Lady Gaga SuperBowl

Sunshine! Profile Photo
#25Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 11:01am

Sutton Ross did!

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#26Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 12:08pm

I hadn't read about the details of the Berkeley clash, and I fully agree that students should find a different way to protest.

As a fully separate point, I think Donald Trump is every bit as bad as George III. But I've thought that about every president of my adult life.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#27Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 1:30pm

BroadwayConcierge, not everyone that opposes your views is unpatriotic.  You are a complete tool and only capable of repeating what you read on Twitter and FoxNews. Either get new talking points or go away.  The man you support is dangerous to this country.  You're unpatriotic for supporting his dangerous and knee jerk decisions.  

Trump is going against the ideals this country was founded on.  That is unpatriotic.  People are angry because their country is not being represented.    It baffles me that you support someone who doesn't care about you or your liberties.  Either you're completely delusional or just want to piss people off here.  Either way, go away!

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"
Updated On: 2/2/17 at 01:30 PM

madbrian Profile Photo
#28Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 1:59pm

In addition to Gaga, I'm looking forward to the original Schuyler sisters performing America, the Beautiful as part of the pre-game.  They sound glorious together.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#29Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:02pm

Mildred, your thoughts are utterly delicious to read. Every time you post, you affirm nearly every one of my talking points about the regressive left. I look forward to your retort—I expect whatever's in it will do the same!

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#30Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:12pm

ErikJ972 said: "Who said that?"

Well, with due respect, Erik, you implicitly suggested that the Berkeley response to Milo's presence was justified by trying to counter the idea that Milo was there to do anything other than express speech freely [see: "He's not interested in dialouge (sic) or thoughtful exchanges"]. While I don't personally sympathize with Milo's approach in the story you listed, I do defend his right to openly and unabashedly speak openly and freely without the looming threat of property destruction and/or personal injury.  

Updated On: 2/2/17 at 02:12 PM

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#31Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:13pm

Do you know how many people on this board don't post anymore because of you>  People who considered this to be a safe place. People suffering from physical illness, depression, and homophobic oppression.  You are an insult to this community and you're not wanted here.  You can turn words around, say we love to fight with you, and claim we're proving as many points as you want. You're a self-loathing bigot who supports a man that does not support you as a human being.  You're disgusting. Rather than relishing in our replies to you, perhaps you should look deep inside and see how many people you are making flee from this board.   This will be my last response to you.  You go against everything the arts are about.   Perhaps you should fix your own problems before you claim to know more than everyone else.  You aren't interested in having a discussion with any of us.   Hope you enjoyed this, and maybe, got the hint about how much you're ruining this board with your presence.  

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

SweetLips Profile Photo
#32Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:17pm

Why does this/every thread [almost] on the Superbowl have to end up political and getting flushed down the toilet bowl---best I could come up with-sorry.

Can't some of you stop bleeting[?] about the abhorent state of affairs and celebrate a silly game with a ball and watch a silly girl sing--comment on that which is the title of this thread [ I won't be watching so can't].

Spelt bowl as bowel--shows where my mind was heading after reading some of this shxt.

Updated On: 2/2/17 at 02:17 PM

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#33Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:18pm

Wow, thank you, Mildred—once again—for proving my point. Do you know how many private messages I've received from other users on here who thank me for speaking up from my perspective because they're terrified to interact with people like you, and others on here who shame anybody that doesn't adhere to every element of modern liberalism? I won't apologize to those who are incapable of handling others' ability to express speech freely and openly. You should be ashamed for trying to silence somebody with whom you disagree under the notion that they're "hurting" others with their voice. Disgraceful. I hope you can find whatever form of peace you're in desperate need of sometime soon.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#34Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:21pm











"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#35Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:22pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "ErikJ972 said: "Who said that?"

Well, with due respect, Erik, you implicitly suggested that the Berkeley response to Milo's presence was justified by trying to counter the idea that Milo was there to do anything other than express speech freely [see: "He's not interested in dialouge (sic) or thoughtful exchanges"]. While I don't personally sympathize with Milo's approach in the story you listed, I do defend his right to openly and unabashedly speak openly and freely without the looming threat of property destruction and/or personal injury."

