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9 to 5 Opening Night - L.A. & Reviews

9 to 5 Opening Night - L.A. & Reviews

BigFatBlonde Profile Photo
#19 to 5 Opening Night - L.A. & Reviews
Posted: 9/19/08 at 9:46pm

I'M BACK IN L.A.! and going to the Opening Night Tomorrow!!!!

I'll let you all know how it goes.

I'm soooooo excited!

What great ones do the less will prattle of
Updated On: 9/21/08 at 09:46 PM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#2re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/19/08 at 9:51pm

BFB, so glad to hear that you get to see the show. :)

Please let us know what you think, have a wonderful night.

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

BigFatBlonde Profile Photo
#2re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/19/08 at 9:56pm

Oh sweet SWEET Rosscoe! I haven't forgotten how you helped me through the disappointment of missing the first preview.

Thanks again! re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!

I got SO lucky. I had to come back here to deal with family stuff and at the same time my best bud here had an extra tix for opening.

I'll let you all know how it turns out. I wish you were all here with me!

What great ones do the less will prattle of
Updated On: 9/19/08 at 09:56 PM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#3re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/19/08 at 10:01pm


I am on the other side of the world clapping, the theatre gods work in such wonderful ways.


Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#4re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 5:07am

I saw it tonight (19th) and thought it was fantastic. I'll write more, but truly a phenomenal cast and creative team. Loved it!!

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#5re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 11:26am

I SHOULD be going tonight...I'm excited!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#6re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 12:11pm

Woot! So happy for you BFB!! Let us know how it is!! :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#7re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 2:02pm

Have a wonderful time! Looking forward to your review!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

TheatreFreak05 Profile Photo
#8re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 3:56pm

I hope you have a great time! I know you won't be disappointed!

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#9re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/20/08 at 4:27pm

Good for you, BFB! I know how disappointed you were to miss the first preview when they delayed it. The good people should get what they want now and then. re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

Popular Profile Photo
#11re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:06am

Can't wait to read how it went. I hope they had a wonderful opening!

EvanK Profile Photo
#12re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:30am

Or rather, having a wonderful opening.. seeing as it is still going right now... PST

Popular Profile Photo
#13re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:33am

Actually, it's been over for about an hour now. It's 9:30 here now and the show started at 6pm tonight re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#14re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:35am

Does anyone have any reviews?

NGD2225 Profile Photo
#15re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 1:28am

Yeah are there any reviews?

EvanK Profile Photo
#16re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 1:45am

oops didn't realise it was an earlier show... giggle...

#17re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 2:08am

Hey everyone,

Just got back from tonight's Opening Night performance. Lots of people there and you could feel the excitement. Celebrities I saw in attendance: Lance Bass, Doris Roberts, Jason Alexander, Lily Tomlin, and of course, Dolly.

The show got off to a late start--it was supposed to start at 6:00, but it didn't start until about 6:20 or so, probably due to all the press, etc.

Sorry, but I'm too tired to comment on every number, so I'll just comment on those that stuck out. I feel like the opening with the title song needs a bit more...oomph. Perhaps it's the orchestrations or the fact that I was in the balcony, but it just felt like it needed a little more energy.

After the third number, "Here For You," they made an announcement that they were having technical difficulties and had to stop the show. I heard some rumblings, but wasn't sure what was going on (again, I was in the balcony), but eventually somebody got Dolly a microphone. She explained that this has happened before and that it's a big technical show, but that it'd be worth it. She led another singalong of "9 to 5" and talked a bit more about bringing the show to life. Sorry, I'm kind of hazy on everything she said, since I couldn't see her from where I was sitting.

The delay seemed to be at least 15 minutes or so and lots of people seemed to be anxious to get the show going again. I did enjoy the office gossip song, "Tattletales," and it was a good way to get back into the story.

The three hallucination scenes were funny and Marc Kudisch is a good sport to be subjected to all that, plus being hung from the ceiling, etc.

"Shine Like the Sun" has a great melody and is a nice ending to the first act. By intermission, it was already past 8:00 though.

I moved down to meet my friend in the orchestra for the second half since she had an empty seat next to her, and it really makes a difference where you see the show. I felt so detached from the action from the balcony, but seeing the second half from the orchestra made the show a lot more interesting.

I really liked Allison Janney's solo number, "One of the Boys." It's a very Roxy Hart-like number.

I had read reviews that "Mundania" could be cut, but I liked it, and again, think Marc Kudisch deserves some recognition for the stuff he has to do in the show.

Stephanie brought down the house in "Get Out and Stay Out" and got the loudest cheers of the night. Definitely a great number for her to show off and belt. My only complaint is with the book scenes, as Judy's ex-husband just seems to appear out of the blue. It'd be nice to see more development with their relationship so that the song would be more meaningful. I got a kick out of her M&M's line though. :)

I agree with others who think that there could be a more dynamic ending, since it seems like a bit of a letdown.

My overall impressions: I liked it, but didn't love it. I think it will definitely do very well on Broadway and will get plenty of Tony nominations. The score does seem very country/pop-based, but honestly, I didn't come out of it humming any of the songs. They are somewhat forgettable.

I feel the same way about this show as I did when I saw Curtains premiere at the Ahmanson. It's a good show, but it needs some work before it heads to Broadway. Still, with Dolly Parton involved, you know it's going to do very well for itself.

