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re: Utah Symphony presents Bravo Broadway! with Block, Gravitte, and Mauer 11/13 & 11/14
 Nov 13 2009, 04:30:44 PM
What? BobbyBubby is bashing Stephanie Block? I'm shocked...

But really, 3 consecutive posts? A bit much...

I'm sure it will be a fine show, thinton. Enjoy it!

re: Get Out and Stay Out: The Official 9 to 5 Farewell Thread
 Sep 6 2009, 09:31:54 PM
Oh she was having fun - There's nothing wrong with that. This thread's title is evidence of that...

Dramadude, thanks for posting about the last show!

re: Anne Hathaway Should Play Judy in '9 to 5'
 Jun 18 2009, 09:12:43 AM
Hmmm..I don't think Stephanie Block has "claimed" to be in her 20s. They're quite a few years apart. Hathaway is in her mid 20s and I believe Block is in her mid-30s...

But yes, I think Hathaway is a bit too young to be playing a divorcee of a long-ish marriage.

re: 9 TO 5: TV ALERTS
 Jun 2 2009, 11:27:11 AM
Looks like Steph's performance is available at Popular's link above :)
re: Stephanie J. Block
 May 27 2009, 09:37:13 AM
Gee, thanks BB for coming to the Stephanie J. Block thread just to tell us how much you dislike her...
re: 9to5themusical now on twitter
 May 15 2009, 01:57:05 PM
"Amazingly mediocre, yes." your opinion...

re: Why Does '9 TO 5' Have Any More Credibility Than 'Rock of Ages'?
 May 12 2009, 11:09:46 AM
LOL - Thanks for posting, Popular! Quite interesting..
re: Stephanie J. Block
 May 9 2009, 07:25:34 PM
It looks like Stephanie's album is available on iTunes today! I've listened to a few songs so far and they are gorgeous!!

re: R.I.P. Bea Arthur dead at 86.
 Apr 25 2009, 04:18:38 PM
She truly was an amazing performer. I was lucky enough to catch her stand-up show when she was in town in 2000 and it was a hilarious night. Rest in peace..
4/23 - Block vs. McDonald, Chenoweth vs. O'Hara
 Apr 22 2009, 09:30:06 PM
Stephanie J. Block - 2
Audra McDonald - 4

Kristen Chenoweth - 4
Kelli O'Hara - 2

 Apr 20 2009, 12:43:12 PM
Um, i'm sorry...did you see the rest of the nominations? They were pretty laughable..

I still don't understand why people have to hate on certain shows...You didn't like it? Fantastic...move on!

re: '9 To 5-The Musical' -LA Oct 11th 2pm
 Oct 13 2008, 06:54:18 AM
It is..i just found it :)

Sounds like nothing but a rumor!

re: '9 To 5-The Musical' -LA Oct 11th 2pm
 Oct 13 2008, 06:50:16 AM
just out of curiosity, what board is that being said on?
re: '9 To 5-The Musical' -LA Oct 11th 2pm
 Oct 12 2008, 09:31:31 PM
Thanks to both of your for your thoughts! I saw the show last month and have been waiting to see what other people think of the show ever since! I, for one, loved it and i can't wait to see what they do to "tighten" it up for Broadway.
re: The Official '9 to 5'The Musical Thread
 Sep 28 2008, 11:09:56 AM
I saw the show last night, finally! It was GREAT! As everyone has said, the cast is AMAZING. Everyone was really cast perfectly, in my opinion! Stephanie's song "Get Out and Stay Out" brought down the house. It was fabulous!

My only critique would be that i wish the characters had more dialogue. The dialogue that's in there now is funny, witty stuff and if there were more of it, it'd be even better! And they probably have to cut the 1st act down a bit because it is a little long.

re: Anyone here seeing RENT in movie theatres?
 Sep 24 2008, 11:27:30 PM
I saw RENT tonight and i thought it was great! I really wanted to make it to NYC to see this cast but didn't get the chance to, so it was wonderful that i got to see it somehow!

And to answer the questions about the intermission, there is a 10 minute intermission. They just left the camera running on the empty stage during the actual intermission of the show.

 Sep 23 2008, 11:23:37 PM
The show was taped Monday, i believe
re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
 Sep 22 2008, 06:55:40 AM
Gah - WAY too early for Steph to be getting hurt already! I'm glad it wasn't serious, but those toe injuries hurt like hell..

Seeing the show this weekend - very excited!

re: Happy Birthday Stephanie J Block!!
 Sep 19 2008, 11:00:55 AM
Great story, Algonquin!

HAPPY Birthday, Steph! :)

re: Riedel: Almodovar's ALL ABOUT MY MOTHER hits Bway in the Spring
 Sep 12 2008, 11:10:24 PM
thank you for posting! I love almodovar's work and this is one of my favorite movies of his. I agree that i can't imagine anyone else playing Agrado...In any event, the casting will be interesting!
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