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Member Name: rentforthesoul
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 Jun 12 2007, 07:15:48 PM
I do love NYC... I just dont know if I could ever live there... I love my small city of 18,000... haha... NYC is such a beautiful place though... Its rich in culture and I love that part of it... To be honest though... 9/11 incident still scares me a little bit... Do any of you ever worry about that? Where were you the day that it happened... If it makes you uncomfortable to talk about (I completely understand) then please dont feel obliged.
re: New York City
 Jun 11 2007, 01:21:40 AM
That's awesome! I actually live 2 hours north of St. Louis and make it down there quite often. The Fox has to be my favorite place in the world!
New York City
 Jun 10 2007, 02:25:31 PM
I went to NYC back in March and would just like to make some comments. Im sure you have heard this before, but being from the midwest, the city amazes me. I went there with a school group, which I will never do again because I couldnt do everything that I wanted. It was a great experience to see all the sights, but now that I've done that I just want to come back and see musicals. Alright... so I was very taken back by how busy the city is. I know its the city that "doesn't sleep," but it just a
re: Jersey Boys Raises Prices
 Dec 27 2006, 11:14:28 PM
Its amazing the difference it costs in New York, compared to St. Louis. I think its fascinating that Orchestra tickets go for 130 dollars there, where as here, they only go for about 80 dollars. Although, in order to get to STL I have to drive 2 hours south. lol... Its funny how much geography controls price... Location, Location, Location...
The Wedding Singer
 Oct 1 2006, 12:33:27 PM
Does anyone know if you can buy the sheet music to "The Wedding Singer?" I have been looking around and cant get hits off of any sites. Thank you in advance!
re: RENT: 30 Years Later
 Jul 6 2006, 11:33:26 AM
Mimi, Roger, Collins and Bennie will all be dead... that makes me sad...

Maureen and Joann will still be together, unless they somehow contract the HIV virus also.

Mark will be a big movie producer and make millions of dollars in films. He will have big sucess with his documentry and hop on the first flight to Hollywood. After a couple years of success who will move to Santa Fe and open up a shop in honor of his friends.

Lol... Who knows what would have happened to th

re: Johnny Depp talks a little about Sweeney Todd movie
 Jul 6 2006, 11:28:05 AM
What a great way to get someone off track of the original topic. His/her sexual orientation has nothing to do with you and is frankly none of your business.
re: A Movie Version of WICKED? Not just yet.
 Jul 4 2006, 01:23:25 PM
I actually think that Wicked would be one of the easiest to adapt to a movie. The bad part about musicals going to the big screen is that they lose the "theatre" feel. It doesn't feel like "theatre" unless you are actually in a theatre watching it life, in my opinion. I still like the idea of putting musicals on film and giving others the opportunity to see the magic of Wicked. Kids would love it as many generations have loved "Wizard of Oz." A producer would look at this musical and notice how
re: Broadway Sheet Music
 Jul 4 2006, 01:15:25 PM
Thanks for your input... I ordered them offline yesterday and cant wait for them to get here!
Broadway Sheet Music
 Jul 4 2006, 10:29:16 AM
I ordered the sheet music for Aida, The Last Five Years, and Avenue Q. I was wondering if anyone else have played these and how close do they follow the soundtracks? Just curious... Im really excited to receive them! Have a wonderful Independence Day!
re: Help- Aida Cast Opinions
 Jul 4 2006, 10:27:38 AM
Lol...We all have our own opinions... I could say the same about Webber's "Cats"...

re: Help- Aida Cast Opinions
 Jul 1 2006, 09:57:07 PM
My showchoir might go down to see Oliver! I am sure that it will be wonderful...
re: Help- Aida Cast Opinions
 Jun 30 2006, 12:40:52 PM
Ahhh! I was very fortunate to be off yesterday and have my parents on vacation. Well, we took a trip to St. Louis and made our first stop at the box office whare we got A1 row seats! They were far over into stage right and I was sure that they were going to be horribe. I was pleasantly surprised when I could see EVERYTHING! The show was FANTASTIC and all of the actors/actresses were AMAZING! I was blown away and THOROUGHLY enjoyed it! Wonderful show... Im so sad that it is over and I plan on goi
re: Help- Aida Cast Opinions
 Jun 25 2006, 02:13:43 PM
I wish I could go to the Muny and see Aida! I think it is going to be the best show this year... I am about 100 miles from St. Louis and think that it would be well worth the trip to see it! Too bad I dont have tickets and I cant get off work...
re: If you could play ONE role on Broadway........
 Jun 13 2006, 10:00:34 PM
Jamie in "The Last Five Years"...
re: The Show That Did You In
 Jun 13 2006, 09:55:54 PM
Lol Rent here also... but it was just in October... lol... so not really that long ago... The only reason I got into musicals though is because I randomly chose to try out for my high school's production of Seussical the Musical and got a pretty good part for being a first year member... I LOVED acting and singing on stage and ever since then I gobble up any CAST recordings I can get a hold of! I imagine myself singing those songs in front of thousands of people! I never knew that there were mus
re: Which soundtrack should I buy?
 Jun 11 2006, 11:57:35 PM
Haha... It amazes me how many smart asses there are! Seriously though, if you dont care so much, why respond? I understand that my selection will not effect your lives in anyway but why be a smart ass about it? I guess I'm just considerate enough to let people post what they want, and allow those same people to respond to whatever threads they want. Have a wonderful night!
re: Which soundtrack should I buy?
 Jun 11 2006, 11:46:32 PM
Yes I meant cast recordings! Yea... I know the Last Five Years isnt something you can dance too... Im just talking fun music! I love The Last Five Years though... its awesome! Im new in musicals... I was in a production of Seussical (lame, I know) this year at my High School and ever since I have been in love with musicals! I just want a soundtrack that is fun and you could dance around the house if you wanted to.. .haha... dunno if that clears anything up or not but it was a good attempt lol...
Which soundtrack should I buy?
 Jun 11 2006, 11:28:07 PM
Hello! I just finished shopping online for a couple cds! I purchased The Wedding Singer and The Last Five Years! I really wanted Jersey Boys but they are sold out... Are there any other really good soundtracks that would make me want to get up and dance? I would even go for a more serious tone such as Phantom and Les Mis... any suggestions are appreciated!
Hairspray Matinee
 Jun 5 2006, 12:59:54 PM
I saw Hairspray May 7 at the Fox in STL! It was so great! Enjoy!
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