
Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London- Page 12

Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#275Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/25/18 at 2:43pm

The best thing about this thread:

Tapping23 said:  ....and a very odd production of Cinderella with a very heavy latin kid playing the fairy godmother. Which would have been fine if his costuming hadn’t been awful but he sang that R&H score to jesus.




Updated On: 4/25/18 at 02:43 PM

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#276Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/25/18 at 2:57pm

I'm of Puerto Rican descent and I was hardly offended that Sierra Boggess was going to be singing the "Maria" songs in a concert honoring the music of Leonard Bernstein. It wasn't as if she was playing the role in a full blown production of "West Side Story".

I'm all for racial equality and casting roles appropriately but what just happened here, with this situation is f*cking ridiculous.

BWAY Baby2
#277Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/25/18 at 3:35pm

PC Police gone amuck.


Updated On: 4/25/18 at 03:35 PM

#278Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/25/18 at 4:20pm

troynow said: "Yes Sierra dropped out because it was wRONG... it is about doscovering new people. The talent that can sing maria may be unknown.

However, the talent is unknow because of decades of producers and theatres giving those rare opportuntoes over to a person who is WHITE.

However, the same is happening at Williamstown witn Lempicka. They have foolishly yet again... tale a black tole and goven it away. Joesphine Baker was a black woman.

Take a look yet... no comments. No theeads... nothing


This has nothing to do with Sierra taking a role of some unknown. She is popular and producers are in the business of making money. There are a few bankable star that producers can count on to fill seats and she is one of them. As are Audra McDonald, norm Lewis, Ramin Karimloo, Lea Salonga. 

Updated On: 4/25/18 at 04:20 PM

BWAY Baby2
#279Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/25/18 at 5:19pm

No outrage? No hysterics? YAY. Relax and go with the flow. Things are changing- in case you have not noticed- and the PC Police cuts both ways- not EVERY SINGLE role will be cast to your liking- but many, many are. Count your blessings and be happy with the results of the diversity movement. And don't get your damn panties in a wad every time there is a deviation from how you think things ought to be. 

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#282Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/27/18 at 9:07am

"These aren't my assumptions or prejudices, this is the reality of casting."

No, it's not the reality of casting. The reality of casting is that black people are overrepresented at the moment. I'm not critiquing that given in itself in any way, shape or form. Because things like this can happen. For example when the most talented or suitable people for a role happen to be black. No issues with that scenario.

What I find problematic is that what I described above is not the reason for this overrepresentation. Therefore it feels unfair, unhealthy and forced. Not to me, but especially to other races, Asians for example. Whenever there is a casting project of, let's say 3 people. They put at least 1 mandatory black person in nowadays. I see it in every project, pilot, series, movie, show, reading, commercial. The percentage of that is out of balance, not only population wise, but also compared to for example Asian people. It's completely out of balance. That's not healthy. That is focusing on race too much in a negative way. 

If you can't look past that, or you are not mentally ready to see people as equals that is ok, but if you insist on color counting, then do it both ways.


Updated On: 4/27/18 at 09:07 AM

BWAY Baby2
#283Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/27/18 at 9:19am

What I find equally unnerving is that Denzel Washington, starring in Iceman Cometh- is a fabulous Hickey- now I am reading a few accounts where people do not think he belongs in a role usually populated by a white person- ridiculous. He was great- and yet, I notice he is not getting much award recognition- though other actors in the cast are. That is fine- personal taste- but if there is resentment based on race- that is wrong and very unfair. That, to me, is casting with the best person in mind- and another example of the diversity movements positive influence. And Dave. I agree that there is an over representation of black people now in every single project. That is also unfair and seems like affirmative action on steroids.

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#284Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/27/18 at 12:04pm

I totally agree. Both situations are equally unfair and a result of people thinking in race too much in the wrong way. 

There was a time, in the past few years where casting directors and award show judges seemed extremely sensitive and impressionable about this attacks. They were accused of being racist when not casting a black person in a project of 3 people or not giving awards to a black person. This translated to very forced and unhealthy situations like I described and the overrepresentation of black people is therefore completely out of balance now. They were basically forced to cast on race in the wrong way. Frantically casting black people in everything to avoid criticism and falsely look diverse. It could very well be that casting directors and award show judges are beginning to get tired of this overrepresentation and are aiming for true diversity. To some people there can never be enough representation of the race of choice, but that is not what diversity is about. Especially if the numbers have already far exceeded the percentages, it should still be an insult if someone gets or doesn't get a role or award based on race. That goes for both the negative and positive intentions, It's always bad.

