Book Recommendations

javero Profile Photo
#25Book Recommendations
Posted: 5/26/17 at 3:03am

I'm trying to get through The South Under Siege.  Details at the link below.

The South under siege, 1830-2000: A history of the relations between the North and the South

#FactsMatter...your feelings not so much.

Cat Guy Profile Photo
Cat Guy
#26Book Recommendations
Posted: 5/26/17 at 3:02pm

"The Complete Book of Running" by Jim Fixx.

This book changed my life.  When it was first published in 1977, I was a 30-year-old guy who was "sorta" fit and healthy.  I was a vegetarian, didn't smoke and didn't drink alcohol.  But the book inspired me to begin a walking/running regimen that has stayed with me for the past 40 years.  I have competed in dozens of events (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon).  I am confident that I survived three heart attacks (heredity) because of my diet and exercise program.  That Fixx sadly died of a heredity-related heart attack while jogging does not deter me.  I have made it to age 70 in large measure due to Jim Fixx and his remarkable book. 

Updated On: 5/26/17 at 03:02 PM

sabrelady Profile Photo
#27Book Recommendations
Posted: 5/26/17 at 9:46pm

I've been reading a bunch of e-book cozys   that were for free. ( eh. yuh get whut u pay for)

Just finished People of the Book about the Sarajevo Haggadah.  Liked the fact the protagonist was an Aus- gave her character a different texture.

Just started Alec Baldwin's memoir "Nevertheless" and am enjoying it. Never knew he grew up almost dirt poor - one of six kids . 

Next will be Gaiman's Norse Gods- he has such a unique slant in reexamining  the legends we think  we know. 

Jay Lerner-Z Profile Photo
Jay Lerner-Z
#28Book Recommendations
Posted: 6/19/17 at 7:26pm

Book Recommendations

The recently re-published memoir from (newly knighted) Dame Olivia. Delightful!

Beyoncé is not an ally. Actions speak louder than words, Mrs. Carter. #Dubai #$$$

hork Profile Photo
#29Book Recommendations
Posted: 6/19/17 at 7:41pm

I'm still plugging away at Jerusalem. I've gotten to a chapter that's written entirely in Joyce-esque puns and portmanteaus and malaprops, much of which is incomprehensible unless you've read Ulysses and a biography of Lucia Joyce (or researched her online, like I did). You don't read it so much as decode it. And it goes on for nearly 50 pages. I can only read a paragraph or two at a time before my brain shuts down.

Updated On: 6/19/17 at 07:41 PM

AC126748 Profile Photo
#30Book Recommendations
Posted: 6/20/17 at 7:54am

I just completed Hunger by Roxane Gay. I know she's a bit of an intellectual celebrity these days, but I just couldn't stand her writing style--full of staccato, elliptical sentences, and a lot of repetition. Most of her chapters could be boiled down to a one-sentence precis. The book is a quick read but wears out its welcome long before it is over.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#31Book Recommendations
Posted: 6/21/17 at 2:32pm

Like some others, I've been reading a lot of the free e-books. But I've found that I still prefer to feel the actual book. The current book I'm reading is The Prince by Niccolo Macchiavelli.

sabrelady Profile Photo
#32Book Recommendations
Posted: 7/5/17 at 9:37pm

I try to reread The Prince every other year.

I just finished the latest Kinsey Milhone : "X".    In this case the X is for a character(s)  last name.  I did like it till the 3rd act and then it all came apart for me. The protagonist does these long ruminations in her head  while 

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 I mean REALLY?   Oh well there is only Y & Z to go and then- I wonder if Grafton will kill her off? She won't let the character be sold to tv or film  and has told her family she'll come back and haunt them if they do so I guess that will be the end of the crankiest pants female 'tec since ever.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#33Book Recommendations
Posted: 7/8/17 at 5:12am

I've been reading Ravensbruck, a book about the all-womens concentration camp during the Holocaust.


Not your typical  summer fare, but I'm researching for s play I'm directing.  Horrifyingly riveting.

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