
Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations- Page 2

Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations

LyTeMyCanDyI Profile Photo
#25re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:12pm

awww...i was looking forward to the bad reviews.
I find it odd that only Clay Aiken has really made a splash out of the Amnerican Idol folks. Hmmm...

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker on Will and Grace: "Tell me more. Tell me more. Like does he have a car?"

#26re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:17pm

Listen. I actually saw this guy perform outside the confines of that stupid tv show, and he is a hell of a performer. No question. He also had the most consistently strong and moving singing voice of all the rest of the bunch on stage. Definitely the only one w/ some professional stage presence. The crowd went nuts for the guy whenever he was on stage. Also, from what I've read... rather than him being a diva, he's too f**king nice for his own good.

Can't understand why he's had the luck he's had, but it's not because of a lack of talent. The guy has it in spades. Plain and simple. Besides, who the hell knows why he left GV. But the show without him just made it far less interesting to me.

Updated On: 11/9/04 at 09:17 PM

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#27re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:24pm

And where's our little friend JJSugar who just two weeks ago shilled his way into our hearts by claiming Justin would be the next big Broadway thing?

Maybe he's in bed. School night you know.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.
Updated On: 11/9/04 at 09:24 PM

#28re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:39pm

wow...i go offline for a short time and things sure do change fast! lol...

i don't know if that is an official announcement, it does not look like one, and i hate to believe things i read in buzz articles on one site? plus, they did not say he was fired anyway!

But his Management's press release last week did say that Justin was in Final talks with a Record label and he had music written for it already! so i had a Feeling that there is a chance Justin might back out of Good Vibrations! we don't no if it is official or not yet?

to be Honest, i much rather see Justin get a Record Deal cause i own his CD and he has a Wonderful recording voice and he can Write music that is R&B influence also his Cd is a mix of R&B and some edgy funk and he also can sing pop! he is the most Versitle Musical Artist i have ever heard!

I live in Calif, so no way i could go to NY to see Justin in GV...so to be Selfish only i prefer Justin get another Record deal so i can have a New Cd from him to Play and i also prefer Justin lands either TV work or Movie roles!

It's No offense to Broadway heck i grew up around the Theater, but i sure as heck can't Travel to NYC at this time! Plus, Justin is a Artist and i think should be Putting out CD's and going on Tours!

for all the Reviews at Vassar Justin sure got Great reviews and it's a shame for those Fans whom bought Tickets and Airfare to see Justin! I did find it Odd that he did Not have one of the Leading roles and so i always did think he might back out if he got a Record deal or another offer which he has no doubt!

But good luck to all in Good vibrations i'm sure it will still be a fun show, but sounds like the Spark of the show is gone without Justin in it i heard he was Terrific and what a Dancer that kid is!

i sure won't miss some of the Nasty fans though, so I'm All for Justin signing that Record deal and for me that will be a wonderful thing to see !

we shall see if this news is true soon and until then...oh well...life goes on and i'm excited to hear about a new record deal since they did mention it in the last press release! so i'm sad and happy at the same time? lol...

i do recommend that people pick up Justin's debut album, there is No doubt once you hear his voice on that CD you can't hear the Magic in his voice he is like discovering a Bing crosby and or Frank Sinatra Justin really should PUT Out a JAZz CD he is a real Crooner if you hear his Cd you will agree!

p.s... the only reason his Cd sold 145,000 copies is RCa only made and distributed that many...they sabatoged Justin and it was impossible to find his Cd in stores after the first few months they all ran out and i was told by Target and many other stores that RCA was not shipping anymore even with demand and request from the stores! i did a lot of research about it and RCA did screw Justin there was More demand for his Cd, but you can't Sell what is Not in stores or distributed!

case in point...LOL>>>

i'm just glad to not have to deal with some of the more nasty fans on here, and i can stick to other threads that avoid the more unpleasant fans! LOL>>>

good luck to Justin he will be just fine!

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#29re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:46pm

Why would RCA "screw" Guarini? If his cd was selling well, it would only be in their best interest to keep distributing them. That's how they make money.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#30re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:48pm

JJ..let's you ...you said you were leaving three times during your last thread.

And now..you're back!

Please be a man of your word...go away.

And go to bed. School tomorrow.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#31re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 9:53pm

lol..i hate to break the news, i'm really Not a shill and you'll find that out as time goes on i'm not one! lol.. i have to laugh people on this board do crack me up!

i also am pushing Justin's cd and he is not even with rca and his cd will never take off since he left rca! But i tell people about it cause I honestly love it and the ONLY place you can find it is really ONLINE like Amazon has some stock in it that's about it!

i just was very mad Rca & idol screwed over Justin badly and he is just too Talented to be treated badly like that and a nice guy too !

