60 Minutes seems to only have the previews up. Maybe because it is just starting here in the mountain timezone and still has to show on the west coast.
No artist should ever have to defend the price she/he paid to make art.
Now lets talk about Spiderman.
How many MILLIONS? The weekly nut is ONE MILLION? It looks like something more suited for Madison Square Garden or a tent pitched in the parking lot of Ikea than something suited for a Broadway stage.
Do the actors sing live in this show? If so, how would we know?
Why spend so much time on the filming all the villains FOR A FREAKING PLAY! I don't want to see a movie when I am in a live theatre.
I don't like anything flying directly over my head. I even got nervous at Slava's Snow Show. Of course, I was wearing my best suit and had just had my hair done, but still...
Has anyone gotten hit in the head yet? Or had anyone fall in their lap? I won't see if if those things don't happen.
"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005
"You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy.
Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates
For those who thought NEXT TO NORMAL wouldn't have a life outside Broadway, well it's now playing in 4 cities, 9 different countries and has been translated into 6 languages.
On the curtain they did a good job of making the web fluid look less spoogey. The posters that were hanging outside the theater looked like Spidey had just finished up.
And no one grew into anything new, we just became the worst of what we were."
On the 60 Minutes piece, did anyone else notice in the final montage that Reeve sounded pretty weak in singing? Maybe it was just cause he was paired up against Bono, but I was very unimpressed.
"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck
anybody know the current status of the performance? its obviously behind schedule, but is it in the middle of a glitch? or is the show runing toward intermission. I CANNOT WAIT FOR INTERMISSION.
anybody know the current status of the performance? its obviously behind schedule, but is it in the middle of a glitch? or is the show runing toward intermission. I CANNOT WAIT FOR INTERMISSION.
Apparently it's intermission now. Hopefully there will be more reports.
atu2comSherry atu2.com - Sherry Music undeniably u2 sounding. Edge riffs woven beautifully in score. Rise above phenomenal. So far the story is slow and some parts hokey Updated On: 11/28/10 at 08:26 PM
TomHTweets #Spiderman intermission numerous tech stops. Spidey got stuck over audience just before the break, but overall: WOW on flying thru theater danielgeneNYC The sets are incredible at @SpideyOnBway. There's a lot of comic book type stuff and some really cool forced perspectives.