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Member Name: Marcus2
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re: Why men shouldn't sing LEGALLY BLONDE...
 Aug 31 2008, 12:19:57 PM

Which key do you want to sing it in??????!!!!

Men can clearly sing Legally Blonde, its a case of if they're a good singer or not. Why do people do this if they clearly CAN'T sing. I wouldn't even think about posting videos of myself on youtube and I can at least sing in tune!

re: Why men shouldn't sing LEGALLY BLONDE...
 Aug 31 2008, 12:18:33 PM

Which key do you want to sing it in??????!!!!

Hilarious Comments...
 Aug 29 2008, 01:57:14 PM
Rather random one but to anyone that knows the Apollo Victoria in London well will find it funny.

Women 1 : Oh this theatres quite small isn't it
Women 2 : Yeah you think it'd be in a big theatre.

This is the theatre Wicked is playing at and its one of the biggest theatre in the West end and bigger than any Broadway Theatre.

Broadway shop in NY??
 Aug 17 2008, 04:19:48 PM
Hey guys, my friend is heading in your direction from London and was wondering if you have any kind of specialist theatre shop in New York?

Here in London we have a shop called Dress Circle which is entirely devoted to theatre memoribilia etc.

Your help would be much appreciated.


re: Kerry Ellis in 'Wicked'
 Aug 15 2008, 05:56:21 PM
Just look at the damage to Idina Menzel's or worse still Eden Espinosa's voice during their wicked run's. Loads of actress' have had issues with this show, Stephanie has been injured a far few times, Julia Murney got some awful chest infection.

Kerry has had excellent attendance in London playing all 8 shows for a year and a bit, she's overworked, ill, and in a new enviroment, the move to broadway was not a great plan me thinks.

re: rOcKS checks up on 'Wicked'
 Aug 1 2008, 12:16:02 PM
I love me some Kerry Ellis, have seen her five times in London and she is amazing. But I completely agree something has been lost in her transistion to Broadway, she wasn't very well near the end of her London run and whatever it is is effecting her in New York, which is a shame.

I also agree that she has everything to bring this role into a new level and be an AMAZING Elphaba but sometimes it seems to show as a 'oh I have to get through this show again' not a 'omg I love being on this

re: Has a brunette actress EVER played Glinda in WICKED?
 Aug 1 2008, 12:07:55 PM
I'm pretty sure wigs are used becuase natural hair can be so inconsisten with moisture and styling so wigs are just easy to keep constant. They can also be used to hide mic packs etc.

I read somewhere about Megan Hilty when she had dark hair at the stage door on broadway or in LA, some fans of the show where like
'Who did you play' she obviously said Glinda
'No we just saw the show and Glinda had blonde hair'
She explained that she was infact Glinda and wore a wig they where

re: The standing ovation is a filthy American habit.
 Aug 1 2008, 10:54:59 AM
Standing ovations should only be given if you really think the show was great and the cast worked amazingly hard. Most times I see shows I don't stand, however when I saw wicked (A far few times) I stand when the Elphaba and Glinda come out, they usually deserve it for that bear of a show.

I was also one of the only people in the theatre to stand for Elenor Roger in Evita, I really thought she deserved it.

Many shows these days force audience to their feet with megamixed etc. P

re: Rosie Withdrawls?
 Jul 29 2008, 11:27:56 AM
I agree, I understand family first but really its a broken wrist, people have real crisis' happening in their life (death etc) and still manage to perform, it just seems really, I don't know, Silly to withdraw over something so uneventful!
re: WICKED Storyline Questions
 Jul 13 2008, 12:24:28 PM
Musical's are flawed. Wicked is no exception, especially considering its links to the Wizard of oz. The questions are unanswerable really, if they actually sat and tried to link it all exactly to the film the show would become heavily bogged down with facts etc.

I think you have to sit through wicked just mearly enjoying the mentions of the Wizard of oz and just go with what they are presenting.

But yeah the plot holes are very obvious but in a way it makes you think more abou

re: What's the deal with Kerry?
 Jul 6 2008, 05:30:47 AM
Doctor's orders to do 6 shows a week, where did you hear this?

Basically she's been ill for a long time now and has been going on and making herself worse, and also don't forget she went from London to New York no break at all. Jet lag, new enviroment, air quality, nerves, new theatre, everything on top of each other, including still being ill, doesn't help. Its not as if she can't do 8 shows a week she clearly can, she has for ages!

I think she just needs some time to settle

re: Did anyone see Kerry ELLIS tonight?
 Jun 19 2008, 01:46:18 PM
I'm sure the riffing thing is due to the producers wanting to keep the show a certain way, once you start allowing performers to riff and change the score its easy for them to start just hijjacking what the show is about. This seems to be more in England with Wicked on Broadway it seems like they actively encourage it. I mean Shoshana Bean didn't stick to one note the whole of Defying Gravity (which I personally love).

I think riffing keeps shows fresh for both performer and audience an

re: Do you give a standing ovation at every show?
 May 11 2008, 09:29:36 AM
I only stand for what I believe to be amazing performances, I saw the Evita revival back in 06 and stood at the end for Elena Roger's even though many didn't!

Its just in a way to show that a performance has truely effected you and its a way of expressing it!

re: Kerry Ellis 'Defying Gravity' mishap ?
 Apr 22 2008, 10:47:57 AM
This is good in a way, getting a ton of American people to hear her amazingness. This is her at her best!
re: Kerry Ellis 'Defying Gravity' mishap ?
 Apr 21 2008, 03:43:03 PM
I think the problem was that she hit the thing at the back of the lift (sorry for awful use of english, the thing that click to make the fake skirt clip around the actress) with her elbow or arm this meant the thing click around her instead of encompassing her. Does that make sense at all.

The audio is very scary indeed and you can clearly hear Dianne Pilkington shouting KERRY really loud. And you can also faintly hear Kerry dropping the broom.

This was a wednesday matinee

re: BWW TV: Wicked's Megan Hilty & Shoshana Bean, Together Again
 Mar 10 2008, 02:52:42 PM
They both come across as so down to earth and friendly. And their voices are just fierce! Whatever they do its always amazing and I can't wait to see whats in store.
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