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Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious- Page 2

Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#25Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/28/15 at 11:08am

I've been talked into seeing this with a friend tonight who is insisting that we must see it to be able to trash it with specificity.  Luckily, he's cute.  Maybe I'll just hatef*ck him after. 

#26Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/28/15 at 11:49am

Try to sneak in. Personally I'd feel a little less conflicted giving my money to the estate of Leni Riefenstahl. 

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#27Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/28/15 at 12:25pm

I've sneaked into exactly one movie my entire life (in college) and I still feel pangs of guilt.  The Catholicism is strong with this one.  

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#28Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/28/15 at 12:37pm

I think you both should sneak in so they can start deducting from the $112,000 box office. Haa!

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#29Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 1:28am

That's, um, that's not how math works, Steve.  

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#30Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 1:34am

It was a joke HT

pretty funny, eh?

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

HorseTears Profile Photo
#31Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 3:14am

Well, since you asked... 

haterobics Profile Photo
#32Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 3:32am

Steve C. said: "It was a joke HT


pretty funny, eh?"


I'll give you this. It is as funny as the parody Roland Emmerich twitter account?

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#33Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 11:47am

I've never flipped the bird at a movie screen before.  I never just shouted out, 'Oh F*CK YOU!' at a character on a screen before.  I never spent an entire movie slapping the person next to me for suggesting we sit through this.


This is a special kind of bad.  It's bad on every level.  Everyone over the age of 30 in this film looks like a villain in a 70's horror flick.  The acting is aggressively terrible.  Like my Catholic high school's production of The Diary of Anne Frank terrible (let the record show I was IN that production and I was, in fact, terrible).  The writing is such that you'd think Robbie Baitz was just typing while in a fugue state.  If only Roland Emerich brought in aliens.  Or the Mayans.  Or the wolves from The Day After Tomorrow.  


I'm not one to throw the phrase, 'check your privilege' around, but GIRL CHECK IT.  Somehow the police were benevolent and really cared about the homo street kids.  Somehow, someone thought it was ok to have the corn-fed boy say to the sassy, femme (but very attractive) latino 'You KNOW I can't love you.'  Oh really?  We know it?  There was a scene involving a man dressed as Edith Massey trying to give our 'hero' a blowjob that was so F*CKing bizarre that the Black Guy in a Jockstrap scene from Cruising seems like the height of dramaturgy in comparison.  Holy F*CKing F*CK was this bad.  The politics on The Boys in the Band were more progressive.  But I'm glad I saw it.  I'm glad I witnessed the terribleness for myself so that when I kick Roland Emerich in the nuts, I'll be able to justify it in a court of law.  

#34Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 11:50am

And let this be the end of Master Baitz.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#35Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 3:23pm

SonofRobbieJ said: "I've never flipped the bird at a movie screen before.  I never just shouted out, 'Oh F*CK YOU!' at a character on a screen before.  I never spent an entire movie slapping the person next to me for suggesting we sit through this.




This is a special kind of bad.  It's bad on every level.  Everyone over the age of 30 in this film looks like a villain in a 70's horror flick.  The acting is aggressively terrible.  Like my Catholic high school's production of The Diary of Anne Frank terrible (let the record show I was IN that production and I was, in fact, terrible).  The writing is such that you'd think Robbie Baitz was just typing while in a fugue state.  If only Roland Emerich brought in aliens.  Or the Mayans.  Or the wolves from The Day After Tomorrow.  




I'm not one to throw the phrase, 'check your privilege' around, but GIRL CHECK IT.  Somehow the police were benevolent and really cared about the homo street kids.  Somehow, someone thought it was ok to have the corn-fed boy say to the sassy, femme (but very attractive) latino 'You KNOW I can't love you.'  Oh really?  We know it?  There was a scene involving a man dressed as Edith Massey trying to give our 'hero' a blowjob that was so F*CKing bizarre that the Black Guy in a Jockstrap scene from Cruising seems like the height of dramaturgy in comparison.  Holy F*CKing F*CK was this bad.  The politics on The Boys in the Band were more progressive.  But I'm glad I saw it.  I'm glad I witnessed the terribleness for myself so that when I kick Roland Emerich in the nuts, I'll be able to justify it in a court of law.  


My favorite post of the day if not the entire year. It's just brilliant! Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious



Kad Profile Photo
#36Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 3:56pm

Did your date at least put out, Robbie?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

SonofRobbieJ Profile Photo
#37Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 4:03pm

Alas, no.  But he did pay for drinks afterward, so it was still a win.

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#38Roland Emerich's parody twitter acct is hilarious
Posted: 9/29/15 at 4:59pm

Edith Massey the Egg Lady??? Was Divine in it too?


btw, Master Baitz was lol and rightfully deserved

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?