Most likely IF justin left 'good vibration's it is on good terms cause we all knew from last week's press release from his Management company that Justin was in Final talks with a Record label so my guess is we will hear some news soon about that!

i'm Not a shill and i do think and hope some people on this board learn to be a bit nicer life is too short!

best wishes to all GV folks...

#32re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 10:05pm

oh i missed you Mr. turtle so i decided to come back! i'm here to stay now! lol...

well, Rca or clive davis and 19 management did Not want Justin or Tamyra to do well and i have one word and reason why? Kelly clarkson, if Justin or tamyra did well and showed kelly up in sales or did close to as well, then their Idol franchise would have really been in trouble since the show was New and looked for Crediablity for the winner to be played on Radio!

in fact, Simon cowell said on a TV interview right after Ai -1 finale that he would Sign many of the idols to the record label and management cause He does Not want them to go to the competition to Hurt the WINNER of Idol sales! He said he would only Push and promote the Winner and that is what they did! Simon also said the record business does this all the time signs ARtist and Ties their career up so they can't Impact other Artist they have a LOT of money into marketing dollar wise!

I heard it from the Horses mouth and Simon admitted doing this to other Idols in other countries as well! so this is not anything new!

they only signed Justin and Tamyra for a year and had NO intention of ever Promoting them just to Tie them up so at Winner would have success!

I suspect that with soo many Idols now Glutting the market, clive davis and Idol exect. will Pick and choose whom they really want to PRomote and i think many of them will be going down the river soo to speak in the next goo around of Cd's!

Rumor is they have most of their MOney into Kelly, so the rest of the Gang is very Disposable now!

glad you missed me Mr. turtle! LOL

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
#33re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 10:18pm

once more, JJ, remember that thoughtless gushing and conspiracy talk only makes you seem like a shill...it hurts your cause, sweetie...

#34re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 10:27pm

JJ, really, when you look at your posts, try to cut them to 100 words or less and everyone will be appreciative.

Truth is, I heard good things about Guarini- including on ATC. Barring some kind of miracle, I wasn't going to watch Good Vibrations either way, so this news isn't a big deal to me. If Guarini wants a career in musical theater, good luck to him.

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#35re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 10:44pm

"Beggars can't be choosers."

Got that right.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

AlwaysMisBehavin Profile Photo
#36re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/9/04 at 10:56pm

He didn't get fired.

#37re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 12:49am

ok..my post is less then 50 words do i get a treat? lol...drop the shill stuff and i will make my post shorter cause i ain't a shill and i still am not sure what a shill is totally!

SueleenGay Profile Photo
#38re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:10am

to be Honest, i much rather see Justin get a Record Deal cause i own his CD and he has a Wonderful recording voice.

Oh, YOU were the one who bought it! I tried to get it but they told me it was already sold.

But really, this is probably a good thing for his career. The show sounds like a clunker. Maybe he CHOSE to leave it so he could find something more deserving of his "talents". I hear BROOKLYN might have an opening soon.


#39re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:15am

Why is he considered a diva for quitting over billing?

Yo, he has NAME RECOGNITION. There are people who would have bought tickets to GOOD VIBRATIONS for no other reason that to see Justin Guarini onstage. Remember... more people saw that flop movie FROM JUSTIN TO KELLY than have ever seen most Broadway musicals. Like it or not, more people know who Justin Guarini is that know who Sutton Foster or Norbert Leo Butz are. Justin has no business doing a Broadway show like GOOD VIBRATIONS as a CHORUS member. His career has had its pits and falls, yes, but he still has NAME RECOGNITION and he should protect it and not ruin it with a chorus stunt. It would effectively KILLED his career for good to do the show with that kind of billing.

#40re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 1:37am

wow..i just saw that tamyra gray thread for her debut show and talk about heated threads a lot of racial fighting going on they just deleted that thread thank gosh!

i have to say i agree with Speed's post above, not sure who speed is but they are right i think!

the good news in my opinion is that this Means Justin must have that Record deal his Management said last week they were in Final talks with Original music written by Justin etc...

i'm Selfish, i want Justin to Put out another CD he is a Wonderful recording artist and he can Always do a Broadway show and you can Only be a Pop Star at a Younger age and he is getting Older so Now is the Time to go for IT! He can do Broadway in his 30's and 40's, so I prefer Justin Pursue his Music Career 10000000% at his age and give it all he has!

he can do TV and some parts in Movies to help supplement his Finances while he Pursues his Music! Broadway can wait he is an Amazing STage Performer and I do agree he should be One of the Leads in a Show and NOT part of the regular Cast he is just too Good of an Actor and performer for that!