Updated On: 4/27/18 at 12:04 PM

SweetLips Profile Photo
#285Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/28/18 at 1:36pm

Dave28282 what you said was very interesting[and very well put]. I am Australian and watch a lot of DVD TV series.

Without understand[until I read your post] that there seemed to be in almost all that I watched an unproportionate number of black actors entering as new characters, and to a lesser degree, Asian.

Really hadn't given the situation much thought other than to think that the ratio of black to white was tipping the scales to the black side of casting.

The Boss now seems to be either black or female. I love most of the female ones are they are usually very gutsy and very much in command[thanks to the script of course].

Thanks again Dave.

#286Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/28/18 at 6:52pm

Sierra Boggess made the absolute correct decision in sacrificing this role. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to step aside while the 21st Century Theater-Makers do their thing. Times have changed and so has art.


#288Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 5:25am

ShowsInTheCity said: "Sierra Boggess made the absolute correct decision in sacrificing this role. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to step aside while the 21st Century Theater-Makers do theirthing. Times have changed and so has art."

She wasn't playing the role - but you knew that.

BWAY Baby2
#289Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 5:50am

It seems to me that the rise of Trump- and the feelings that especially lower educated white people have- is that the playing field in no longer level- and that globalization and the rise of the the diversity movement and political correctness- not the same, of course- because diversity is very much justified- yet the PC police enforcers make a big deal of every perceived slight or supposed infraction- so that the tone and expectations of the movement have become strident, overbearing and patently unfair.  And, in my opinion- that is why too many people give Trump a pass on his despicable behaviors- it is a deliberate spit in the face to all things liberal and progressive- which have gone overboard to some extent- as posters point out- it seems that every movie and tv show now has a black person and a black woman or female boss- or a black child- or they better or they will be called out.. And the Sierra mess is more of the same, IMO.

Updated On: 4/29/18 at 05:50 AM

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#290Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 7:32am

Very well said BWAY Baby2. The truth is clear. I hope these people realize that this is not the way to equality. It's the way to the opposite.

People "feeling they have the right to separate" have always been the problem. The sad and difficult thing about this situation is that the color counters accuse us of color counting now, which is a complete disregard for the core of the problem. Which is the lack of true equality, creating a race focus by frantically putting mandatory black people in every cast of at least 3, to avoid criticism, resulting in a completely out of balance and racist situation.

Updated On: 4/29/18 at 07:32 AM

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#291Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 7:49am

in whose mind is casting more diverse actors a BAD thing

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#292Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 7:52am

gypsy101 said: "in whose mind is casting more diverse actors a BAD thing"

Clearly in the mind of people who demand a black person being cast in every cast of at least 3 people. That is not diversity. What do they demand for Asian people? And what level "madly out of balance" is enough?

Updated On: 4/29/18 at 07:52 AM

uncageg Profile Photo
#293Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 8:56am

CarlosAlberto said: "I'm of Puerto Rican descent and I was hardly offended that Sierra Boggess was going to be singing the "Maria" songs in a concert honoring the music of Leonard Bernstein. It wasn't as if she was playing the role in a full blown production of "West Side Story".

I'm all for racial equality and casting roles appropriately but what just happened here, with this situation is f*cking ridiculous.


^^This pretty much sums up what I was going to post. What next? Will she not be able to sing the songs in a cabaret show...or her shower?


Just give the world Love.

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#294Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 5:50pm

Dave28282 said: "The difference is that gays are still beheaded and stoned in many countries today while poc are not."

Sorry to jump in so late, but I'm surprised no one has called you out on this. People of color are very much targets of violence right here in the United States: Stephon Clark, shot dead in his own back yard... Philando Castille, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner...

Dave28282 Profile Photo
#295Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 6:04pm

That's my point. We agree that we need equality. 

The point is that the victim role is inappropriate in casting when the group of choice is already overrepresented. No need for staying in the victim role and continue to express the idea that people deserve to be treated differently due to their colour. People who do this continue to support separation and that has, naturally, consequences. In any case it's not the solution for equality.


Updated On: 4/29/18 at 06:04 PM

BWAY Baby2
#296Sierra Boggess to play Maria in West Side Story in London
Posted: 4/29/18 at 6:08pm

Dave- so true.
