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re: Question for the off-Broadway buffs
 Apr 2 2005, 11:14:03 PM
I'm not sure if this is going to be the right answer but Lazer is on their mainstage and I believe that the studio theater is a different space so it is *possible*.
re: Avenue Q cast question
 Mar 21 2005, 02:01:18 AM
And maturedignity - I'll be selfish with you. I loved what I heard and could see from backstage of Christian and I really want to see him do the show again!
re: Avenue Q cast question
 Mar 21 2005, 02:00:06 AM
broadwaystar - Alex was in Assassins, he played Hinckley. (I actually know him from that so if was a lot of fun to see him again, and big surprise.)

re: Avenue Q cast question
 Mar 20 2005, 09:50:58 PM
Hey, I actually shadowed the stage manager at Q at yesterday's (Sat) matinee.
Christian was in the show until this evening while Rick was on vacation. Alex was on because Jordan was also on vacation (his last night is also tonight I believe).
The reason they didn't use the understudies is because they are testing people out for the possibility of Vegas. - Christian is REALLY good by the way. Everyone at Q seems to want him to come back to NY soon but he says he might end up in Vegas. A

re: dirty rotten lyrics?
 Feb 25 2005, 09:16:07 PM
Ruprecht's all about sun and soda pop, paws on puppy dogs, candy canes
Ruprecht's all about chocolate bunnies and lazy afternoons and daisy janes.
With a little brother like this
You can't help but have a happy home
With style upon grace and a smile upon his face
And all that's missing is a chromosome

Ruprecht's all about hugs and valentines
That's why people all say
Hey Ruprecht, you're really okay!

re: Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Window Card
 Feb 22 2005, 08:07:56 PM
My theory on the DRS poster was that they already had the items like the t-shirt and magnet from the run in California but needed to get the window cards reissued with the Broadway theater information because they all say at the bottom all the information of the theater and the cast, etc.
Not sure if it's right but that's what I'm thinking.

re: Roundabout Theatre Internships
 Jan 23 2005, 06:16:56 PM
I haven't been an intern there but I hear it has a lot to do with what field you go in. I had a friend who worked in development (I think...) and she liked the people she worked with.
However, I did WORK for Roundabout for a while and have to say that I feel that they don't treat people very well. At least the little people who work for them.
It's probably different in an intern environment. Just my two cents.

re: Marymount Audition!
 Jan 15 2005, 11:41:36 PM
I'm a Sophomore at Marymount - but in the technical/directing program. Personally, I'm not thrilled with how the theater dept is run - have had a few *cough* friendly *cough* discussions with the faculty already.
You can end up with some pretty good acting teachers. And don't focus too much on getting parts on the mainstage, get involved with STAM (Student theater at marymount) they put on shows just as good (if not much better) than the mainstage shows.

re: YOU The Musical
 Jan 8 2005, 12:20:17 AM
I think it would be called "Soap Opera- The True Story"
Everyone who knows me says that my life is like a soap opera!
And I think I want Denise Summerford to play me - a like that she's just starting to become more known and I LOVE the belt that girl has.

re: College Theatre-Majoring (Directing) and Related Questions
 Jan 6 2005, 10:45:43 PM
Directing is definately tough to get out there and do. I'm a directing major in college - my school only has a theater directing major. Generally speaking it's hard to find good directing programs in undergraduate levels. There are a ton of MFA programs that are great, I know personally that the Brown/Trinity Rep Consortium has an awesome program. - Most people studying directing end up at a grad school eventually to really gain the extent and the ability to physically do more as a director, or
 Jan 3 2005, 12:26:52 AM
Corine, I'm sure they'll sell it eventually. Otherwise, when the time comes around I'll send you a copy!
re: The Offical Roger Bart Love Thread
 Jan 3 2005, 12:22:41 AM
Did anyone here see him in Charlie Brown? I LOVE listening to that cd and would have been so happy to see him do Snoopy. Unfortunately I wasn't in NY at the point.
 Jan 3 2005, 12:21:01 AM
CATSNYrevival, if you mean did Showtime film Mario's show then the answer is yes. I was actually at one of the tapings the first time I saw the show. He taped a sat mat and even. It should be on, i believe, in march.
 Jan 3 2005, 12:03:39 AM
That totally sucks.
I saw Mario on New Years Eve and someones cell phone went off during his Michael Jackson bit and he stopped and looked in the general direction and said,
"Bitch turn it off. This isn't a play with a fourth wall. I can come down there."
It was so priceless. And then he just continued on as if nothing had happened.

re: The Offical Roger Bart Love Thread
 Jan 2 2005, 11:17:41 PM
I think SallyBrown is referring to Christopher Fitzgerald last performance in Wicked. He plays(ed) Boq.
re: The Offical Roger Bart Love Thread
 Jan 2 2005, 10:41:53 PM
Hey All! I just felt to need to agree with everyone here. I love Roger! He's nearly perfected comedy! And, though I've never met him, he seems like such a sweetheart.
And I can't wait to see his "attractive pharmacist" next Sunday.
That's all.

re: Alan Knee's 'The Man Who Was Peter Pan'
 Nov 11 2004, 02:11:20 AM
This is what I know from the producer of Finding Neverland and a good friend of Alan's. Alan was working on the project for a very long time. It started out as a monologue and then a one person show and then finally a one-act show. He is very happy with the final product of the movie, though it aparently has none of his original lines.
Also, from the movie at least, Sylvia has four young boys. I hope this helps a bit.

re: Caligula reviews in the press
 Oct 8 2004, 11:47:23 AM
Most reviews were written from seeing the Festival performances and the show runs more around 225-230 (with intermission) now. A significant amount of extraneous information has been cut and it runs A LOT smoother now. (Things continue to change with each day and it just keeps getting better.)
re: BARE is off!
 Sep 30 2004, 03:12:58 PM
LittleFish, first I honestly had a similar reaction. But mine is more because I have a friend who's friends with (I know... a friend of a friend) but he's a crew member and he's been a pompous jerk about the fact that the world revolves around him now because he works on Bare.
HOWEVER, I know most people with the show aren't like that and I hope that they get over their bump quickly and get back on their feet. I know how hard it is to find money for a little new show - no matter how good -

re: I'm sorry again...yeah I know
 Sep 17 2004, 11:39:43 PM
There's an actor hanging out behind the closet. Chris just hops out of the chair and he replaces him.
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