
Posted: 7/20/15 at 5:44pm

Schumer is already a star, which is why the movie opened well. She is talented, the movie does not serve her well, it is not well done, it has some funny moments but is utterly conventional in its conservative rom com conclusions. It has several funny moments but far more lugubrious sequences.

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Updated On: 7/20/15 at 05:44 PM

Posted: 7/20/15 at 6:15pm

Writer Helen Eisenbach:

Am I wrong to see Apatow's hand in Schumer's debut feature, in which an iconoclastic heroine initially surprises and delights us, only to renege on the promise of her character and betray everything that made her so enjoyable?


No, Helen, you are exactly right.

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Corine2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/22/15 at 12:14am

I loved the movie. In fact, this Summer it happened to be my favorite thus far. I guess I like a conventional film. I had never seen Amy Schumer before. I never watched her show. After seeing the movie, I watched her show. I happen to like the movie more.

I guess everyone has different taste. I thought the movie was funny, charming, over the top and fun. I was howling with laughter. I also enjoyed some of the hot men in the film. 

I found Bill from SNL, ADORABLE, and the body builder even though he plays a moron his body was very erotic, and it did a lot for me. LOL.


 Not my normal preppy type but there is something very sexy about the man below. Woof.


Updated On: 7/22/15 at 12:14 AM

Posted: 7/22/15 at 8:22am

Edited.  I can't do this on my phone. 

These are all known people. The bodybuilder is John Cena. He is vet well know from World Wrestling (I know, you don't watch that either) and lots of other movies. 

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Updated On: 7/22/15 at 08:22 AM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/22/15 at 9:07am

Oh Namo, grabbing the odd negative review quote to back up your opinion, drumming it home over and over like you want everybody else to change their opinion and agree with you. Some things never change.

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

Posted: 7/22/15 at 9:15am

I see movies, form my opinions, discuss my opinions, and then go to rottentomatoes to read the top critics opinions in that order. Sometimes I add quotes from those reviews to add to the discussion.

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Posted: 7/22/15 at 9:37am

PS. It's not the odd negative review.

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Posted: 7/22/15 at 10:32pm

Already back to the movie-by-committee assembly line.  Oh Kristen Wiig, I am respecting your flair for the independent even more now.  I'm sorry if I ever took you for granted.

Amy Schumer’s Next Project Is Probably Going to Be a Mother-Daughter Kidnapping Comedy

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Borstalboy Profile Photo
Posted: 7/23/15 at 9:56pm

I am the rare person who has never quite gotten Schumer.  I have always found her comedy far too anxious to please the liberal angels and there is something self-congratulatory and safe about her work.  When she isn't pushing a politically correct agenda, she is obvious as all get-out.  She is the comedy icon of the politically correct age.  So much so that many of her sketches, like her military video game spoof, have no humor whatsoever, just a message to put across that preaches to the choir.

So in this sense I'm not surprised TRAINWRECK (definition: a woman with a high-paying job who drinks and has multiple, but not to an outrageous degree, sexual partners) bows down to convention.  Blaming it all on Apatow is small minded.  As far as I can see it, he's just an enabler in this situation.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

Posted: 7/23/15 at 10:13pm

I'm not so sure.  One of the pieces I read said Apatow was personally responsible for the Bridesmaids segments in which Wiig humiliated herself for her cad boyfriend, Jon Hamm.  The parts that made it hard to stay on her character's side. 

I know what you mean about comics who preach to a select choir, I think later Margaret Cho stand-up went in that direction ("We won't let them tell us we're not beautiful anymore"), but I think Schumer is often genuinely hilarious.  I mean, it's not turf that Sarah Silverman hasn't covered, and I DO appreciate her calling out the beauty standards, but (and it's a big but), I'm not sure what she's left with now that the movie has made her confront the formerly liberated but now chastened messiness of her entire character.  What I predict for her future is the Howard Stern and Marc Maron route of talking about why she isn't a bigger star and all that on and on and on.

I think sections of Schumer's TV show are laugh out loud funny, I love when it's ambitious.  But it does not ever always work, the way Broad City does as both a series AND a vehicle for two legitimately fresh voices in women's comedy.  I hope they don't fall into the trap Schumer just did.  

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RippedMan Profile Photo
Posted: 7/24/15 at 12:37am

I think the fact that Schumer's TV doesn't always work is in part thanks to its braveness. It takes risks. They don't always work, but as a viewer, I'm happy I witnessed them. 

I saw Trainwreck tonight, and I loved it. Sure, some scenes felt longer than others, but I was engaged in her world, and I was happy to spend as much time there as I could. I love her humor and I love that she isn't afraid to pick on herself, like when Cena says she "looks like a boy from behind." I think she's killin it in the comedy game, and I think her show is, as it now, nothing but successful. She'll be fine. I loved it, and it was an emotional rollercoaster. 

Posted: 7/24/15 at 7:32am

I agree with your first paragraph.

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Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 7/24/15 at 11:59pm

I find the politically correct badge baffling. 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
Posted: 7/25/15 at 7:55am

"I find the politically correct badge baffling. "

 Me too.

Posted: 7/26/15 at 7:34pm

From Vulture:  "The Amy Schumer-Judd Apatow rom-com Trainwreck made $17.3 in its second week, having now amassed $61.5..."

I'm going to guess that those of us who saw the movie opening weekend told the truth about the movie to other potential members of the audience who decided to wait for it on basic cable in a couple of weeks.  I'd put that "Amy and her mom kidnapped on vacation" movie in turnaround right quick, were I they.

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Fantod Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/15 at 7:50pm

Namo, there is no truth about this movie. Some people liked it, some didn't. It was given an A- Cinemascore, which is really good. Just because you hated it doesn't mean you are telling the truth. Why do you care so much that other people like this movie?

Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:01pm

I don't. I'm just pointing out that word of mouth may be closer to my opinion and many of the top critics on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Fantod Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:02pm

Also, in its second weekend it only dropped 43%, which is quite good for a big Hollywood movie. Usually, if your second week is less than a 60% drop, you're in good shape.

Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:03pm

It's a big Hollywood movie?

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Fantod Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:08pm

$35 Million budget? Opened in over 3,000 theatres? Yeah, it's a big Hollywood movie.

Fantod Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:09pm

Oh, and the top critics gave it an 83% on Rotten Tomatoes. Bit better than your zero.

Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:10pm

It was only on in one format.  Seems small scale by big Hollywood movie standards.

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Posted: 7/26/15 at 8:25pm

Box Office Mojo says the production budget was $35M, surely the promotional budget was at least that.

I know it's almost impossible to lose money making a movie, what with all that creative Hollywood book keeping, but looking at his record, I have to wonder why Apatow gets to keep making movies?  I mean, other than the fact that he's a white guy.

Aptaow's directorial outings

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SNAFU Profile Photo
Posted: 7/26/15 at 9:05pm

I was told that the rule of thumb is you have to triple the origninal production budget to know if a movie is sucessful. The 2/3s are taken up by advertizing, peomotion, distribution costs etc.


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
