
Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview- Page 2

Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#25Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/21/10 at 11:55am

The trouble with Glory Days was hardly the director's fault. Then again, nor was Glory Days actually as bad as the community's need to hyperbolize made it out to be. Sometimes our tastes surprise us, don't they, Papacusco? Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Famebroadway2 Profile Photo
#26Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/21/10 at 12:40pm

Did the Lotto yesterday for the 2pm Matinee. Everyone won! lol there were only about 10 people that did the lotto. It was $30 total for the first row.

If you like that kind of music it was a great show. All of the performers were great. I really loved the guy who played JLL.

I agree Hunter is wasted as a speaking role. The house was 95% full at the Matinee. I dunno how many were comps but, it was def full in the Orch.

Funny thing i noteced. Its not often that the Orch is full but, there are open/not filled Lotto seats. LOL

Overall if you are in your 20's or early to mid 30's its a great show to take your parents to.

R ;o)

Patash Profile Photo
#27Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/21/10 at 4:47pm

"the story line is just so boring"

The story line is a true story about one of the most remarkable nights in the history of rock and roll. Sometimes it's kind of hard to make up things about true history.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#28Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/21/10 at 5:01pm


A work of art is an invitation to love.

#29Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/22/10 at 9:59am

There were many problems with Glory Day and usually a director having the show for as long as Mr. Schaeffer did (worked on it in regional theater for 3 months before bringing it to broadway because Peter Marks said it was a good show) would help fix those. And yes, it was really bad.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/22/10 at 10:37am

It was quite bad. But the worst thing to grace a stage in the history of Broadway? The worst thing many of the very theater savvy posters here have seen in their lives? I highly doubt that is actually true. And I saw it. (And three months is really not a "long time" when you consider that some shows spend YEARS being shaped by directors in developmental workshops.)I also did not say the director was not to blame -- I meant he could not be entirely to blame. Read more carefully before you try to correct me.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 3/22/10 at 10:37 AM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#32Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 3/31/10 at 10:30am

They are looking for a replacement for the Chicago production, correct? (not the NYC production)

I assume this current cast, which includes the four original men from the Chicago production, has signed for a year.

#33Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 4/7/10 at 10:23pm

How has the lotto been recently? I feel like seeing something this weekend, but want to spend as less as possible. :/ This lotto allows high school students right?

BudFrump23 Profile Photo
#34Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 4/8/10 at 12:48am

Did anyone else think that in the opening of the "concert" at the end, the 5 singers (4 lead men and 1 woman) looked like the Power Rangers?

I'm as jumpy as a virgin at a prison rodeo!

popular_elphie Profile Photo
#35Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 4/10/10 at 8:40pm

I saw this last night, and as others said, the book needs work, but both my roommate and I really loved the show.

Things that need some work (SPOILERS):
- I felt like the "Cash & Perkins are gonna sign with someone else" thing wasn't brought across clear enough within the show.
- It really, really tries to be JERSEY BOYS with the narration. Either Hunter doesn't narrate as much or the characters coming to Mr. Phillips need to flesh out their beginnings a bit more.
- Maybe it's just me, but I really hate Elizabeth Stanley's pink dress. Something about that color just does not work on her, and she's a gorgeous woman.

All of these actors are extremely musically talented and truly become their characters. The music playing during the finale "concert" thing with the sparkly jackets was mind-blowing - "Elvis" playing guitar behind his head, Jerry Lee Lewis sitting on top of his piano and playing the keys, the bass player laying on top of his bass to play.

I really, really think that Levi Kreis deserves a Tony nom (or even win) for Jerry Lee Lewis, and I'm going to stand behind that. Everyone in the show is great, but he's the spectacular one, and it's partly in writing and partly in the fact that he has the piano technique and physicality down perfectly.

I was in the mezz, and it was packed, with everyone loving the show.

TimesSquareRegular Profile Photo
#36Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 4/10/10 at 11:26pm

One of the worst books for a Broadway musical in years ..... boring, cliche old jokes, etc. The Dyanne character is ridiculous, and of the hundreds of versions of FEVER I've heard over the years, this was just about the worst.

In general, even the musical performances teetered on boring. I liked Rock of Ages, I liked Toxic Avenger, I liked Memphis ... but this is terrible.

The one exception - and the one and only reason to see this show - is Levi Kreis. His JLL is a knockout, and as somebody already suggested, this is a performance worthy of awards consideration. Yes, the audience hits the streets with a smile on their faces, because the very last thing they see is the best part of the 100 minute ordeal - Levi's knockout "Whole Lot of Shakin' Going On"

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TalkinLoud Profile Photo
#37Million Dollar Quartet 1st Preview
Posted: 4/11/10 at 2:01am

I actually enjoyed this much more than I thought I would. I mean, as a piece of narrative art, it's lame as hell. But as a theatre-going experience, it's pretty entertaining. The performers (I wouldn't even call them actors LOL) are all extremely, extremely talented and do very good impressions of the quartet. And I'm glad Levi Kreis, because I found him to be the stand-out of the show. Super accurate and an amazing musician.

Overall, it's not great, but I've seen far worse this season.
