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Profile for Barihunk

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Member Name: Barihunk
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Location: United States

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GYPSY Previews
 Dec 9 2024, 03:06:34 PM

"... to say Audra McDonald"can't sing the score" is absurd beyond words."


For those who are finding fault with Ms.McDonald's singing in this production, I just have to ask, "What did you expect her to sound like?". She has a very well-documented 30 year career of singing that chronicles her extraordinary vocal talents. From all of the kvetching on this board you would think she was attempting to sing Norma or Tosca! There

Redrum with Alice Ripley & Douglas Sills
 May 7 2015, 12:00:56 PM

Yes, an operatic treatment of "The Shining" premieres in May 2016 at Minnesota Opera. The composer is Paul Moravec and the libretto is by Mark Campbell who provided the lyrics to the songs that made up "Tales from an Unmade Bed". 

Stage Management Colleges
 Aug 19 2014, 01:17:37 PM
I would argue that a college degree is very important no matter what career path you choose especially in today's job market. BWW lists some fine schools with BFA programs in Stage Management.
Plays that deal with crimes or courts
 Jul 24 2014, 03:51:52 PM
Agnes of God
Gross Indecency

Lady Day Previews
 Mar 27 2014, 01:45:52 PM
For those that have been, have audience members in the Circle Club been adhering to the request for "Festive Attire"? What has the general dress code been like?
Audra McDonald: One Night Only (Lincoln Center Avery Fisher Hall)
 May 10 2013, 02:32:51 PM
This sounds essentially like the concert tour she did pre-Porgy back in 2011, so no, it's not the first time she has sung "Moments in the Wood" in concert. The Guettel song was "Migratory V" from Myths and Hymns.
re: Kristin Chenoweth in The Ghosts of Versailles 2010?
 Jan 12 2010, 09:43:01 AM
This production was scrapped long ago due for budgetary reasons. It requires a large cast and was too expensive to produce. They were reviving it for Angela Gheorghiu and are now doing "La Traviata" instead. The opera premeired back in 1991. The role Chenoweth was to sing was written for Marilyn Horne and Corigliano was rewriting the role for her. There are no plans for a revival in the near future.
is FINIAN'S extending & moving to the Neil Simon?
 Jan 8 2010, 03:03:47 PM
I don't think that those people who are gainfully employed for those 8-9 months would call that futile.
re: 9 to 5 Reviews
 Apr 30 2009, 11:44:39 PM
Attention NYPOST

Please feel free to plagiarize the following headline


 Mar 16 2009, 12:59:31 AM
I think these reviews are pretty much right in line. I saw Saturday's matinee and I found the production to be of a whole utterly delightful. Atkinson was clearly at the top of her game, Everett was masterful and beyond reproach and should be welcome back on the boards whenever he so chooses. Ebersole was quite delectable to me even though I see what people are quibbling about but I found of no consequence. I ask you who of today's actresses could do a better job (and sing so exquisitely in th
re: Shows that have TOTALLY turned it around turning previews?
 Nov 14 2008, 09:34:23 AM
Having seen the second preview performance of "Titanic", I can attest that it was a hot mess when it first started. I'm among those who still think it fell far short of the mark in it's final version as well but it sure was a vast improvement.
re: Valley of the Dolls Musical
 Aug 14 2008, 03:54:21 PM
"Sparkle, Neele, Sparkle" - an Act One closer Rose's Turn-style breakdown for Neely - Every morning it's up at 5am and "Sparkle, Neely, Sparkle!!!"!
re: Clever Lyrics that make you Smile Every Time!
 Aug 14 2008, 03:20:08 PM
Here's to our firsts, We learned alot
Our future will be gloriously fecund.
Of firsts we've had the same amount.
Now we'll make each second count.
From now on my first to be second comes first.


Truth is my friend, just between good guys.
Whichever path you take, which life you pick to live in
Whichever choice you make, the longing is a given
And that's what brings the ache
That only the good guys know.

re: Letts to pen OSAGE COUNTY screenplay - film in the works
 Aug 6 2008, 08:53:28 AM
Loved "August", but have to count myself as one of the minority who in the end admired but did not love Amy Morton's performance and found myself wishing I was watching Alison Janney in the role instead, so she is my wish-Barbara for the movie.
Also, maybe because she was in the audience the day I saw the play, but I have Glenn Close in my mind for Violet.

re: Glimmer Glass Production of Kiss Me Kate
 Jul 15 2008, 03:52:34 PM
Not sure I'd call them "opera-like". I'd go with some other names however...
re: Articulate, detailed, EXTREMELY NEGATIVE review of 'Mamma Mia!' movie
 Jul 9 2008, 05:19:18 PM
Having seen an advanced screening on Monday, I can pretty much attest that everything mentioned in the review is true. If taken with a grain of salt, the movie is summertime fluff (I don't know why but "Pirate Movie" with Chris Atkins and Kristi McNichol kept coming to mind while watching it). Streep, Baranski and Walters are game gals but aren't quite enough to overcome an inept director. Wait for the rental.
re: If '...' had not won Best Musical, '...' would have
 Jun 5 2008, 04:16:16 PM
For a little historical representation:

If "Music Man" had not won Best Musical, "West Side Story" would have

If "Sound of Music" and "Fiorello" had not tied for Best Musical, "Gypsy" might have been in there somewhere...

re: Osage County will be adapted to the screen
 May 15 2008, 12:48:05 PM
Alison Janney and Glenn Close.
re: Live From Lincoln Center: Camelot, airs this Thursday on PBS
 May 9 2008, 12:58:41 PM
Agree that this was a mixed bag at best. Byrne was a poor choice (I still would like to see what Liam Neeson could do with this). Mazzie sang well but her characterization was way too broad - methinks she thought she was still in Spamalot rather than Camelot.

Glad to read all the positive posts about Gunn. But of course, those of us who follow opera have known about him for quite awhile now. (Yes, that's him in my avatar The only thing that could have improved his performance is if there had been at least one shirtless scene... as gratuitous as it would have been, it would have been so worth it... trust...

re: Nunn's Wind Blows
 Apr 16 2008, 10:01:33 AM
I have to admit - that headline made me chuckle. I wonder how long he's been saving that one and how many more will plagerize it...
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