Wicked Movie

zepka102 Profile Photo
#25Wicked BOOK
Posted: 10/3/04 at 9:49pm

i don't think Phantom can be a deciding factor for anything... so many people have been waiting for this to happen and it finally is. i bet when Producers or Hairspra comes out, we're gona see people start complaining about the number of movie musicals that are coming out... Hollywood goes through phases and people have short attention spans... look what happened to horrow movies... or disaster movies... they have their phases and die off... not saying i want movie musicals to die off... they are too much fun

::bust a move::

#26Wicked BOOK
Posted: 10/3/04 at 11:30pm

I don't think it will be here and gone, but there are phases, I just think it will lose its oscar appeal, but the more that come out and do a good job the less of a risk they are and the more will be made!

Twilight Profile Photo
#27movie.... OY
Posted: 10/3/04 at 11:56pm

Personally, I hope that they never make a movie of the musical, because think of all the random computer crap they would throw in just because they COULD! For instance, Defying Gravity would probably be Elphaba soaring over oz on er broomstick singing with the wind rushing through her hair as the Emerald city citizens ran beneath her, trying to catch her...

Maybe it's just me, but that would totally ruin it.

I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul my only goal is just to be

bially082 Profile Photo
#28movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 12:00am

I do not musicals made into movies. Ever. I much much much prefer to watch a film of the show on Broadway. Why can't they just ahul a camera inot the Gerswin and put out that video. It's sooooo much cheaper and easier. and better.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

bially082 Profile Photo
#29movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 12:00am

I do not musicals made into movies. Ever. I much much much prefer to watch a film of the show on Broadway. Why can't they just ahul a camera inot the Gerswin and put out that video. It's sooooo much cheaper and easier. and better.

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

bially082 Profile Photo
#30movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 12:00am

sorry for the double post

You are young, life has been kind to you. You will learn.

Twilight Profile Photo
#31movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 12:02am

I totally agree. I mean, they did that with Into the woods and Sweeney Todd, and they turned out spectacularly! Even if they could film a special stage version, like they did for CATS, that would work too.

I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul my only goal is just to be

#32movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 12:34am

From what I heard form someone talking to Gregory Maguire.. there are 2 movies that are being talked about.. one made for tv one that will be based on the novel and the major motion picture one that Universal wants to do will be based on the musical.

I'm not trying to spread rumors.. just throwing in something that I heard. Take it as you will.

cutiepie0882 Profile Photo
#33movie.... OY
Posted: 10/4/04 at 11:41pm

Some of you are totally crazy! I loved the musical! I really hope they go by the musical instead of the book, I mean no offense, the book was great but I loved how it turned out that Elphaba was the cause for all of Dorothy's friends and how she ran away with Fiyero! The book was so depressing because she could never win and there was no justice. I mean I'm not like there has to be a happy ending I just liked the ending to the musical because it ended a lot better. In the book, it was like story story end. A quick end, she didn't win, she lost everything, and she was killed after everything that happened. Plus, Glinda was WAY more funny in the musical, it was a comic relief between all the drama. None of you can say you didn't laugh when she said,"Oh let the little girl and the poor little dog Dodo!" Even my brother who hates musicals and was mad that he had to come and see the show cracked up when she said that! So, I hope the movie producedrs do it right cause if they screw that movie up, I'll be furious! Yeh....

Thus is how the book of man and woman shall be written endlessly crashing into each other like 2 vengeful bumper cars - I Love You You're Perfect Now Change

musicalmjk Profile Photo
#34movie.... OY
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:00am

but how can you make a movie saying that the wicked witch and the scarecrow go off together, when in the wizard of oz she dies. they should use the book, it makes more sense. it wouldnt contridict any of the other writings. if they really wanted they could have have it be a story that someone is telling someone else. I think it would work better if its based on the book, using music from the musical, but i dont think it should be a musical. i know the story is depressing, but everyone knows whats going to happen. and people go see depressing movies anyway

need to defrag my brain.

#35movie.... OY
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:21am

Actually if they used the book there would still be contradictions from the The Wizard of Oz...Like the confrontation between The Wicked Witch/Glinda/Dorothy when Glinda gives Dorothy didnt happen in Wicked the novel and the attack of them by the monkeys is Dorothy and the Lion being escorted by Chistery..umm different. Also, In Oz the reason Dorothy melts the witch is because she is trying to save the Scarecrow...the Scarecrom doesnt even enter the castle in Wicked the novel.

I LOVE the novel, but I think the musical does a better job of tying into the Wizard of Oz which would make happier moviegoers

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#36movie.... OY
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:26am

The Scarecrow and the Witch could have planned out a staged incident where she sets him on fire and then "melts" into the floor when Dorothy throws the bucket of water... Updated On: 10/5/04 at 12:26 AM

#37Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:27am

While watching Wicked, did you notice Dorothy was
just a backdrop and Toto is called "Dodo"
There was more to Wicked than we see on Broadway.
Scenes and Reference to the original Wizard of Oz was taken
out of the musical due to Copyright laws and Royalty.
According to sources, Dorothy was an actual character
and had the memorable scene with Elphaba (Wicked Witch of West)
Glinda and Munckins

"Who killed my sister, was it you?" - Witch of West

Dorothy's name is not used in Wicked but refer to her
as "The little farm girl"

Would the musical have been better with reference to Wizard of Oz?

