Someone in a Tree2 Profile Photo
Someone in a Tree2
#225DISASTER Previews
Posted: 2/26/16 at 6:31pm

^ Hah! You finally hit on the ONE way I would ever go see this show! 

EricMontreal22 Profile Photo
#226DISASTER Previews
Posted: 2/26/16 at 6:47pm

Right?!  I think it would be a blast (of course free drinks would have to be included).

#227DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/5/16 at 11:50am

Went Thursday night. Found the show amusing for twenty minutes or so. It gets stale quickly and once it does, the show seems to drag and drag and drag.

Most of the cast deserves credit. They fully commit while seeming to know this is a losing effort.  Thought Faith Prince was wonderful with the little she had. Jennifer Simmard is clearly the standout and wouldn't be shocked to see her get nominated. Seth Rudetsky seems misplaced on stage. Found his performance lackluster at best. 


Updated On: 3/6/16 at 11:50 AM

goldenboy Profile Photo
#228DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/6/16 at 5:04pm

 I've seen a lot of musicals. This was one of the worst I've ever had to sit through. Not funny and not clever. The movies they were parodying were much funnier in their own right. 

I found it Painful to sit through and so relieved when it finally ended.Caught the matinee today Sunday March 6.


Whizzer on page 1 hits the nail on the head.

Updated On: 3/6/16 at 05:04 PM

CurtainsUpat8 Profile Photo
#229DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/6/16 at 5:30pm

I saw this piece of crap this afternoon. It was so bad it made me angry. Who on Earth thought this should be on Broadway? Who died and left Seth Rudetsky "Mr. Broadway"?  I will never listen to him or his show again. He has lost all credibility. This show is insulting to me as a theatre goer and a lover of Broadway. It's not bad enough to be funny. It makes Trip of Love look like Sunday in the Park with George. I was MUCH more entertained at Trip of Love. In fact I enjoyed it very much. 
Disaster was one of the worse things I have ever seen on Broadway.  I feel sorry for the cast, but if they are stupid enough not to realize how awful this material is they deserve to go down with the ship.

#230DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/6/16 at 7:39pm

The set is such garbage.

I wanted to scream every time they rolled out that crappy looking Hawaii Five-O slot machine. 

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#231DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/7/16 at 2:41pm

Can I just say that reading the reviews on this thread has been such that I literally cried from laughing so hard? You guys truly have a way with words. I commend your writing ability.

My favorite line came from CurtainsUpat8: "It makes Trip of Love look like Sunday in the Park with George." Brilliant!


little_sally Profile Photo
#232DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/7/16 at 2:43pm

This thread is funnier than the actual show.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

Borstalboy Profile Photo
#233DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/7/16 at 5:01pm

Feels like this thing has been in previews for six months.

"Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” ~ Muhammad Ali

tripelite Profile Photo
#234DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 2:34am

The show has a fantastic cast, including some of my favorite performers. Rachel York works her butt off doing a fantastic cross of Julie Hagerty in Airplane! and Marilyn Monroe.  I would watch Kerry Butler do anything.  Loved hearing Adam Pascal, although he is underused.  Delighted to see Faith Prince, although I found the shtick they gave her kind of embarrassing.  Jennifer Simard is hilarious. I like Seth Rudetsky's show on Sirius XM and think he's one of Broadway's greatest cheerleaders, so I enjoyed seeing him in person.

The problem, of course, is that this is not a Broadway show.  It's a silly parody that could only succeed as a one act off-Broadway show, and it would need significant work to be able to pull that off.  It has clever moments (mostly near the beginning) - for example, I enjoyed "Hot Stuff" - but it needed many more of those to work.  It also suffers from the same problem that the underrated Dames at Sea had - it's a parody/spoof of a genre that few people remember well or care about.

I'm always sad to see a musical fail on Broadway, and I wish it could be saved, but it cannot.  If you're interested in seeing it, I suggest going soon.  Very soon.

#235DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 7:16am

I am happy so see crappy shows fail on Broadway.  Delusional producers and creatives who think they have a smash for a vanity project and can make money on it annoy me..... and they deserve the humiliation when they get slammed by the critics and public.

Marway44 Profile Photo
#236DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 7:16am

I feel a little different than most people here.  I did laugh quite often and enjoyed the music.  Yes, the set looked cheap but I feel that was part of the show.  I think it was meant too if that makes sense. 

The cast was terrific, top notch Broadway actors but as much as I enjoy Seth on the radio, he does not cut it as a Broadway actor and should not be on that stage with those terrific people.  He did surprise me that he could sing though. 

Adam still has an amazing voice, and Roger can make anyone laugh.  Faith was a standout for me but did anyone notice she couldn't keep up with the dancing?  Jennifer, of course stole the show and is well deserving of a nomination.  For what it's worth, I enjoyed the afternoon.

My only other criticism would be most of the second act scenes went by too fast.  I am curious to see what the critics say.  I think the reviews will be very mixed.  While I don't think any critic will rave, I do feel they will rave about particular cast members.

Anyway, wishing everyone the best on this opening night!    

Updated On: 3/8/16 at 07:16 AM

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#237DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 3:23pm

In addition, I find it beautifully ironic that the only "non-name" in the cast is the one element receiving universal acclaim. I just hope the projected failure of the show doesn't keep Jen Simard from getting work in the future, as she obviously deserves attention.


#238DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 5:19pm

Ado Annie D'Ysquith said: "In addition, I find it beautifully ironic that the only "non-name" in the cast is the one element receiving universal acclaim. I just hope the projected failure of the show doesn't keep Jen Simard from getting work in the future, as she obviously deserves attention.



Well said. Couldn't agree more.

CurtainsUpat8 Profile Photo
#239DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/8/16 at 5:58pm

I agree that Jen Simard was the best thing in it. I have a feeling that is partly because everything else in it was SO AWFUL. I do think she will get some work from this and I wish her well.  Some people are talking about Tony nominations for this! That will never happen. It deserves nothing.

wish i were here2 Profile Photo
wish i were here2
#240DISASTER Previews
Posted: 3/13/16 at 4:16pm

I saw the show yesterday and I low key loved it. It's probably going to be one of my biggest guilty pleasures, to be honest. I mean the show is not perfect, I walked in with VERY low expectations, and walked out with a big smile on my face. I'm not gonna lie, there are many flaws, I mean  the show itself felt a little misplaced on Broadway, I personally think it would work much better at maybe New World Stages, but this cast is simply AMAZING and all in all it turned out to be a really fun day at the theatre.  

There were only two things I hated about the show, one was the fact that all those songs are so damn catchy and have been in my head ever since. The other was I wished they kept "Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours," I wanted to see Jennifer Simard singing that live. :) 