If this is True, i expect we hear soon that Justin has Signed a Record Deal and I am going to really JUMP for JOY if that is the Case and it has to be since his Management said they were in Final talks!

we shall see!

I have lost a lot of respect for this Board and site after seeing that Thread about Tamyra Gray, i hate to read Racist stuff and i hope people take a hard Look into their hearts and Open them up!

i'm still waiting for the DAy we see a Black Annie? LOL>>

when i see Tamyra and Justin, i don't see them as Bi racial or black or white, i see them as very Talented Kids i enjoyed on the Idol show and it's Not easy i'm sure for them both and I wish them Both the best always!

by the way Congrats to Tamyra since her Thread was filled with racist crap and deleted i figure i would congrats her on this thread!

MaTakeALookAtMe Profile Photo
#41re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:02am

"drop the shill stuff and i will make my post shorter cause i ain't a shill and i still am not sure what a shill is totally!"

okay, JJ, keep your promise...no one said anything about shills since your last post and you went back up to like 3000 words...

#42re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:13am

Ok it's a deal...less then 100 words per post from now on! nite to all...

Mr.  Tuttle Profile Photo
Mr. Tuttle
#43re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 2:39am

Wow..how awsome...JJsugar has all the inside scoop about RCA and Clive Davis!! Wow..you are so connected to know all the inside details!!

Did your friend tell you this during 5th period history?

Perfect example why there needs to be an age limit for this board.

Ignorance is temporary. Stupidity last forever. Watch out BWW... HE'S BACK.

#44re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 3:33am

oh mr. turtle...duh...

no... i found out about what Rca did cause i tried to find Justin's cd in major stores only two months after it came out, and i was told that Rca was not shipping and not filling any orders for it anymore and they told me Rca did No make enough copies to meet demand! i was told that by Virgin records store Manager in Time square store also at Target stores and other major stores!

plus, i saw Simon's interview for myself and he said he signs people all the time to Tie up their careers and he did it to many idols also in the UK he admitted to doing this and laughed about it! this interview is ON tape on the Fox network in San Fran. channel two right after that Ai-1 finale i heard Simon say some really bad stuff and trust me he was not kidding about it either! He said the Music business does this all the time to Protect their Big investment dollars into certain artist and also he wanted to make sure the Winner of idol is seen as Credible...

Corey clark even claims that Idol used Payola to try to Bribe record labels he was negociating with to Not offer him a deal! there are some really bad stories coming out of Idol and the Gov. is now even investigating Bmg and other major record companies for Payola, so that is very true!

i guess i'm smarter then Mr. Turtle!

#45re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 3:39am

sorry i went over my one hundred word quota...blame mr. turtle for that!

if justin's cd was not in demand then why on earth was it all sold out at every major store only two months after it's release? the only place to get it is on amazon.com or online places! the retail stores all told me the same thing they were sold out and rca was not filling their orders only two months after his cd had debut...

gotta go i'm over my one hurdred words!


Musetta1957 Profile Photo
#46re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 4:35am

JJ, your weird capitalization begs the question, is your first language German?

#47re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 6:24am

Well I am truly heartsick over this and baffled. Justin was the only person generating publicity for this show as well as he did for the Vassar production. The announcement of his casting is everywhere. If he left because of his recording contract that would be a good thing but for any other reason I don't understand. His mother posted at JMan's World that she doesn't know the circumstances yet either.

Amneris Profile Photo
#48re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:07am

First of all JJsugar, you PMed me once to tell me to tell my board friends to stop bashing Justin... Well, have some respect and don't talk to Wickedfan2 that way. She is a wonderful person and was only stating her personal opinion. There was no reason for you to jump on her and tell others to ignore her.

Secondly , my question is.. say investors went in to "Good Vibrations" based on Justin G .. Can they pull out of the show now?

#49re: Idol Star Guarini Leaves Company of Good Vibrations
Posted: 11/10/04 at 9:23am

The information that tickets were now on sale (a day early) was posted early Saturday on Justin's fansites. I bought Saturday January 29 tickets at 6:30 am and got Row B Orchestra, 101-104.

By Sunday when tickets supposedly went on sale, the same night best available was the middle of Row N.

So yes, Justin's fan's did snatch up the best seats. And if he did indeed leave the show, expect e-bay to be flooded with primo tickets maybe even mine. I can only imagine that this would totally freak out investors to see opening week tickets already up for bid. Updated On: 11/10/04 at 09:23 AM