Actually I implied no such thing. While I'm very happy there was a massive protest, I would never condone violence and do not think it is an effective tactic. 

And Milo does NOT just "espress speech freely". He engages in harassment of students. 

What I WAS implying is that Milo cares nothing about the hateful message he is spewing. Like most trolls, he only cares about the reaction he gets. That's something you should be able to relate to!

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#36Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:23pm

Yikes! Well, between the above post and the utterly terrifying private message that I just received from Mildred...I think I needn't say more.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#37Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:26pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "Wow, thank you, Mildred—once again—for proving my point. Do you know how many private messages I've received from other users on here who thank me for speaking up from my perspective because they're terrified to interact with people like you, and others on here who shame anybody that doesn't adhere to every element of modern liberalism? "


Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#38Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 2:27pm

Oh bitch there was nothing terrifying about that PM. It was the truth. Get over yourself. Not everyone that disagrees with you is some kind of broken, unhappy person.  YOUR PRESENCE HERE makes people unhappy.  If you're going to pick fights, don't act like a spoiled little entitled baby whenever anyone calls you on your ****.  I don't think you will ever fully realize how insulting you are the community that made this message board what it once was.  

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

Sunshine! Profile Photo
#39Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:06pm

Classic Sutton Ross!  Making friends wherever it goes!

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#40Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:23pm

Do you know how many private messages I've received from other users on here who thank me for speaking up from my perspective because they're terrified to interact with people like you, and others on here who shame anybody that doesn't adhere to every element of modern liberalism?

Oh, I'm sure you gets HUNDREDS.  All from Petralicious and perhaps After Eight.  Any more and I'd probably dismiss it as your compulsion for exaggeration.  Sort of like "doesn't adhere to every element of modern liberalism" or anything Captain Creamsicle says.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Sunshine! Profile Photo
#41Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:27pm

Sutton Ross used to say stuff like that, too. 



Petralicious Profile Photo
#42Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 3:30pm

Why must we attack each other? No matter our ideas, I am pretty certain that everyone here all wants to make, keep America Great, no matter the party or movement.  United we Stand. Divided we fall.

The most beautiful thing I have learned last year was the amazing friendship Justices Scalia and Ginsburg had.  if they can do it, anyone can.

Lady Gaga SuperBowl

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/2/17 at 03:30 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#43Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:02pm

No matter our ideas, I am pretty certain that everyone here all wants to make, keep America Great, no matter the party or movement.

Wrong.  When the meaning of a Great America is legislated and backed by policies of bigotry that threaten and/or reverse the founding principles and freedom of this country, the party and the movement behind these actions matter GREATLY.  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#44Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:05pm

Milo Yiannopoulus is a dumb fascist who gets off on thinking he's being edgy. If he wants to spout his views on some street corner, more power to him, but universities should not be paying him to speak. And noticeably absent in this thread is the fact that a Milo supporter shot a protestor at an event not even two weeks ago. But tell us again who the dangerous ones are. Fascism, racism, and sexism, do not deserve anyone's tolerance, no matter how much Milo and his ilk whine about it. 

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#45Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:20pm

So Milos whole thing is how the left is hateful and intolerant of any opinion that is not like theirs. So how did Berkeley respond to this? By doing the exact thing he said they are. And look at the coverage this got.  on every network.  So Milo outsmarted these college students and got what he wanted.  If he would have given his speech, no one would give second thought to it. 

When They Go Low, I Go High

madbrian Profile Photo
#46Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 4:23pm

To those who engage the trolls, please note this was once a thread about Lady Gaga performing at the Super Bowl.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

SweetLips Profile Photo
#47Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 5:20pm

madbrian said: "To those who engage the trolls, please note this was once a thread about Lady Gaga performing at the Super Bowl.


Thank you....x




Jane2 Profile Photo
#48Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 8:04pm

never mind, I feel sorry for him/her



Updated On: 2/2/17 at 08:04 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#49Lady Gaga SuperBowl
Posted: 2/2/17 at 8:14pm

Updated On: 2/2/17 at 08:14 PM
