
Legally Blonde: The Musical- Page 2

Legally Blonde: The Musical

#25re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:47am

that's true. I'll give it a chance. We shall see.

On a clear day I can see myself for miles ~Taboo

#26re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:54am

i really hope that kristin chenowith takes the role!!!

M J R Profile Photo
#27re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 3:04am

I have to say, that I don't know, but I think there's no chance of Kristin Chenoweth having any part of "Legally Blonde"

1) She's obviously a very smart actor and is not going to play two dumb blondes back-to-back for fear of being typecast for the rest of her career.....

2) She's not age appropriate (She turns 36 this month, folks)

3) She has FOUR FILMS in the next 2 years. Pink Panther, Bewitched, Rapunzel Unbraided, and Asphalt Beach

4) No "big star" wants sloppy-seconds at a role that has already been done (twice) by another star. (Reese Witherspoon)

5) There's also no chance of Reese playing the role on Broadway - think long-term careers here people... no way.

Don't send me any hate messages - I LOVE Kristin in Wicked as much as the next musical theatre boy, but we're gonna have to love someone else as "Elle" I feel sure.....

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears
Updated On: 7/6/04 at 03:04 AM

#28re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:05pm

I couldn't agree more with you mjr. If i were her i wouldn't take the role, but if she weren't as busy as she is, i don't think her age is a set back. First on the 24th she is turning 35, and since she is so tiny she doesn't look like shes on her death bed, she could pull it off. People would love her with her facial expressions and high voice. I too agree that she should go on to new roles other than dumb blondes. Maybe it the show does good, she can make a special appearence for a few weeks. I don't think her age is a problem. I think that since there is so much right now in her life, this role should go to a newbee that we will grow to love sooner or later. Hey you never know, the new Elle Woods could be the next Bernadette!


millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#29re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:09pm

What about Laura Bell Bundy? Even though she said something about not wanting to play "blonde" roles. And the Taco Bell dog could be Bruiser.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

cvapb Profile Photo
#30re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:14pm

It is kinda funny that everyone says Kristin Chenoweth is too old to play Elle Woods since Elle is older than Glinda. Weird. Somehow her old self managed to pull off the role of Glinda. Strange how these things work out, huh??

bstndiva Profile Photo
#31re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:22pm

This would be a great musical. The legally Blonde movies area riot. If the musical was going to be as funny I would be the first in line to get my tickets.

M J R Profile Photo
#32re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:26pm

I think it's acceptable for her to be older and play Galinda because

1) Wicked is told in flashback

2) OZ is a totally fictional reality, whereas "Legally Blonde" is set in "real" reality - am I making sense?

WiCkEd4LyFfE - I think we're splitting the difference on her age: IMDB says her b-day is July 24, 1968 - so that would actually make her 36 this month, right?

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

#33re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:30pm

Everyone's always telling me I was born to play Elle Woods.

Unknown, anyone? *wink, wink*

And I'm already playing Sugar Pie in the Anna Nicole Smith musical... Cheno BEST NOT try stealing my thunder! Sure Bruiser wears cute little clothes, but Sugar Pie humps pillows! Come on now!

If both shows go up at once, they're going to have to create a new Tony category for best featured animal...

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#34re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:34pm

Whatever with the age thing, it's all irrelevant at this point. She's probably getting the "hint" that she needs to be more than a one trick pony. And this would not be a role to do if she were to "prove" that. As for her "turning it down" and a script "passing through her hands", that would be impossible, but Starlite seems to be the poster child "poster" on this board that always knows someone, who knows someone that knows someone. You'd last about a second if I had a message board, as there's nothing I despise more than *that* type of poster. The real question I have though is, what's an "area riot" Bstdiva?

M J R Profile Photo
#35re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:39pm

...."are A riot..."

"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

Al Dente Profile Photo
Al Dente
#36re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:51pm

thanks for the clarification MJR, my sister's best friends cousins husbands' pool boy, who has a brother who once worked for some big shot Broadway producer told me that it was an area that Cheno read the script of Legally Blonde in before she chucked it in to said pool. And it HAS to be true because he held his cell phone up for me to hear her ranting about it before she threw it in the pool, so before anyone says it's not true it IS!

M J R Profile Photo
#37re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 12:52pm


"High time we made a stand and shook up the views of the common man" - Tears for Fears

newyorkuniq Profile Photo
#38re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 1:47pm

I'm going to be in that show or die trying. I've already sent in my resume on pink scented paper re: Legally Blonde: The Musical

bstndiva Profile Photo
#39re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 1:58pm

Newyorkuniq you would be perfect for a part in that show. If my elusive buddy would answer my messages he could probably get me an audition but I'm not sure I could go in front of a live audience yet. I feel so much more comfortable doing TV and movie work right now. Maybe by the time they cast it I would feel more comfortable. You definitely should go for it especially now that you have that great Bumble and Bumble do.
re: Legally Blonde: The Musical

J. Profile Photo
#40re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:30pm

Why can't Reese Witherspoon do it?

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#41re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:50pm

Let's see, Reese Witherspoon could star in movies that would make her in the neighborhood of $20 million a pop and she can do two or three a year or she could do a Broadway show for a year for about 5% of that and not be able to do anything else.

Hmmmm .....

J. Profile Photo
#42re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:52pm

Ok, so I guess it's a bad investment whenever people like Matthew Broderick, Ray Liotta, Chistopher Walken, or Kevin Spacey do Broadway shows. Damn! They should know better!

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#43re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:58pm

No, they grew up in the theater and have a fondness for it. Reese didn't grow up doing theater and didn't get her professional legs doing theater. And none of those actors have the box office clout of Reese Witherspoon. She and Julia roberts are probably the only two actresses proven to be able to sell a movie.

It's easy for everyone on this board to wax nostalgic and jerk off about how every actor just sits around pining to one day get to do theater but, the fact is, lots of actors are breaking directly in doing TV and movies and don't have that connection to the stage that draws them back even when they could be making more money in more high profile gigs elsewhere.

J. Profile Photo
#44re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 2:59pm

Reese is worth more than Kevin Spacey?

#45re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 3:01pm

elle is going to grad school so it does not matter how old she is. and kristin and reese witherspoon are around the same age so i dont see what the big deal is. dont forget that kristin is playing a college aged girl in wicked. i think kristin can pull it off she looks and sound the part!!!

#46re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 3:05pm

JohnPopa: Only 2 actresses have EVER made $20 million making a film, and Reese Witherspoon isn't one of them.

JohnPopa Profile Photo
#47re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 3:05pm

Kristin's eight years older than Witherspoon.

Yes, in terms of box office clout and the ability to sell a picture on a performer's name, Reese is worth more than Kevin Spacey. And if you think in saying that that I'm saying 'Reese Witherspoon is a better actor than Kevin Spacey' then I don't know what I can do for you.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#48re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 5:27pm

I wonder how many people thought Chenoweth would be *PERFECT* for Glinda? Or for that matter, how many thought she would be *PERFECT* for Sally?

It could be that there is an actress out there that truly is *PERFECT* for Elle that you may not have even heard of. Chenoweth is talented, but it doesn't mean she should have every bubbly blonde role.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

J. Profile Photo
#49re: Legally Blonde: The Musical
Posted: 7/6/04 at 5:33pm

Yes, I understand that box office draw is not based on talent or awards. Marcia Gay Harden has an Academy Award, but Pauly Shore is a bigger box office draw.
