
LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift & Amanda Seyfried Offered Roles- Page 10

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift & Amanda Seyfried Offered Roles

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#225LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/14/12 at 2:42pm

Nothing's carved in stone yet. We don't even know for sure that she's in the running. Nobody connected to the show has even mentioned her. Right now it's all just a rumor.

I think it might be a feeler rumor, as if the studio was considering it and wanted to throw the idea out there to gauge reaction. It wouldn't surprise me if we start hearing another name connected to the role, like we did with Geoffrey Rush, who was said to be cast as Thenardier. Then all of a sudden they were saying Sacha Baron Cohen had the part and then was no more talk about Rush.

#226LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/15/12 at 1:46pm

This is what the FAQs on IMDB had to say about Swift's status:

"Is it true that Taylor Swift is playing Eponine?

Not yet. As of January 14, 2012, Swift has only been offered the role of Eponine."


"It wouldn't surprise me if we start hearing another name connected to the role"

If that were to happen I just hope it's not Lea Michele.

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#227LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/15/12 at 2:03pm

Why do people rely on that site so heavily, when it's easily editable by any attention whore who happens to drop by?

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

BroadwayBenny Profile Photo
#228LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/15/12 at 2:27pm

How on earth is she going to pull off the ending of "A heart full of love"? And all of Cosettes notes in the opera register for that matter.

The same way Kidman hit the high notes in Unusual Way. Change ze notes!

#229LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/15/12 at 5:45pm

"Nothing's carved in stone yet. We don't even know for sure that she's in the running. Nobody connected to the show has even mentioned her."

When Emma Watson's name was being tossed around for Cosette. Hugh Jackman went on to deny these rumors. Neither Jackman or any other cast-member or production person has gone on to deny Swift.


JP2 Profile Photo
#231LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 12:50pm

Now that I think of it, they have a Cosette and a Marius that are really not singers.

If the director would want good singers, he would have chosen one of the hundreds of perfect Cosettes from Broadway, West End, the open auditions etc, etc. Which could make the movie soar to exceptional heights.

So, with those 2 people in the love triangle (Amanda and Eddie), it would be extremely silly to have an Eponine that is a good singer (Lindsay Pearce, Lea Michele, etc).

The song "A heart full of love". Would make no sense with 1 extremely good singer and then the sheepish "tones" Amanda Seyfried makes. It makes much more sense if you have 3 people that are actually not good singers.
That must be the idea....

Updated On: 1/16/12 at 12:50 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
#232LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 12:55pm

Except Redmayne IS an extremely good singer.

#233LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 12:58pm


I hope he will be the star of the film then, because Hugh Jackman is not a good singer in my opinion either. Very mediocre to say the least.

Updated On: 1/16/12 at 12:58 PM

maila Profile Photo
#234LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 2:54pm

link to eddie redmayne's clips singing with eton college choir

JP2 Profile Photo
maila Profile Photo
#237LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 3:25pm

click the link then click free downloading , then you need to wait 60 sec before you download it then u can open it.

#238LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 4:02pm

Thanks, that worked!

Interesting clips. Although he is deforming his voice a bit (as many singers do trying to sound classical), he does have a reasonable voice. I hope he sings more with his real voice in the film.

I guess I have to adjust my statement a bit. Now it wil be the reasonable singing guy with the 2 not so good singing ladies in the love triangle.

Oh how great it would have been if all 3 of them were excellent singers. But for the role of Marius this clips give me a little bit of hope.

#239LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/16/12 at 8:26pm

Maybe they're trying to do a "Happy Feet" type thing, where the quality of your singing voice corresponds to your attractiveness. Hence Cosette and Eponine loving Marius loving Cosette over Eponine? :P

#240LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/20/12 at 9:42pm

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette

Swift walked the red carpet at the Sundance Film Festival today, but she did not talk to any reporters. So, this casting remains a mystery.


jpbran Profile Photo
#241LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/20/12 at 10:45pm

Maybe I'm just pointing out an obvious part of a joke I missed, but is it an accident she's dressed like Eponine in this pict?

(or am I missing an obvious 'chop?)

#242LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/20/12 at 11:09pm

^ Now I see your point.

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette

LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette

Updated On: 1/21/12 at 11:09 PM

JP2 Profile Photo
#244LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/20/12 at 11:50pm

Oh, dear God. My heart sank when I saw that photo. There's no way that's a coincidence, right?

maila Profile Photo
#245LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/21/12 at 12:22am

she wore less make up too than usual. uh-oh
LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette

Phyllis Rogers Stone
LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#247LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/21/12 at 12:28am

Then why didn't she show up all smudgy? No commitment from kids these days, man.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#248LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/21/12 at 12:31am

Baby steps, Lizzie. Baby steps.

#249LES MIS Cast Complete - Taylor Swift is Eponine/ Amanda Seyfried is Cosette
Posted: 1/21/12 at 12:38am

I put a new comparision photo of Swift at the Sundance Film Festival where Swift was alone, so people would not be distracted by the other two women and get a REALLY GOOD LOOK at the comparisons.

Updated On: 1/21/12 at 12:38 AM