I'm eager to see what the critics think.

BigFatBlonde Profile Photo
#18re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 2:19am

Hi Sweeties!!!!

Just came back from a FABULOUS evening!

The place was PACKED with celebs and A-List Gay Guys. I think West Hollywood (boy's town here on "the coast") was empty for a couple hours.

But never fear, I well represented my fellow sisters of sappho...well me AND....LILY TOMLIN!!! Yup she was there along with Jane Fonda and Dabney Coleman..

and of course Ms. Dolly .. who got a STANDING OVATION by just taking her seat!

Yes! all those L.A. mannequins came to life faster than Kim Cattrall when Ms. Dolly entered the room and were her slaves for the next few hours.

Fifteen minutes into the show the set broke down and the house lights went up.

Ms Dolly was at the ready. After a few minutes she was handed a microphone and she winged it for about fifteen more minutes. She had the audience on its feet singing the title song. She made about 2500 of L.A's elite drop all pretense and have a rip-roaring good ol' time.

I sat behind Marc Cherry (DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES creator) who looked like happier than kid on Christmas morning.


As for the show itself.

First, I have to say WHAT A RELIEF to see a genuine MUSICAL COMEDY that celebrates WOMAN power... not tween power or girl power ... but 100% real world W-O-M-A-N power!


Everything fabulous said about the cast is TRUE!

Hilty hits a homeroom with her Doralee.. she is NOT a Parton imitation - inspired by yes, but imitation no. She really digs into the heart of the character and owns it on stage AS MUCH as Parton did on film.

I've long thought that Block is one of most promising singing actresses around. With this performance she moves out of promising column and locks her place under the "one of the best" heading.

She is SO good that she gives a clearer and fuller emotional arc than is actually written on the page. Her skill and talent fills in the gaps. BRAVA.

Allison Janney TOWERS over the entire cast.. not JUST because she must be about fifteen feet tall.. but because... she is SO perfect for the role. You are NEVER going to buy a cd of song stylings by Allison Janney... but she sings IN CHARACTER (more than MANY so-called musical theatre veterans).

You feel for her Violet, laugh with her Violet, root for her Violet, admire her Violet. The only thing that is holding back her performance - I'm sensing - is a lack of confidence. With enough performances under her belt she will be owning her singing time on stage as much as her companions.

The book of the show is pretty good shape. There was only one song that I am sure will be cut.. It is HEART TO HART, for the Roz character. It is an odd number showing the office snoop's already well established love for Hart as well as her inner sexual yearnings - all done in the ladies room!

It takes place JUST as the closing act crisis begins and abruptly stops the momentum.

In fact the entire show starts to lose its footing after the delicious marijuana induced dream sequence.

My feeling is that this where the story as told on film becomes harder to translate on stage. The entire hospital/ stealing the body segment feels like it was left in to meet audience expectations.. but feels confusing, unnecessary and not as funny as it should be. It was the part of the show where I missed "close ups" if that makes sense.

The whole "Ajax Warehouse" plot business from film is reduced to simply waiting for the annual report to arrive to compare it with Hart's secret accounting book. All of this leaves the second act somewhat tension-less and not as dramatic as it should be.

Pat Resnick has more work to do, but the solid parts of her book are gems and she clearly loves these women. So do we.

As for the score...

What a PLEASURE to hear an OPEN HEARTED Broadway score. I can already hear people complain that it is popish, generic and unsophisticated... BUT you can't fake the BIG hearted sound that comes out of that pit and FILLS and EMBRACES the entire theatre with good will and love!

Ok.. I'm rambling now.. but let me finish with a big hats off to Joe Mantello. I know it fashionable to discount his work... but not with me! His vision is BIG and it works BIG TIME.

OK... I'm tired..

What great ones do the less will prattle of
Updated On: 9/21/08 at 02:19 AM

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#19re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 2:39am

Glad you are all loving it. I was blown away last night (more than I thought I would be). Just such a great night of theater and I really can't wait for the CD.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

courtnyj Profile Photo
#20re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 6:07am

BFB: I agree 100% about Stephanie J. Block. It was wonderful to see her in a role that really cements her as a top-notch singing actress.

I know it's dumb to say this so early but I smell a Tony! Updated On: 9/21/08 at 06:07 AM

rosscoe(au) Profile Photo
#21re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 11:01am

BFB, Thank you for the review it sounded like a great night and happy to here that every Homo in LA was there :)

Hopefully they will fix a couple of issues with the show before it hits New York.

Could this steal the Tonys from Billy?

Well I didn't want to get into it, but he's a Satanist. Every full moon he sacrifices 4 puppies to the Dark Lord and smears their blood on his paino. This should help you understand the score for Wicked a little bit more. Tazber's: Reply to Is Stephen Schwartz a Practicing Christian

#22re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 12:44pm

Here's an interesting read from a local television station on how Dolly "saved" opening night:

Interestingly enough, the Drudgereport linked to it, so it's getting a lot of press.

obsessedjb Profile Photo
jordangirl Profile Photo
#24re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 5:11pm

Thanks for the great review BFB (you too CB)!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. This is definitely on my list of things I WANT to see this season!!!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Popular Profile Photo
#25re: 9 to 5 Opening Night!
Posted: 9/21/08 at 5:57pm

GettyImages has a few photos up from the opening.

re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!

re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!

re: 9 to 5  Opening Night!
