize this was why until I saw 3 other Elphies. Not one of those performances can hold a candle to the all around moving performance Ana gives. Like everyone has said, she just brings all these layers to Elphaba that make her a truly enthralling character and not just a showboat performance. See her and enjoy her while you can.
re: TUNE IN ALERT! Ana Gasteyer on ACCESS HOLLYWOOD--Elphaba footage!
 Oct 25 2006, 10:43:39 PM
Thanks for the heads up! Not sure if this is what was shown on TV or not, but on the Access Hollywood site, you can search "Ana Gasteyer" and if you click on the "cached" link in the result, you can watch a streaming video of the whole interview. It looks like the clips they showed were from the Chicago run. (Kristoffer Cusick is Fiyero.)

I always love to hear Ana talk about the show. She has such great insight and definitely seems to see more to the character of Elphaba than is at th

White Christmas Stage Version
 Oct 21 2006, 10:25:52 PM
I cannot wait to see this! White Christmas is my favorite holiday movie. I'm pleased to read that the show does the movie justice (plus, you can't beat a live show!). I'll be seeing it in Detroit over the Thanksgiving holiday. Can't wait to read more casting info.
re: Bloopers in Broadway shows?
 Oct 21 2006, 12:08:29 AM
I think the most major "blooper" I've ever seen was during DRS, Greg Jbara sliced his finger open on the hotel door just before "Like Zis/Like Zat". He stopped mid-scene, turned to the audience and said "sorry to stop the show, but my finger is bleeding profusely. I need a band aid before I bleed all over everyone." or something like that and exited the stage. Rachel deBenedet (I think) was playing Muriel and just started talking to the audience and bowing and trying to kill time. Greg comes ba
re: Altar Boyz-Chicago
 Oct 17 2006, 06:00:40 PM
Saw it last week in Chicago! I have no complaints. It was my first time seeing the show and had a total blast. The cast was fantastic, excellent performers all. Go and enjoy! :)
re: Chicago ALTAR BOYZ
 Oct 13 2006, 05:47:35 PM
I saw it on Wednesday! I thought it was amazing-- everyone did a fabulous job. I was very impressed! I kept trying to pick my fave "boy" but each one did such a good job, it was impossible. Very enjoyable performance!! Tell your friend congrats!! :)
re: Review of Ana Gasteyer Tonight?
 Oct 11 2006, 03:27:30 PM
Re: Ana's age on-stage... Certainly she comes across as no spring chicken, but, IMO, I never really thought about her age during the show. She doesn't try to act like an energetic teen, rather comes across as more world-weary and very sarcastic. She knows she couldn't pull off trying to literally act like a college student (which isn't really the character, anyway). Very few of the cast members seem to be college-age anyway, so, at least for me, it was never a distraction. Her characterization o
re: Review of Ana Gasteyer Tonight?
 Oct 11 2006, 01:02:09 AM
I remember just being afraid she would sound like one of her SNL characters! Irrational, I know, but when my friends and I were all afraid we wouldn't be able to think of anything but Bobbie Moughan-Culp when she sung. By the end of TWaI, we turned to each other and were like, nope! To quote Ana, "mama can belt like a mofo!"
re: The Fabulous Ana Gasteyer!!!
 Oct 11 2006, 12:32:36 AM
Comedic genius, indeed! ("Schweaty balls" anyone? Hee.)

I've seen several other Elphabas since Ana and each time I'm amazed how little laughs they get. Not that Ana makes Elphaba a comedy role by any stretch, she just finds a way to make the most of the material in that regard. She knows how to time her lines and reactions to make them actually funny. (She kills during the cornfield scene!) Makes for a good counter to Galinda's over-the-top laughs.

re: Review of Ana Gasteyer Tonight?
 Oct 10 2006, 11:09:49 PM
Thanks for the reviews so far. I'm intrigued to read more during Ana's run. Bummer that she missed that note in No Good Deed. I've seen her several times live and was impressed that even though she was cleary sick for one of the performances (front row lotto seats gave way TMI about that!), she never missed/botched a note in one performance. Bummer that she did on her first night on B'way!

Truly, like was said, you cannot appreciate Ana's voice unless you hear it live! Say what you will

re: Kate Reinders
 Sep 26 2006, 12:20:33 AM
Kate was my first Glinda in Chicago; I've seen a few others since. I thought she was fantastic, though quite different than anyone else in the role. Her Galinda seems more hyper than airheaded, if I remember correctly. As of Chicago, she wasn't adding in all the random physical comedy that doesn't seem to make much sense. (Can't speak to what she does now.) Her voice wasn't the most thrilling, but she can definitely sing!

Look forward to Kate and Ana together again. They were the best

re: Ana Gasteyer Joins Broadway's Wicked for 13 Weeks, Starts Oct 10
 Aug 31 2006, 08:38:09 PM
Yay! I'm so happy for Ana! She was my first Elphaba, and by far the best overall performance I've seen (I've since seen Kristy Cates, Eden, and Maria Eberline). Her comedic timing is priceless. She has a gorgeous, witchy voice. Her characterization is the best, too: her Elphaba is based on the book Elphaba-- very bitter and sarcastic. None of that happy-bubbly-I-really-want-to-be-popular characterization! I only wish I would have the opportunity to see her again. Come back to Chicago, Ana!!!
re: Spelling Bee in Chicago seating question
 Apr 4 2006, 11:55:31 AM
The theatre is really small (seats 550, I believe) so I don't think being too far from the stage would ever be an issue. The only thing I might worry about is being too far to the left or right if you are close to the stage.

I won lotto tix the other day and, word of warning, they are for the first two rows of the left/right sections. We ended up in seats in the first row, but at the extreme left (I was literally in the corner). I still enjoyed the show immensely, but I did miss seeing

re: Wicked-Detroit-Out of control
 Apr 1 2006, 06:55:05 PM
I was so glad to find out about the pre-sale. (Someone I know just figured out the code word by guessing-- "witch" isn't exactly top secret!) I didn't get the greatest seats b/c price was an issue. Hopefully they won't be too bad (my mom wanted balcony seats for some reason), we're in section B14, row J.

I think I would've had a heart attack if I had to deal with that line. I'm excited to (hopefully) see Julia. The Chicago cast is great, though, so if someone didn't get tickets for Det

re: Who's Your Favorite Elphaba?
 Apr 1 2006, 06:47:59 PM
I thought Ana Gasteyer was absolutely amazing. She really nailed Elphaba as bitter, angry, and sarcastic, plus she brought some great subtle humor to the part. (Her reactions during "Popular" were priceless.) Not to mention her voice-- very powerful, note-perfect every time I saw her, and the integrity of the character was never lost in grand-standing.

re: Threepenny Opera 2nd Preview Review
 Mar 26 2006, 10:49:24 AM
Thanks for the great review! Hopefully, I will be able to see this show when I visit NYC in the spring.

I'm glad to hear that Ana Gasteyer is amazing. I saw her several times as Elphaba in Wicked Chicago-- I'm not a fangirl, I swear!-- because I enjoyed her performance so much. What a beautiful, powerful voice she has!

Anyway, I cannot wait to hopefully see the show!

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