Which one?--Cabaret

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#25re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 10:59am

I realise my post is a little late on this thread, but I just won't hear a bad word against Natasha Richardson as Sally. Her voice is absolutely not "a joke". Her rendition of the title song is absolutely spine chilling and is how the song *should* be sung. Just because it isn't easy to listen to does not mean it is bad. And if you want to hear a Sally who had a voice that you could call a joke, see if you can find a recording of Brooke Shields. Woah.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

ForTheLoveOfLea Profile Photo
#26re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 12:55pm

the revival definitely has the best of both CDs. Alan Cumming is definitely reason enough to buy it. though joel grey created the role and is quite good, Alan definitely puts a fun and lively spin on the character. i didn't think Natasha was a bad Sally. she plays a seedy cabaret singer, not a broadway super star. she doesn't have sound perfect because she is an imperfect character.

Thou giveth fever.

mallardo Profile Photo
#27re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 2:22pm

Michelle Pawk singing the German lyrics to "Married" is reason enough to get the Revival cast CD. I get chills...

Faced with these Loreleis, what man can moralize!

popcultureboy Profile Photo
#28re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 5:10pm

And let's not forget her drop dead rendition of Tomorrow Belongs To Me on the CD as well.

Nothing precious, plain to see, don't make a fuss over me. Not loud, not soft, but somewhere inbetween. Say sorry, just let it be the word you mean.

#29re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 7:53pm

I can't think of Liza as "the diefinitive Sally Boles" because Sally was originally written as British and the movie made her American. Why? Beacuse Liza couldn't do the accent! When she substituted for Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria, they changed the lines and made Victoria Canadian!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 10:38pm

Spelling please, Jon

Sally BOWLES. Sorry, Cabaret freak/grammar freak... I had to say something.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ChristineDaae Profile Photo
#31re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 11:27pm

I love the 1998 cast recording!

"Life will be frozen peaches and cream. Baby, dream Your Dream" ~ SC

#32re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 11:32pm

Is there no one who likes the OBC, besides me?

re: Which one?--Cabaret

#33re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 7/17/04 at 11:35pm

I like the OBC, Jose' - the question was which 'one' do you prefer. Choices had to be made re: Which one?--Cabaret

#34re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 2/22/24 at 4:38pm

Searched for this thread because I just tried to listen to the new Cabaret cast recording with Eddie Redmayne and Jessie Buckley. Eesh, couldn't make it through. I don't know what on earth Eddie is doing, but I literally could not listen to his line deliveries for an entire recording. Buckley has a good voice, but she just shouts through most of her songs. And the tempos were soooooo slow. I Buckley would never get through Don't Tell Mama and Mein Herr. On the plus side, the orchestrations sound great. Maybe it all plays better while watching it?

#35re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 2/22/24 at 5:05pm

EvanstonDad said: "Searched for this thread because I just tried to listen to the new Cabaret cast recording with Eddie Redmayne and Jessie Buckley. Eesh, couldn't make it through. I don't know what on earth Eddie is doing, but I literally could not listen to his line deliveries for an entire recording. Buckley has a good voice, but she just shouts through most of her songs. And the tempos were soooooo slow. I Buckley would never get through Don't Tell Mama and Mein Herr. On the plus side, the orchestrationssound great. Maybe it all plays better while watching it?"

I also could not get through it, which is probably a significant contributor to why I have not yet purchased tickets.  For my 2 cents -- and I know this is a 20 year-old thread -- I think the OBC is far and away the best version.  

I love the fact that Liza was in great voice and got to sing Maybe This Time; however, in cutting the Frau Schneider / Herr Shultz storyline, they eliminated what was for me probably the most heartbreaking song that I can ever recall in a musical (What Would You Do), including everything from Les Mis, Miss Saigon, Funny Girl, Fiddler and the Sondheim and R&H canons (I hated everything about Passion, so I got no heartbreak).  When I was 16 and first saw it, I didn't get that storyline or Lenya's singing.  As I grew older, it really got to me, and that is probably my favorite Kander and Ebb song ever (maybe tied with Maybe This Time, ironically). 

I also thought that Jill Haworth's voice was perfect for the role; lastly, I much preferred the original Money Song to the movie's  Money! Money! Money!, which I assumed was inserted to give Liza another song (since she would have no role in the original song).  

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#36re: Which one?--Cabaret
Posted: 2/22/24 at 6:14pm

I haven't purchased tickets to the new revival either. Not only because I abhor the recording but I am over this need for every other revival to subvert the material and try to top one other in the sleazy/shock department. It's just oh so very boring. 

Oh, and my favorite Sally Bowles - Jill Haworth. 

Updated On: 2/22/24 at 06:14 PM