There is also the thing about Fiyero and Elphaba:
In the movie, she tries to set him on fire (in Wicked she loves him)

The writers should have considered that the audience would
make the connection with the movie

I would have liked to see some scenes from Wizard of Oz,
but overall i liked it Updated On: 10/5/04 at 12:27 AM

ShbrtAlley44 Profile Photo
#38Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:29am

That's not true about the copyright laws. I read an interview with the creators of the show that said they just didn't feel like putting in scenes verbatim from the movie. Also, they thought Dorothy would be funnier if she were not actually seen. There are references to the movie throughout the musical. Updated On: 10/5/04 at 12:29 AM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#39Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 9:38am

"Actually if they used the book there would still be contradictions from the The Wizard of Oz...Like the confrontation between The Wicked Witch/Glinda/Dorothy when Glinda gives Dorothy didnt happen in Wicked the novel and the attack of them by the monkeys is Dorothy and the Lion being escorted by Chistery..umm different."

Huh? I couldn't make heads or tails of what you were trying to say.

"The writers should have considered that the audience would
make the connection with the movie

I would have liked to see some scenes from Wizard of Oz,
but overall i liked it"

I think the writers didn't want to be so obvious. Everyone knows the movie. The movie has also been a stage musical. Why do we need to see the movie yet again?

It sounds like everyone is trying to compare the events of the musical with the events from the film. Like the musical, the film was very loosely based on a novel and many of the events are quite different. Wicked, the novel, more accurately referred to The Wizard of Oz, the novel. The musical refers to both the film and the novel, but remains faithful to none of them. It is an entirely new story VERY LOOSELY based on two novels and a film. If you want it to be like the movie, rent the movie. Otherwise, what's the point? Personally, I prefer Wicked, the novel, over the musical version. The musical is cute and funny, but the story is nowhere near as interesting to me as the novel.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#40Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 9:52am

I think it was Chenoweth in her Chatterbox appearance said they were told during production that they did NOT have the rights to the direct "Wizard of Oz" references. She told the story about not being able to say "Toto" and having to come up with a variation of the name that would still be somewhat recognizable and funny at the same time. But she said they had to get rid of all the direct references.

As for making Wicked into a movie. No, leave it as a musical on Broadway. I sometimes get tired of people just wanting to make a buck off something that works. I like the live theater aspect to the show.
Having said that and knowing that Universal is the show's primary backer...I'm sure they'll do something.

musicalmjk Profile Photo
#41Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 10:18am

the book wicked follows the book for the wizard of oz, the scarecrow and tin man dont get to the castle in the wizard of oz. read the classic books before using the movie as a backdrop for everything. books and movies are drastically different, but i dont care it would be an enjoyable movie for anyone who liked reading the book to see

need to defrag my brain.

#42Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 10:55am

If they make the movie with Kristin, they better have a big budget for vaseline to put on the camera lens - she looks older than Idina's mother!

#43Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/5/04 at 12:00pm

Dont ever mess with cheno!
Its gonna get nasty up in hur!


#44Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/8/04 at 12:03am

I could understand that the book and the actual Musical
was "loose" Its the same thing as when I was doing
a performance of "The Wiz" and before I saw the
script we were using, I saw the movie with Diana Ross and
Michael Jackson, and I thought It was going to be
very similar. When I got the script, it was totally different.
The actual Wiz (the character I played) actually had songs
and not always behind a "curtain"
We did the Original Broadway Production.
I know understand what you mean

But you cant help to think about "The Wizard of Oz"
watching "Wicked" The poster does say
"So much happened before Dorothy dropped by"
just by the this tittle you cant help
but to think about Dorothy following the yellow
brick road. Updated On: 10/8/04 at 12:03 AM

son_of_a_gunn_25 Profile Photo
#45Behind Wicked the Musical
Posted: 10/8/04 at 3:09am

I have been anticipating news on the Guys and Dolls movie that has been talked about. While I think it could get easily botched, I also think if it is done by the right director it could be great. I am personally not a fan of the original movie. (I am sorry but Sinatra doesn't cut a very colorful Nathan Detroit.) His take ruined much of the humor and enjoyment for me. The show is high energy. The movie lags in that respect in my opinion. I am also not a fan of the different numbers they used. The originals were MUCH better.

My avatar is a reminder to myself. I need lots of reminders...

#46Wicked DVD-eh?
Posted: 10/8/04 at 11:24pm

They should record a live version of Wicked and put it on DVD-like they did with Into The Woods. They'd release it after the show closed on Broadway of course. They could continue to make a lot of money after the show closed. So many more people could finally see it. Sell it for like 30-40 dollars ("Special Edition" DVD with backstage footage?) There wouldn't be any special effects or anything-so it wouldn't be ruined. What do yall think?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#47Wicked DVD-eh?
Posted: 10/9/04 at 7:54am

"all eyes will be on the Phantom of the Opera film later this year, and its success will most probably speed up or slow down these other projects. "

They said the same thing of CHICAGO, and I think that one was more risky than THE PHANTOM because the story of CHICAGO is not so well known as the story of TPOTO.

I hope they will make at least some kind of film of SUNSET BOULEVARD, it's a great story and in my opinion one of A.Lloyd Webber's best scores. I just hope they won't do it with Liza...

#48Wicked DVD-eh?
Posted: 10/9/04 at 12:07pm

What are you talking about? Dorothy and Toto are only in the background (or something like that)...what are you talking about?

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

#49Wicked DVD-eh?
Posted: 10/9/04 at 4:55pm

I think the movie should be based on the book, NOT the musical. And please, re-write the script, and some of the songs. A lot of mistakes were made in the musical that, if it's going to be any good as a movie, have to go.

We can't all come and go by bubble...
