Survivor: Second Chance

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#1Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 10:07am

Alright, Survivor fans! Tonight's the night!! 

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 10:20am

At the end of every season I say I'm out, but I can't not watch all-star shows like this. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#3Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 10:27am

I just wish that Lisa Whelchel was back on this season. She was one of the most surprisingly great players in many many many years. 

xxdrewboy85xx Profile Photo
#4Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 1:33pm

I can't wait! I cancelled my plans tonight to watch this and the Big Brother finale. 


On 9/11 I was flying back to New York from Chicago and  I stood right behind Spencer and who I assume was his girlfriend waiting to go through airport security. For about 5 minutes it was bugging me because I couldn't figure out how I knew him and at first I thought we probably went to school together. I eventually remembered it was Spencer from Survivor but completely forgot he was on this season. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#5Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 2:45pm

Love Survivor... saw Charlie at a few Broadway shows before.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#6Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 5:11pm

I'm in.

I'm always in!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

#7Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/23/15 at 10:10pm

So glad no one fell for the BS that comes from a Baskauskas brother. Both of those guys brought absolutely nothing positive in their three seasons. It was nothing more than a fluke when one of them won back in 2006. All I can say to both of them is 0:44 to 0:49 of this video.


Updated On: 9/23/15 at 10:10 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#8Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/24/15 at 12:44am

Jeremy is so effing hot. 

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#9Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/24/15 at 12:51am

Savage still makes me moist. 

NYadgal Profile Photo
#10Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/25/15 at 3:05pm

I would have preferred a couple of others to have been voted off first, but, agree that he was never one of my favorites.

OMG, yes, re:  Savage.  Dreamy.

Ditto:  Joe and Woo a little.

Terry has aged well.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#11Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/26/15 at 10:50am

Vytas was being a bit annoying, but nothing that seemed necessary for him being voted out so soon.  He could have been far more useful in challenges and less socially destructive to the tribe than the sh*t-stirring Abi.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Steve C. Profile Photo
Steve C.
#12Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/26/15 at 12:48pm

I've never really followed this show but I googled Andrew Savage after Jordan's comment. Yowza!!! I could deal with being on an island with him.

I Can Has Cheezburger With This?

bwaylyric Profile Photo
#13Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 9/27/15 at 11:56pm

Vytas did come off too strong especially in the schmoozing department, but I'm sure gonna miss him in those undies. 

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#14Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 10/30/15 at 3:33pm

If someone could make a gif from this week's episode of Jeremy oiling himself up for the reward challenge I would be eternally grateful.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#15Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 10/30/15 at 4:51pm

He is impossibly gorgeous. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#16Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/7/15 at 12:33am

I think the show is better when they use unknowns (preferably with some hot guys). The stakes always seem higher, When people come back they are reality TV stars and I feel like they approach the game differently and lack something.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#17Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/17/15 at 4:08pm

That was one helluva blindside last week!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#18Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/17/15 at 4:55pm

I agree.  I'm still thinking about it six days later.  What a thrilling episode!  Can't wait for tomorrow night.

haterobics Profile Photo
#19Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/17/15 at 5:04pm

Strategy or not, I would have to get everyone to just vote Abi off for reasons of my own sanity.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#20Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/17/15 at 6:05pm

Agree.  On a personal level, I couldn't take a minute with her.

But, the strategy of the game always wins.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

clever name Profile Photo
clever name
#21Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/26/15 at 1:07am

I'm loving this season! No dominant alliance picking people off. Great big moves. Strategy all over the place. It's so unpredictable!  I love how this group is playing.  

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#22Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/26/15 at 1:14am

I love the unpredictability of it, too.  It's nice not to watch an alliance run the game.  

I'm glad that Ciera was voted out.  For all her admonishing people for how they played or didn't play, I didn't think she was half the player she thought she was.  

As long as Jeremy and his million dollar smile and body of steel are safe,  I'm happy. 

jasonf Profile Photo
#23Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/26/15 at 9:54am

Last night just cemented this as one of the best seasons of the series (saying that 31 seasons in is incredible).  The blindsides are fantastic.  The twist Fishbach had SHOULD have been played correctly, had they not decided to split the votes. That was a fatal mistake. Jeremy shouldn't have given up his idol either.  Wait till he's targetted, pull it - and then next week when they think it's gone, pull it again.  He could have worked the numbers without Stephen had he needed to do so. Kelly has an idol now, putting Jeremy into a bit of a corner once that idol is out. 

Is it me, or are they totally giving Spencer the winner's edit? The whole show is edited through his perspective. I've been rooting for him since day one so I may be biased, but I feel as though this is all geared towards him winning.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#24Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/26/15 at 9:42pm

I still can't believe they've kept Abi around this long.  She's completely unpredictable and totally disloyal.  She'll turn on anyone based on the narrative she makes up in her head.  It was sort of funny listening to her talk about how she was going to be such a different player and person this time around.  Which only lasted until the end of the sentence she uttered.  She's never been anything but a self-centered hypocrite in the game.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#25Survivor: Second Chance
Posted: 11/26/15 at 11:34pm

I think she's a good goat.  Crazy can go far. Look how far Phillip got.  I can't fathom ANY sort of Final 2 or 3 where she could beat anyone in this group, except maybe Keith. Now all I want is an Abi and Keith final 2. I find her face fascinating. Her eyebrows just look unreal, like a bad Jessica Lange brow-lift.  She is the dictionary example of resting bitch face. 


I guess I kind of agree Spencer is getting the winner's edit.  I was starting to think maybe Ciera was until she was voted off. 

Updated On: 11/26/15 at 11:34 PM
