Friedman's Simple Wish Feb 3
2009, 10:03:35 PM
Anyone know where I can get sheet music for David Friedman's Simple Wish (aka Simple Christmas Wish) without buying a $35 collection of Listen to My Heart? Thanks.
re: Funniest Broadway Song? Aug 28
2008, 07:30:33 PM
"My Simple Wish" from Listen to My Heart. I've heard it a gazillion times and it still makes me laugh!
re: Drama Desk Winners....discuss here! May 19
2008, 09:40:06 AM
I think the winners were the [title of show] cast and their
re: Brent Barrett, Rachel York, Hunter Foster in Scoundrels Mar 20
2008, 11:42:09 PM
Yeah, I spoke a little too soon. Ms. York is not confirmed, but the other three are...
Brent Barrett and Hunter Foster in Scoundrels Mar 20
2008, 06:06:10 PM
I have heard from a reliable source that Brent Barrett and Hunter Foster will be starring in the regional premiere of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at the Cape Playhouse. They will be joined by Dee Hoty and possibly a former female co-star of one of the two gentlemen. Sounds like a trip to the Cape is in order!! No details on the dates yet, but I'm sure it will be posted soon on the Cape Playhouse's website.
re: Grey Gardens Film (2007) Mar 20
2008, 03:31:20 PM
I interviewed Malcolm Gets last week, who plays Big Edie's accompanist, George "Gould" Strong in the new film of Grey Gardens. They have finished filming and he said he thought it would be released in the Fall. He also talked about his upcoming role in Sex and the City: The Movie, as well as being an out gay actor despite the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that exists in Hollywood. He's a totally charming, disarming, funny, smart (and cute) guy.
Free Tickets to Beebo Brinker Chronicles Mar 11
2008, 10:02:49 AM
If you missed out on 20 at 20, you can get FREE tickets to Beebo Brinker Chronicles.
re: Does anyone have the monologues from 'ELEGIES FOR ANGELS, PUNKS and RAGING QUEENS' ? Feb 27
2008, 09:40:45 AM
There are several of them on the CD which you could transcribe. Is there a particular one you have in mind?
Great Show--Museum Pieces--Only One More Night Feb 26
2008, 09:05:25 AM
Saw a great show last Sunday called Museum Pieces. It consists of eight short musicals written and directed by eight different writers/composers/directors, all based on specific works of art. Tickets are ten bucks, and there is some really great material and some fantastic performances. It only plays one more night (tonight, Tuesday 2/26) at 8pm at the West End Theatre (W 86 between Broadway and West End). If you're not doing anything and are feeling like going on a theatrical adventure, you gotta go. More info here: and here:
re: Bare: A Pop Opera Feb 15
2008, 01:31:14 PM
Recently joined the bare bandwagon. It took me several listenings (and a viewing of the awesome DVD that comes with the CDs) to really get into it. One full sitting was just to get me over how much it reminds me of Rent. But now I can enjoy Rent-evoking-free listenings and am liking it more and more each time. Watching the DVD helped to put some faces and pseudo-performances with the music. (Oy, so many cute boys with soaring voices!!)
re: Showtunes with International Theme? Jan 17
2008, 12:02:55 PM
Thanks for the helpful suggestions, all of you. jbdc--for the fundraiser, I think we'll keep it more on the everyone-loves-everyone side than the 3-5-0-0 side. Though I appreciate your point, I don't think "ripped open by metal explosion" would go over too well during dinner.
Showtunes with International Theme? Jan 16
2008, 05:56:13 PM
Hey fellow theatre geeks. I'm music directing a fundraiser, the theme of which is "An Evening of International Music and Cuisine." The last time we did this, I got a group together and we did a basic SATB arrangement of "Circle of Life" from The Lion King, which was a lot of fun and went over well. This year, I'm having trouble coming up w/ another number. I'm considering doing some kind of geography-related showtune medley (I Love Paris in the Springtime, How Are Thing
re: Speech and Debate Extends to 2/24 Dec 11
2007, 12:19:05 PM
I got my $20 tix for the original run at Their current deal is only through December 16, but if you can't afford the $50, they may show up there again. is actually a great site for discount tix, as it compiles all of the various discount codes from different vendors into one site. If you haven't seen the show, cough up the fifty bucks. You won't regret it!!
re: Sweeney Todd Movie Review Thread Dec 4
2007, 02:34:46 PM
When the original trailer came out, there was much scuttlebutt (I've never actually typed that word before) about how little singing there was in it. I happened upon a site that posted nine little snippets, that give a few more glimpses of the singing performances, for those of us who have to wait until Dec 21 to see it. I scooped some of the video links up and made them pretty. See below. Ten-year-old Ed Sanders plays Tobias, and his beautiful singing voice is showcased in the
re: BUSKER ALLEY Aiming for 2008 Broadway Bow with Jim Dale Nov 30
2007, 02:57:57 PM
I just want to know if their going to paint the theatre canary yellow again...Anyone have a pic of the St. James from 1995?
re: Young Frank question Nov 27
2007, 04:59:00 PM
1. Your parents rock! 2. Now you should see the movie. Madeline Kahn's take on Elizabeth is COMPLETELY different than Megan Mullaly's. Much funnier, if you ask me. Hope you enjoy the flick.
re: Off-Broadway shows during strike Nov 27
2007, 04:54:02 PM
If you can get tix to Speech and Debate, you must. Funny, smart, topical, full of love for theatre geeks... If you know what HI, DI, OO, and L/D are, then you have to see it.
re: Frankenstein-When will it close? Nov 27
2007, 04:46:08 PM
I've been following the show for several months at Man In Chair. Finally saw the show last night, prepared for the worst. It's not a great show, but I've definitely had worse nights at the theatre. Here's a little bit of my review. Link to the full review follows. My first misgivings came when those of us who were assigned seats in the mezzanine were all ushered down to the orchestra section because there were so few patrons there. Good for us, not a good sign for the
re: The Mystery of Edwin Drood Nov 27
2007, 04:33:20 PM
mystery solved...
re: Cats (or shall I say) Humans - The Musical Nov 27
2007, 04:30:27 PM
Speakng of regional productions of Cats... I'm not sure where this production was done, but you have to watch this clip of Mr. Mistoffelees. God love 'im... Hat tip to [title of show] blog for finding it.