Weekly SNL thread

SNAFU Profile Photo
#150Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 12:45am

Have to agree wholeheartedly....Made me miss Molly Shannon's!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#151Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 5:03am

UGH awful episode. Awful awful awful. That's my critique--I actually found the Liza sorta amusing.

#152Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 12:15pm

I hated Jonah the first time around (actually thought he was one of the worst hosts in SNL history).
so i didn't care for him coming back but DVR'd last night as a hardcore SNL fan.

one of the 2nd worst host jobs.

god, why can't Jonah make any eye contact with any of his cast mates?
It disconnects him from the team players and makes him look so awkward and unnatural. He is just a mess.

I'm tired of SNL putting in these 'hey look, I'm funny' guys in there---
stefon saved the night. Kristin Wiig was so great when she first came on the show.
She's becoming 'Sally one-note'

Hey Liza Minelli was also the lady from password and the Target lady.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#153Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 1:53pm

Saturday Night Live!

It was like Phyllis Stone Slash Fiction come to life!

#154Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 2:23pm

Could the people who hated the episode please let me know if they were doing something else at the same time as watching the show? Because I laughed at EVERY SINGLE THING. Hard. From Rush Limbaugh's sponsors abandoning shop to the film about Jonah's post-Oscar attitude ("Oh, my god, do you ever get that feeling that you were nominated for an Academy Award? Of course you don't." "Actually I do. I was nominated for co-writing the best original screenplay." "Isn't that cute?") to that twisted Coolio sketch at the end and everything in between. The six year old at Benihana: very effin hilarious. The news: mostly great. The Shins: bubbly as ever. Stefon: More genius than he's ever been.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

tazber Profile Photo
#155Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/11/12 at 2:39pm

My favorite bit was that Jonah post Oscar film.

"Are his glasses getting smaller? Are his scarves getting bigger?"

....but the world goes 'round

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#156Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/12/12 at 3:38am

I was doing something else while watching--drinking. But it didn't help. I admit Namo that I really dislike,m and am even creeped out by Jonah (someone mentioned the awful lack of eye contact), and so that played a big part. I did think Weekend Update was fairly strong.

The Josh Profile Photo
The Josh
#157Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/13/12 at 9:28pm

I always laugh at J-Pop America Fun Time Now. Every time.

#158Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/13/12 at 11:19pm

I didn't think that Saturday's episode was good. Hopefully, Sofia Vergara wil do a great job next month. Here are some deleted scenes from the "Real Housewives of Disney" sketch from a few weeks ago.


EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#159Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/14/12 at 1:14am

The low point was the talking gorilla rape skit. I could see it being funny in a shock way if it had been about 30 seconds, but it was just unbearable on so many levels--how did it make the final show? Was it just to make me appreciate the awful prison rape Scared Straight sketches, and miss them after they reached an all time low with Lindsay Lohan's episode??

I admit I do find J-Pop America Fun Time Now funny almost despite myself--they remind me of some of the students I knew when I briefly belonged to an anime club as a teen... Sigh.

Thanks for the Real Disney Housewives deleted scenes. By far the highlight of the past few weeks...

SNAFU Profile Photo
#160Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/14/12 at 3:50pm

Taran seems to be being groomed to be the next big breakout star from the show. He deserves it. He is really quite talented.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

#161Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/14/12 at 4:41pm

Sorry, I thought the talking gorilla sketch was effing hilarious, and the fact that the story kept getting more detailed was even funnier. I love a host who isn't afraid to completely humiliate himself for a laugh.

It also brought back happy memories of Corine's Prymate thread.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

SNAFU Profile Photo
#162Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/14/12 at 5:04pm


Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#163Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 3/14/12 at 5:42pm

Ha,w ell the thread WAS hilarious. People obviously find different things funny, though most people I know and blogs who did liek the episode found it excruciating. (So in other words I'm saying you're wrong for finding it funny :P )

#164Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:10am

I thought Kristen Wiig retired the Gilly character last year, but I guess they decided to bring her back. I guess this means that Penelope will eventually return as well. They are doing a good job of using Sofia Vergara.

supportivemom Profile Photo
#165Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:26am

I was surprised about Gilly too! I have always thought that Sofia looks like Fran Drescher. Apparently the writers do too. I still want to see Charo play her mother on Modern Family. That would be so much fun! snafu- Is Sofia nice in person? Was that your feminine product outfit in the Gilly sketch?

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#166Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:39am

They're probably bringing stuff back one last time because Kristen, Jason Sudeikis, and Andy Samburg are leaving at the end of this season.

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

#167Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:41am

^ Last time I checked on an article on Yahoo and they said nothing is official until the end of the season, but I think it does seem likely that they will be leaving.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#168Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:42am

Watch What Happens Live skit <3 <3

Next time they should recreate a Housewives reunion!

supportivemom Profile Photo
#169Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 12:43am

^ Marianne- that's what I was thinking too! I was so disappointed in the Andy Cohen Watch What Happens Now. Taran just didn't pull that one off and that's too bad as there's so much potential to make fun of Andy! Oh- and I thought One Direction was pretty funny in the Spanish sketch. I do like it when the musical guests take part in the sketches.

SNAFU Profile Photo
#170Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 1:04am

beautiywickedlover, trust me, it is her last year.

Why do you think they introduced a new cast member this week? Who btw, did a GREAT job!

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!
Updated On: 4/8/12 at 01:04 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#171Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 1:13am

That Pantene skit was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

#172Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 10:25am

After last night,

I think i'm giving up on SNL.
Sofia was great and held her own. But these skits and the writing has gone downhill now. I have been watching SNL since the early 80's and truthfully have never missed an episode.

But the retreads and repetition shows a lack of writing and it seems there are no ideas left.

That Pantene skit was a retread of the 2nd skit in the start of the show with the newscasters. A director takes a million takes to get it right. There wasn't much of a difference in both skits except one was a commercial for the news station and Fred Arm would get it wrong---and for the Pantene- the same thing.
Gilly...back again? seriously? hasn't that been exhausted to the nubbin?

These skits elicit a chuckle here and there- but not worth watching when we saw umpteenth versions of them in the prior episodes.

Have these writers given up?

Even quirky girl was blah. It's cute the first time around--but it overstays its welcome.

even the opening Mitt Romney segment has been done SO MANY TIMES with different candidates over the years.

the show lacks originality. it's on a huge downward slope.
WIth Kristen, Jason and ANdy leaving---------
it's gonna really be joyless to watch.

#173Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 11:03am

Since Romeny is going to get the Republican nomination I'm guessing that next season, Sudeikis will only appear in the Cold Openings like Tina Fey did 2008 when she impersonated Sarah Palin.

Updated On: 4/8/12 at 11:03 AM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#174Saturday Night Live!
Posted: 4/8/12 at 11:32am

I thought it was a great episode. I'm glad to hear that taboo won't be posting in this thread anymore, though.
