
Chick-Fil-A is "Guilty as charged!" - Page 6

Chick-Fil-A is "Guilty as charged!"

#125Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/25/12 at 6:13pm

The thing about citing the bible to support public policy is that WE NEVER AGREED TO LIVE UNDER YOUR BIBLE. In fact, our government was founded on the precept that we NEVER EVER EVER HAVE TO LIVE BY the bible. So don't get into bible debates- just say Who CARES what your book says- show me where the CONSTITUTION says that.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#126Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/25/12 at 6:13pm

Good luck with that.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#127Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/25/12 at 6:14pm

Didn't Jesus write the constitution, though?

#128Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/25/12 at 6:16pm

What if I told you the location they wanted to open is directly across the street from the Holocaust Memorial?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#129Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/25/12 at 6:22pm

Then I would not post a slew of jokes running through my head right now due to the fact that they would offend even myself.

romantico Profile Photo
#130Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 10:37am

The University of Kansas: Remove Chik-Fil-A from KU Memorial Unions


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

romantico Profile Photo
#131Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 10:41am

Huckabee battles 'militant homosexuals' with 'Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day'


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

morosco Profile Photo
#132Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 10:55am

On that University of Kansas website someone posted:

There should be a separation between church and chicken...except for Church's Chicken.


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
Reginald Tresilian
#134Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 3:07pm

Jordan, that was wonderful!

romantico Profile Photo
#135Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 3:18pm

Jim Colyer could learn a thing from this guy!


'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

morosco Profile Photo
dented146 Profile Photo
#137Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 9:38pm

To say that all Christians are intolerant is ridiculous. The Catholic Church has been tolerating child molestation for centuries.

It's just part of the fabric of our society that some people need to feel superior to someone else. Rahm Emanuel wants to stop Chick-Fil-A from opening a couple stores in Chicago because it's not the kind of values they want for Chicago. This where there were over 40 murders last month.( Mostly blacks killing blacks and blacks are more anti-gay than most groups.)

If you want sanity the only place to look is in your heart because society will not give you satisfaction. Fortunately, most people are reasonable and recognize hatred and stupidity.

Everyone is free to avoid the chain just like the people who agree with their intolerant view are free to avoid Broadway.

Heck, it's no better in my town. The right wing candidate for mayor is proud to be gay and the liberal candidate is a dick who assaulted a TSA worker because his luggage wasn't first off the plane.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#138Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/26/12 at 9:50pm

Oh lord. I'm not touching the comment about black people.

Rahm Emmanual isn't trying to stop anything. There are already Chick Fil As in Chicago.

And avoiding Chick Fil A doesn't stop them from actively spending money on homophobic hate groups.

Updated On: 7/26/12 at 09:50 PM

CapnHook Profile Photo
#139Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:05am

Apparently, Chick-fil-A has either already issued, or will tomorrow issue, a press statement saying that the company is "getting out of the marriage debate." If this is true...ummmm...TOO LATE?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

#140Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:15am

"To say that all Christians are intolerant is ridiculous. The Catholic Church has been tolerating child molestation for centuries."

That really proves your point. You must have been on Debate.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#141Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:17am

It's not just the "marriage debate", though. Don't the funds they give also contribute to other homophobic causes?

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#142Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 1:19am

Apparently, Chick-fil-A has either already issued, or will tomorrow issue, a press statement saying that the company is "getting out of the marriage debate."

That's why everyone is talking about it. That statement is what made this news.

#143Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 10:47am

Dented you really need to get out more.

tazber Profile Photo
#144Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:20pm

Dented makes a good point.

The church tolerates and even protects monsters who exploit and destroy children but has problems tolerating what two consensual adults do.

Just more evidence how totally f***ed up they are.

....but the world goes 'round

artscallion Profile Photo
#145Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:23pm

The church is inconsistently intolerant...indubitably.

Art has a double face, of expression and illusion.

romantico Profile Photo
#146Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:25pm

Gay people = sinners and going to hell.

Priests who molest children and or protect those molesters = Need our forgiveness and prayers to help guide them.

The Pope is the true evil facing the church today. No one man has turned people away from God more than the teachings of the Catholic church.

'There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently' -Robert Evans-

tazber Profile Photo
#147Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:30pm

Antoine Dodson weighs in.

I feel like this is probably how most gay people are viewing the situation.

It makes me sad.
What about their waffle fries?

....but the world goes 'round

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#148Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:45pm

I mean, I get that not everyone stays informed about EVERYTHING, but I'm so tired of people framing this as being about what Cathy said and not what Cathy (and his company's money) does.

I guess I'm really glad I don't eat chicken, because this dilemma just seems so... Faustian to so many people.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#149Chick-Fil-A is introducing a new sandwich!
Posted: 7/27/12 at 12:45pm

Our very own Mayor Bloomberg has elected not to stand up against Chick-Fil-A the way officials in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Philadelphia have.

