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New York City

rentforthesoul Profile Photo
#1New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 2:25pm

I went to NYC back in March and would just like to make some comments. Im sure you have heard this before, but being from the midwest, the city amazes me. I went there with a school group, which I will never do again because I couldnt do everything that I wanted. It was a great experience to see all the sights, but now that I've done that I just want to come back and see musicals. Alright... so I was very taken back by how busy the city is. I know its the city that "doesn't sleep," but it just amazed me how fast paced everyone was. I never saw one person casually walking down a street. Lol... when I got home I even told my mom "I can't imagine any of them going home and sitting down to watch tv or get on the computer." I'd also like to comment on how nice the people were. I was expecting the sterotypical rudeness but was pleasantly surprised by how nice everyone was. I just love the people of New York. I just have a quesion for the people who move there from another place. How hard was it to adjust to the new lifestyle and what are the different burroughs like? We only stayed in Manhatten and flew out of La Guardia. Thanks! Oh yea... My friends and I were so surprised at how the actors/actresses would come and talk with you after the show! It was so nice... it was really surprising when they would just leave the theatre on foot! I guess I just figured they would be like movie stars and have limos or something waiting for them. Haha... I guess when you are musical fans it seems like they are big stars, when in reality they're not Bradd Pitt or Sally Field.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#2re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 2:28pm

I moved from outside DC (raised in Nashville, TN and Asheville, NC) for the NYC Teaching Fellows program and really didn't have much of an adjustment issue at all. I live in the Bed-Stuy area of Brooklyn, and other than making sure I'm alert and aware of my surroundings even more than I used to, it's great! I can't imagine living anywhere other than NYC again!

Edit: I actually LOVE not having a car. It took a couple of days of "I'll just run to... Oh, no. I need to think it through for the subway." for me to totally adjust. I'm SOOO glad I don't have to drive!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 6/10/07 at 02:28 PM

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#2re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 2:35pm

I moved from the utter boondocks of NH and love it here. I actually love not having a car, I'm a terrible driver and I hate it. I also walk incredibly fast now, I think it's something you pick up. I'm also glad that you're helping to dispel the rumor that everyone in NYC is rude.

Glad you liked your stay, come back soon!

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

#3re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 3:56pm

my favorite place to visit is NYC and I live in a very friendly place. I would live in NY if I could afford it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.I always tell stories of how wonderful and friendly people are. I always feel safe. (of course you need to know when and where to travel) but that goes for any town, even small town America. I even had a lady offer me bus fare once because I was digging for change. I thanked her and said I have it now but thank you so much.. TO BE honest. I have been treated much worse right here on the Broadway message board than I ever have in NYC. that was merely to state a fact and be truthful.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#4re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:00pm

I went to NYC for my first time ever last year and as was I to shocked how nice New Yorkers were. One guy could tell we were lost and he literally helped flag down a cab for us and told the cab driver where we needed to go.

I plan on moving to NYC to start the audition process after college and I could only think. Where will I get grocceries? Where is a K-Mart?! How does the Subway system work!

New york is much better than what you hear.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#5re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:08pm

K-Mart (if you absolutely must...WHY?) ~ next to Penn Station.

Groceries ~ There are several different stores depending on where you are. C-Town, Gristedes (I know I'm spelling that wrong), Pathmark, etc. There are also Whole Foods, The Food Emporium, and Trader Joe's. There are also neighborhood boedgas.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#6re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:11pm

TJ's all the way! They have great prepared frozen meals for those of us who hate to cook

<------- or don't have a real kitchen!

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#7re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:11pm

lol-i just said k-mart because i know i could get stuff for my apartment there for cheap. But still-I might want to get use to walking-because the Subway world-cofuses me!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#8re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:15pm

Your new best friend. I LOVE it!! And the subway really doesn't take a lot of getting used to. I learned it in a couple of days.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#9re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:20pm

Yeah! You have to learn the subway. It's the fastest, easiest, cheapest way aorund town (though I do find myself walking almost everywhere)

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#10re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:23pm

i just figure id walk everywhere or get a cab. It's pretty dumb-but i'd rather walk.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#11re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:25pm

$2.00 for a subway ride vs. well over that for a cab...assuming you get one?

And...when you have to get from one end of Manhattan to another (or one borough to another), walking's not an option.

