
this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.- Page 5

this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.

madbrian Profile Photo
#100this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/5/08 at 2:30pm

Dear Papa,
Don't open the windows when driving to the train station in the morning or at night as it seems there are way too many skunks per capita upstate.

Your Thread

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#101this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/8/08 at 5:12pm

dear thread,

i missed all of the nfl's opening games. but i didn't really miss 'em that much.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

#102this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/8/08 at 8:19pm

How has this not been deleted?

Mamie Profile Photo
#103this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/8/08 at 9:08pm

Isn't it funny how things like opening nfl games can suddenly not seem very important?

Just as long as you and junior-ette don't miss any OSU games. A few gifts for the little one:

A DVD to watch with Dad -

this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.

A pacifier for the home games -

this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.

And before you know it she's decorating her own room -

this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.

edit: OOOPS - I thought I was in the Papa/papa thread. My apologies. I now return the thread to its proper owner.

A click for life.
mamie4 5/14/03
Updated On: 9/8/08 at 09:08 PM

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#104this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 10:07am

dear thread,

we are one thirty eight.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

#105this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 9/17/08 at 10:09am

Hey papa! How's the little girl doing? How are you and mrs. mambo?

shameless Profile Photo
#107this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:08am

Found it, Taz!

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#108this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:10am

dear thread,

stop staring at shames' rack.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

shameless Profile Photo
#109this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:19am

dear thread,

how YOU doin'?


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

tazber Profile Photo
#110this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:22am

Dear papa's thread,

Is it wrong that shamey's rack makes me question my sexuality?

....but the world goes 'round

shameless Profile Photo
#111this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:47am

dear taz,

No, shamey isn't very big on top. It's more proof that you are indeed very gay! this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.

papa's thread

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be enbered with your old nonsense. ~ Emerson

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#112this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:53am

dear thread,

when it comes to racks, more than a mouthful's a waste.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

madbrian Profile Photo
#113this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 9:56am

Now, if a man suffering from lockjaw is driven to the ER by his buxom wife, should the triage nurse even ask what happened?

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#114this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 10:14am

dear thread,

i have never minded wasting a few things.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

tazber Profile Photo
#115this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 10:22am

dear papa's thread,

I have never minded getting wasted


....but the world goes 'round

mormonophobic Profile Photo
#116this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 10:52am

"Shenanigans - I am calling Shenanigans."

Ha! I so called it.

...er...never mind.

*crawls out of bed, slips, eventually makes it to coffee*


myyyy threadcious

tazber Profile Photo
#117this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 11:18am

I see don't mind getting wasted either mormy.

....but the world goes 'round

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#118this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 12:01pm

dear thread,

nothin' worse than drunken mormons. they get all wound up and start singing the iron rod and no one is safe. not man. not woman. not chimp. not sheep. not knot in the tree.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

tazber Profile Photo
#119this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 12:28pm

Dear papa's thread,

RE: Chris Brown
I know what he did was wrong, but he's conditioned that way, right?
Do we now expect people to make a conscious choice about right and wrong when it goes against one's nature?

It's not like he's an animal whose instincts are wired to protect their families.


....but the world goes 'round

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#120this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 2/20/09 at 12:52pm

dear thread,

if we cannot expect lifetime politicians being nominated for cabinet level posts to have managed to pay their taxes, we certainly not expect musical performers to be able to know right from wrong. the very concept of responsibility at any level has been officially voided as of 20 jan 09. the previous administration merely issued a finding which was unofficial and therefore deniable. the void is now official, but the paperwork declaring such cannot be viewed via foia until 2183.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective

papalovesmambo Profile Photo
#120this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 8/15/12 at 8:13am

dear thread,

the gop ticket has the best hair in fity years of politics. also one of the emptiest heads. it makes me sad. joe's still a g*ddamned troublemaker i see.

in closing: boobies, boobies, boobies.


r.i.p. marco, my guardian angel.

...global warming can manifest itself as heat, cool, precipitation, storms, drought, wind, or any other phenomenon, much like a shapeshifter. -- jim geraghty

pray to st. jude

i'm a sonic reducer

he was the gimmicky sort

fenchurch=mejusthavingfun=magwildwood=mmousefan=bkcollector=bradmajors=somethingtotalkabout: the fenchurch mpd collective
Updated On: 8/15/12 at 08:13 AM

JerseyGirl2 Profile Photo
#121this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 8/15/12 at 9:44am

Dear papa's thread,

Yay boobies!


Pretty pretty please don't you ever ever feel like you're less than f**ckin' perfect!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#122this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 8/15/12 at 9:46am

Whatever happened to Papa?

NYadgal Profile Photo
#123this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 8/15/12 at 10:08am

save the boobies, papa.

ps - what did papa do to his thread to make us all post in bold? papa has power.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 8/15/12 at 10:08 AM

Wynbish Profile Photo
#124this is my thread. there are many like it, but this one is mine.
Posted: 8/15/12 at 10:14am

Dear thread,


Updated On: 8/15/12 at 10:14 AM
