
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11- Page 2

Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11

ALittlePriest Profile Photo
#25Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 5:34pm

I bet Lysistrata Jones announces closing on or after Opening Night, and either closes after Opening, or on this Sunday.

Either way, I'd say you have 3 to 6 days left to catch this show.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#26Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 5:42pm

I wonder when we'll get the you-know-who obligatory post about a cast recording. Because no matter how much money a show loses, it deserves to lose more so a few people can listen to it.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

RippedMan Profile Photo
#27Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 5:50pm

I like the title, but I am also a theater person, so I get it. But I think "Lizzy Jones" isn't a bad idea. It wouldn't be such a big change.

And I agree: They need a new marketing campaign. Maybe some toga's and basketballs or something.

The Distinctive Baritone Profile Photo
The Distinctive Baritone
#28Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 8:23pm

I agree that "Lysistrata Jones" is a fine title. A nod both to the Greek source and to Carmen Jones. True, if I wasn't a theater person I wouldn't get it, but not many people know what a "crucible" or a "piazza" is and that didn't stop those works from being huge successes.

That said, even theater people tend to disagree over whether you pronounce it as "LysiSTRATA" or "LySIStrata."

#29Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 9:11pm

Why should Bonne and Clyde hold on til the Tonys? So they can post a sign of all the awards they aren't gonna be nominated for?

#30Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 10:46pm

a fine title? are you insane? no one knows what that means and if you DO you probably aren't going to like the show. horrible title

#31Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 11:29pm

It is a bad title, but I think it informs you enough that it's a bad show. I got what it was about from the title, and knew instantly that I wasn't interested.

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#32Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 11:39pm

Godspell seems to be picking up steam a bit...for better or for worse...

wdwfreak Profile Photo
#33Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/12/11 at 11:39pm

^That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard. It's like me saying Stick Fly is going to be a bad show because I hate flies.

And since your name has to deal with the Phantom of the Opera, that shows your bad judgement of shows.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#34Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 1:14am

TheHappyPhantom: That is the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard. So you won't see a show with words you don't understand? That's retarded. I didn't understand what the hell "August: Osage County" even meant, but I saw it 3 times. Give something a shot.

PianoMann Profile Photo
#35Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 1:31am

RippedMan - I think the point is exactly the opposite; that TheHappyPhantom not only understands the words of the title, but understands the origin of Lysistrata and therefore knows the basic plot and therefore has no interest!

#36Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 2:14am

Granted they had a lot of discounts going on for Bonnie & Clyde this past week, but they ended up selling more seats than Mountaintop and Chicago and almost as many seats as Anything Goes and Follies...not bat at all.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#37Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 2:23am

"It informs you enough that it is a bad show." That's just basing an opinion on a title.

#38Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 2:36am

Lysistrata is a famous Greek play. Have this many people really never heard the title before? Either way, I think they might've indeed done better by sticking with "Give It Up" as the title.

I will be very interested to see what the reviews are. If I remember correctly, many reviews (Times included) were flat-out raves. Even if they remain fairly positive, it could help.

"Art, in itself, is an attempt to bring order out of chaos."-Stephen Sondheim

ClapYo'Hands Profile Photo
#39Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 2:40am

"And since your name has to deal with the Phantom of the Opera, that shows your bad judgement of shows."

Wow, you're a dick.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#40Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 12:11pm

I haven't heard a single track from this show. Why aren't they on the talk shows performing songs? It seems like a fun, upbeat show. Show it off.

Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#41Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 3:16pm

No ones on here is saying Lysistrata Jones it's the best thing they've seen on stage, however it is fun and has plenty of heart and deserves a lot better than it's doing, I am not saying it's worth 140 bucks. but it is quiet satisfying for half that on TKT's.

Maybe if the cast did a mini set near to the peak time queue at TkT's, it might get some people to change there planned show; when times are tough you have to find your audience.
Updated On: 12/13/11 at 03:16 PM

newintown Profile Photo
#42Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 3:23pm

Re: Lysistrata - "a fine title? are you insane? no one knows what that means and if you DO you probably aren't going to like the show. horrible title."

A sad sign of the growing ignorance in this country produced by lazy schooling. There was a reason why a grounding in the classics was a good element of education. Now, people are proud of the many things they don't know.

#43Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 7:00pm

its not a sad sign. I am sure there are many many classics that you don't know that i can name titles of and just because you don't know them does that mean your education stunk?
get off the high horse here.

RippedMan Profile Photo
#44Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/13/11 at 8:23pm

I'm pretty sure all the "classics" are basic knowledge. Maybe you won't know the story/characters, but you at least know the TITLE.

newintown Profile Photo
#45Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 12/11
Posted: 12/14/11 at 10:26am

"its not a sad sign. I am sure there are many many classics that you don't know that i can name titles of and just because you don't know them does that mean your education stunk?"

Try me, Prunella.