The subway really isn't that hard to learn. Especially with hopstop. They even include pictures and which exit to take. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Born To Reign Profile Photo
Born To Reign
#12re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:27pm

Those cabs will add up and QUICK!

Walking is great, but learn the subway! I can guarantee you'll just end up using the same 2 or 3 lines. I couldn't tell you how to get ANYWHERE on the E or the F (or god fobid the Z or something) but I'm a whiz at the 6 and the R

It's just a message board. Let's not take it too seriously.

#13re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:28pm

If all you've seen in NYC is Midtown Manhattan, you haven't seen the real city at all. But then again, if you had visited any of the 4 outer boroughs, you would find that it does not look that different from where you live, so it would be kind of boring :) Nobody really lives in Midtown. People work there, but there are very few residential areas.

I had friends from out of town visit me and they were shocked that I have a house with a backyard. I live in Staten Island and here it's the norm. And yet, it's only a short ride from Manhattan, so I guess I've got the best of both worlds. I moved here from Baltimore many years ago and I don't remember having any trouble adjusting.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#14re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:28pm

I'm so glad you guys think we're nice people! We really are. We just talk, think, and move muuccchhh faster than most other people, it's just a way of life.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#15re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:31pm

i go to the city alot now-and find myself becoming a new yorker-i have road rage now and i get aggrivated when people walk slow or just stop in front of u re: New York City

#16re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:34pm

jordangirl - I've been practically living on the subway (not literally) for the better part of the past year, and just only Tuesday found out about HopStop!

What a brilliant website.

Regarding the "moving faster" aspect...I just hate being behind slowpokes who like to sightsee. My logic is "I live here, I've seen it already," never factoring in the people who actually haven't. Glad you think we're nice people, though. Only a few of us bite. You usually hear about them on the news.

(By the way - how many NYC natives, besides myself, can say they've never been to the Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty?)

jordangirl Profile Photo
#17re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:38pm

yankeefan007 ~ When I was moving up here, one of my friends put me onto it. It helped SO much getting to schools for interviews! I love it...and now that they've tied into the MTA schedule, they'll actually reroute you if necessary with construction! SOOOO cool!!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#18re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 4:41pm

I know!

Clarinetbiter135 Profile Photo
#19re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 7:17pm

Jordangirl - Thanks for the website! I had never heard of it either. And I also consider myself to be an expert on the R and W re: New York City

Oh! And I was born in Asheville! I love it there. But there's nothing like NYC....

jordangirl Profile Photo
#20re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 7:24pm

clarinetbiter ~ You're welcome! Like I said, when I was moving up here and trying to figure out how to get to schools for visits and interviews, it was SUCH a life saver!

Very cool about Asheville! And I agree, NYC is totally my home now!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

sarab Profile Photo
#21re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 9:17pm

rentforthesoul- I totally see where you are coming from about New York. I have been there twice and loved it both times! I am from St. Louis, the first time I went with my theatre group, but the second time I went with my mom. Everyone is so nice! I was very shocked! I'm really glad you had fun!

Follow your bliss! I love Will Chase! I love Lisa Brescia! I love Stephanie J. Block!

Sondheim Geek Profile Photo
Sondheim Geek
#22re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 9:48pm

Yankee- me too. Never been, never will go.

SondheimGeek: Is it slightly pathetic that you guys get to be Jedi bitches, and I'm Bitchy the Hutt?
LizzieCurry: No, you're more memorable

jordangirl Profile Photo
#23re: New York City
Posted: 6/10/07 at 9:50pm

I've been...but that was on a band trip when I was in high school and living in North Carolina. So I wasn't a New Yorker then. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#24re: New York City
Posted: 6/11/07 at 12:25am

My first visit was last October and I was very curious after hearing all about how rude NY'ers are/were to see it firsthand. And I'd actually have to say I was definitely surprised at how willing most everyone was to help if you just asked. There is a gruffness to the people in the city though, a more to the point type of style than I'm used to, but no one was every outright rude (other than the idiot cutting in front of the very long line for the men's restroom at the Walter Kerr...and I don't think he was local). I'd had way worse experiences with rudeness in DC.

One other thing I found interesting was the whole city that never sleeps tag. After about midnight/1 am, Times Square would just completely becomea ghost town. Was I missing something there? Vegas is a lot busier I thought at all hours of the night.
