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Ladies and Gentleman....Taye Diggs is your next Hedwig Jul 25
2015, 10:17:10 AM
I also went last night, and I have to disagree with those who are loving his voice. It's way too low and just sounds "off" for virtually every song, though his Exquisite Corpse might actually be one of the worst things I've ever heard on a Broadway stage.
However, the core issue is that he doesn't know his lines at all. He's saying every sentence so slowly, reaching into his brain for the next part of it, resulting in the show running over two hours, and also in him being so
SOMETHING ROTTEN! - first listen to the full cast album May 30
2015, 11:31:55 AM
The only reason why one would call this a "don't listen before you see it" show is because listening to the music makes you realize it's... bad... and your opinion isn't clouded by a theater full of easy lays laughing and clapping. It's a lazy, desperate, haphazard show with a lazy, desperate, haphazard score (and frankly, terrible lyrics). Feh.
My Little ANNIE (2014) Review Dec 3
2014, 10:33:42 AM
"You know... After watching the "what did I just watch" of "Little Girls", I think it's my duty to give "Cinema Italiano" an apology. At least Kate Hudson could carry a note." You know, as much as I despise this movie, "Little Girls" was the only song I thought the new irritating approach to the material actually worked for. I have no issue with it being turned into a fun, catchy song.
My Little ANNIE (2014) Review Dec 3
2014, 10:30:45 AM
"For the person who said that screeners were not sent out for this film, you are incredibly wrong but nice try!" Care to back up this statement? Feel free to post a photo of the screener you received. But the internet is only flooded with this screener/torrent because of the Sony hack/leak. Every awards season film is not showing up on torrent sites yet (as often happens in December/January), it's really just the Sony films right now. ANNIE (or as I call it, ANNIE OF THE SOUTHERN WILD),
My Little ANNIE (2014) Review Dec 1
2014, 01:38:14 AM
No Academy screeners were sent out for this film. Anyone who's seen it is someone who illegally downloaded the copy that leaked online. And the movie is TERRIBLE. The horrific autotune, the terrible Diaz, charmless and smug Wallis (whose sole direction seems to have been "Smile!!!"), jokes that are not funny, shots that frequently don't match (and during the finale/credits, they dubbed over entirely different lyrics for a few lines without bothering to match the mouths with the dialogue). Just a
Emma Stone as Sally Bolwes in Cabaret Review Thread Nov 18
2014, 10:33:34 AM
"I would argue that Sally Bowles is not supposed to be a great singer." Uh, yeah. This is not news. Natasha and Michelle were not great singers either, but found a certain beauty and sadness in their imperfect vocals. Emma has a weak, quiet voice that's frequently just unpleasant and often barely resonates even with them clearly cranking up her mic. Also, those who said I was mischaracterizing her defenders as just wanting her to succeed and giving her an A for effort,
Emma Stone as Sally Bolwes in Cabaret Review Thread Nov 17
2014, 03:52:22 PM
I guess I'm going to be the lone dissenter on this one. I was extremely excited for Emma, and something about the casting just struck me as perfect, but... to me at least, it didn't seem like she had much of an idea of what she was doing from scene to scene. It appears like she either doesn't have a particular point of view on who Sally really is, and/or hasn't been guided with direction. The first 45 minutes or so, she played her bafflingly as fun / sexy / confident / practic
Les Miserables Rush Tickets Apr 4
2014, 04:05:48 PM
Anyone try this lately? Would like to attempt next week.
2014, 12:35:27 PM
2014, 06:38:07 PM
Has anyone rushed yet? Any word what it's been like?
Rocky Previews Feb 14
2014, 01:04:04 AM
The boxing match that takes up the last 15 minutes is a very exciting and impressive piece of stagecraft. The first 2hrs 25 minutes are extremely forgettable and mediocre. Not a memorable or striking song to speak of, a lackluster book, and performances that seemed like they were coasting on memories/outlines of the characters in the film. All the stuff with Mickey (including his awful, awful number - a shoddy ripoff of "Grandma's Song") was especially painful. I guess this might be
BEAUTIFUL rush? Dec 6
2013, 03:04:46 PM
Anyone rush this recently?
No Man's Land/Godot Nov 1
2013, 01:59:01 PM
Any word on what rush has been like on weekdays?
STREETCAR rush? Apr 8
2012, 08:41:25 PM
Rushed it this afternoon (Easter Sunday). Got there at 2:35, got a ticket on the aisle in Orchestra Row L. The theater was desolate.
First (Or is it second?) Death of a Salesman Preview Feb 16
2012, 10:58:49 AM
It's an odd decision, but a deliberate one, and I think it completely works. What I saw last night was ready to open, and I thought Hoffman, Garfield, and especially Emond, were all terrific. I don't know how far back you were sitting, iluvtheatertrash, but I saw plenty of actual tears coming from Garfield. And I also don't know what weird baggage you're bringing to the show with this "emaciated twink" talk, but I think - again - it's a very deliberate choice to have him be the scrawny
Producers: Act Fast! Dec 7
2011, 03:08:11 PM
I agree with every word of Brantley's review. Everything related to the music is pretty fantastic -- the songs, the performers, orchestrations, the dancing, interpretative hand-movements -- but the book is pretty dreadful and grasps for "comedy" at every moment which felt needy and audience-pandering. I wanted to fall in love, and kept cringing in between the musical moments.
Can't wait to read some HUGH JACKMAN reviews! Oct 28
2011, 12:43:58 PM
About the lottery on the website: "Students with valid identifications must arrive at the Broadhurst Theatre 3 hours prior to curtain to officially enter lottery. The lottery drawing will commence two hours before curtain. You must be present at lottery drawing to claim pass. Lottery winners will receive a non-transferable pass to be exchanged at The Broadhurst Theatre no sooner than 30 minutes prior to the curtain. Valid, picture ID must be shown again at lottery drawing AND at box off
Bobby Lopez Joins The Oct 27
2011, 04:01:32 PM
Absolutely adore "South Park" and The Book of Mormon. Thought this was a tremendously weak episode.
Did anyone see Nic Rouleau as Elder Price on Sunday? Aug 10
2011, 05:45:26 PM
If so, thoughts?
Venus In Fur to Broadway Jun 30
2011, 12:04:45 AM
Enjoyed the play well enough, but it is INSANE for this to be moving to Broadway. Guess some producers just like losing money.
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