
Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?- Page 2

Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#25Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/24/11 at 9:50pm

as we know from Saturday Night Live, she can't act her way out of a lunchbag. I have not seen her in anything but that.

hyperbole_and_a_half Profile Photo
#26Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/25/11 at 1:55am

Is it me or does she sound like Bjork in that Tonight cover? Very odd...

carolinaguy Profile Photo
#27Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/25/11 at 10:32am

A bland, colorless voice, even on the sporadic occasions when she's on pitch. If she's a part of this, I will boycott a movie I've been waiting 20+ years to see.

Don't call us, we'll call you. Next!

Just remembering you've had an "and" When you're back to "or" Makes the "or" mean more than it did before

perfectlymarvelous Profile Photo
#28Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/25/11 at 11:43am

The small amount of acting I've seen her do has been less than impressive, and her singing isn't much better.

I love the idea of Lucy Hale as Eponine and I hope that pans out, she has the right look and a great voice.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#29Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/25/11 at 4:42pm

I have nothing against Swift personally, but I really can't see Hooper casting her for Cosette or Eponine with all the very talented women out there who could do more than justice to the part. About all Swift could bring to the role is name recognition, and in a cast that's got Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Ann Hathaway, it really doesn't seem needed to sacrifice a credible performance in exchange for butts in seats. If Jackman, Crowe and Hathaway can't bring them in, Swift won't be much more help. It would seem like little more than stunt casting and would make the movie seem more like The Love Boat than anything else.

little_sally Profile Photo
#30Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/25/11 at 5:16pm

Not that I want to see her cast, but I'm pretty sure Taylor Swift would attract more people than Russell Crowe or even Hugh Jackman.

A little swash, a bit of buckle - you'll love it more than bread.

#32Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:33am

Of course she's being considered. She's a huge star with a young demographic. Why do you think Justin Beiber had a 3-D movie?

#33Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:44am

^ I originally thought it was only a rumor, but now sources are confirming that she IS being considered.
Updated On: 12/1/11 at 11:44 AM

TheLadyoftheWood Profile Photo
#34Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 11:54am

If this girl is being considered for Eponine, then someone better call William Hung so he can do a small role in the film as one of the guys singing a solo during the ABC Cafe number. Really people you want to cast a tone deaf beauty pageant queen looking teen who writes a song about every break-up she's ever had? Please let me know when the dogs and cats stop howling because of that nails to chalkboard voice of hers.

#35Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 12:02pm

I've seen her live twice and she's very good. She also got praise from the director of Billboard Magazine, Bill Wordy, on '60 Minutes'.

JP2 Profile Photo
#36Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 12:05pm

I'll believe it when Deadline reports it. As it stands, all 4 of those actresses couldn't be any more drastically different from one another. Generally when a group of actors are competing for a role, its a similar group of actors.

#37Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 12:48pm

1) Of the four actresses being rumored, who would you say looks most like Geoffrey Rush (and/or Helena Bonham Carter)?

2) All these ladies are very pretty. Marius would be a fool to not act on one of these ladies' advances unless whomever they cast as Cosette is drop dead gorgeous.

3) I can't see any of them passing as a boy that no one in the barricades would notice that she was in disguise.

TheLadyoftheWood Profile Photo
#38Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 2:52pm

I wouldn't put it past Taylor Swift to be able to look like a boy. Just give her some dirt and cover her hair.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#39Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 3:08pm

Oh, I wouldn't put it past her either, that sneaky little cun+.


#40Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 3:29pm

I think this would be a good chance for Swift to redeem herself to the critics who didn't like her performance in 'Valentine's Day' that she can act like when she showed the critic, who thought she could not sing at all after the 2010 Grammys, in her song, "Mean" that she could sing.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#41Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 3:33pm

So, what, they're moving the plot from 18th century Paris to Tennessee and giving it a country-music adaptation?


#42Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 4:02pm

It's a great idea in theory... This should bring teenage girls in by droves based on Swift's ticket and album sales.

Nothing can repair her acting abilities, but it is a movie. It's not like she'll be singing live at any point. They'll make her sound great, regardless of talent.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#43Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 4:11pm

Wow, editing sounds miraculous these days!

She won't be acting live either!

Will they be able to make her acting look great, regardless of talent?!

Boy, this is getting exciting!!


JP2 Profile Photo
eturner Profile Photo
#45Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 6:32pm

what's the deal with the open auditions for cosette? I see a number of sources say emma watson will be playing cosette? confusion!!

Liz Turner Singer-Actor-Dancer-Radio lizturnermusic@gmail.com www.lizturnersings.com *Contact me for private voice, piano, and clarinet lessons in Boston area or on Skype!

#46Les Miz Movie Casting Rumors: Taylor Swift as Eponine?
Posted: 11/30/11 at 6:40pm

The problem with these actresses (and a lot of Eponines in general) is that they cast people with Disney-princess style voices, and you end up with it seeming like Eponine is only capable of doing anything when Marius is around, which is a problem with the writing, but when Eponine comes onscreen in this movie, I want to feel that she is capable of surviving 16+ years on the rough streets of Paris. I really don't think Taylor Swift or Lea Michele could pull that off- Lucy Hale, maybe, but I would pick Naya Rivera (despite the fact that she looks nothing like Rush or Bonham-Carter) or Jennifer Damiano before I picked Swift or Michele.
