Stand-by Joined: 1/19/14
Yeah, 1 DAYS 21 HRS 41 MINS 21 SECS according to the ticking countdown clock most of us have probably noticed, but thanks.
It's 2 DAYS, 21 HOURS and so on, Jay!
Gosh! Get it right!
Updated On: 2/9/14 at 10:22 PM
You know what, my mistake.
The OP was referring to "Rocky Begins", not Rocky. Must be an origins story like Batman Begins or something. Apologies.
I could definitely see a Rocky Origins movie, with that LaPoof kid.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
But don't forget, tonight's the night we Spring ahead, so...
TonIght's the night we spring ahead? Where did you get that from? It doesn't happen until March 9.
Namo, last night was the night we fall back.
So we should adjust the preview countdown accordingly.
I don't know what you're talking about, with springing ahead and falling back, but I'll be at the first preview tomorrow and will post my impressions, however incoherent.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
I'm excited for the first preview and will be there as well. Anyone in the Golden Circle?
I'm assuming they'll incorporate "Gonna Fly Now" as the Addams Family incorporated the theme song and finger snap. The theme from Rocky is so exciting but I'm also looking forward to the new songs written for the show.
Updated On: 2/10/14 at 01:12 PM
As soon as someone knows the running time, please post it. Thanks a lot!
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
They announced a lottery for the Golden Circle. Twenty seats, first two rows. If I remember correctly, $35.
I hope Rocky springs forward and falls back during the fight scenes.
Break a leg to all concerned!
Who's going tonight? (first preview)
I'll be there too!
Featured Actor Joined: 5/2/13
I'll be there tonight too...definitely curious about this one.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
I saw a commercial in NY1 this morning for Rock - so excited for tonight!
Whizzer, I always look forward to your first preview reviews. I can't wait to see what you think of this. I have high hopes for this show and hope you like it.
I was going to try to get tickets next week when I'm in town for a day, but my husband hasn't seen "Natasha and Pierre .... " yet and this will be the last chance for him to see that show. I'll try to do the lottery for "Rocky" next time I'm in town.
Guess no one will be there, now...
It's so weird; I had a feeling this would happen. I didn't think they'd announce it the morning of the first preview though.
Swing Joined: 5/9/05
This delay is largely due to ongoing power issues after a massive electrical manhole explosion on 49th and 7th last Thursday, affecting the Winter Garden. I work on that corner and our office is still running only off of generators. We have electrical usage limits in place - we aren't even allowed to use the microwave, so I can only imagine what restrictions are in place at Rocky.
Considering the snow storm that is going to happen on Thursday why didn't they just cancel until Friday?
Well this stinks, haha.