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Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?- Page 2

Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?

#25re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 2:13am

You see what happens when Photoshop is co-opted by the forces of evil? :P

musicalfandukie Profile Photo
#26re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 3:37am

ahhh scary!!

wildcat Profile Photo
#27re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 5:47am

Oh dear, that poster made me recoil in fright!

Hey, how weird would it have been to see Barbara Cook or Carol Lawrence playing Fanny in stock in the '60s. Did anyone see them?
Would it have been scarier than Dolores Gray and Stritch as Mrs. Anna, or surprisingly effective???

I'll tell you what we're doing in Australia this year...sending a huge arena staging of "GREASE" on tour around the country with a few TV names and a WHOLE BUNCH of Australian Idol finalists in supporting roles. That way the kids can get their first taste of theatre (if you call that theatre) and the audiences can see their the distance...under big wigs.

#28re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 8:27am

Kelly Clarkson does not belong in any role on Broadway until she learns how to emote something other than self-centered immaturity. Doing some small town high school musical theater does not a Broadway star make.

As for her singing, she claims to be "classically trained" because her music teacher showed her some basic technique. Yet, the singing schedule for American Idol was considerably less demanding than 8 shows week and she couldn't make it through without her voice going. She has a LOUD voice, with little control or nuance. I prefer singers who do not scream their way through a score. At least the other Broadway belters have some real technique to back them up.

That said, it wouldn't surprise me that she gets cast in something. Her Idol management is the same as Tamyra Gray's, and they got those producers to buy their product. Sutton Foster has nothing to worry about, however.

Feodor Sverdlov
#29re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 9:19am

It makes me laugh how everyone is concerned about Kelly Clarkson's acting ability, as if Barbra Streisand was some sort of good actress. It was her acting that everybody was dismissing when she did "Funny Girl" on Broadway. People went to that show to hear her sing.


#30re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:51am

How come pop-stars turning broadway stars is the new trend? Are the pop-stars seeking out musicals or are broadway producers seeking out pop-stars? I'm just curious to find out where all of it is coming from! Updated On: 1/10/05 at 10:51 AM

broadway86 Profile Photo
#31re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:07am

I'm actually anxious to see what happens with this. I don't think people should underestimate her. While "From Justin to Kelly" was laughably bad, Clarkson displayed presence and charisma onscreen. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt.

PS - She would be an amazing Elphaba.

#32re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:19am

Clarkson is slathered with more teflon coating than my Calphalon.

She's had numerous mediocre to awful vocal performances, but keeps getting a pass. Also, call me picky, but I prefer someone with actual performance abilities and stage presence if I'm going to pay to see them. She has neither. Hearing her in interviews I doubt she has the capacity or articulation to handle a lead role. Even w/ protective editing in her "movie", her acting stunk up the joint, and she displayed no real screen presence or charisma. Unless one grades her on a curve.

But, continued good luck to her. Maybe she'll surprise.

Albin Profile Photo
#33re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 11:48am

The only person who would be worse in this role would be Deborah Gibson. No one in their right mind would considered her for the role...

broadway86 Profile Photo
#34re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 12:00pm

"She's had numerous mediocre to awful vocal performances, but keeps getting a pass."

What are you talking about?

DaysOfWine&Roses Profile Photo
#35re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 12:05pm

"No one in their right mind would considered her for the role.."


As much as I would like to believe this.......someone out there thought "P. Diddy" on Broadway was a good anything is possible.

She can sing. But, not everyone who can sing is right for Broadway. The powers that be need to understand this. Alas, the fact that she would sell tickets is most likely the only thing they understand.

parker russel
#36re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 12:11pm

I have no idea why i'm commenting...I'm not that concerned...but, in response to helluvagoodcheese...

I think being on Broadway 8 shows a week is incredibly demanding, but in all fairness to these kids American Idol is probably a little more demanding. If they were singing one show a week and that was that it would be fine, but they are in rehearsals for the show all day long, having to learn songs they don't know (to get ready to perform on the number one tv show), doing millions of interviews/press events, flying around for press stuff(which in itself is taxing on the voice), and on top of that getting very little sleep and being stressed out non-stop. At least when you're doing the same show 8 times a week you know what you're getting into and know how to rest, relax, and take care of yourself. These kids are thrown into an ungodly demanding life style and expected to perform on the most popular show on tv. I don't think any of them are incredible singers, but they should be given the benefit of the is an incredibly tiring vocal situation they are in.

#37re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 12:19pm

jsp, you are right on with the teflon observation. So many excuses have been made for her poor live performances (she's sick, her sound system wasn't right), you'd think folks would get a clue. Her deer in the headlights screamfest on the Radio City Music Awards show was a classic example.

Streisand has undeniable presence. Clarkson has none, except as a clunky Texas teenager (yes, I know she's over 21 but she comes off as much younger than her age). The fact she would even consider herself a legitimate prospect to play Fanny Brice tells you how little perspective she has about what it takes to play a Broadway role.

Maybe when she's older, and if she ever figures out how to actually deliver a song rather than pummel it to death, she could do "Annie Get Your Gun." Let's see if she can hang onto her manufactured fame long enough.

#38re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 12:51pm

I posted this because I had my doubts about Broadway (specifically Funny Girl) as well, and I appreciate the feedback. But I do have to say that I am surprised by people saying she can not sing. I have seen her perform live and it is remarkable how great her voice is in person. It is so strong and very emotive.

As for the poor performances, sure there have been some. Name one artist that doesn't give a subpar performance every now and then. But for every one of those I can name 10 performances that were great. Kelly is new to the business and she is still learning, but I believe (as an admitted fan) that she has one of the best voices out there today and she is one of the most versitile artists I have seen. I know many will disagree, but hey it is my opinion.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback. It has been very interesting.

musicgal04 Profile Photo
#39re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 1:47pm

I would love it if some total unknown got to play Fanny Brice. Sure she would have to live up to Streisand, but at least people would be going to see the show and not "The Name." However I highly doubt that that will happen. On another note, didn't Stephanie Block do the show regionally? Now that is a performance I would like to see.

broadway86 Profile Photo
#40re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 2:10pm

"Let's see if she can hang onto her manufactured fame long enough."

Her new album is getting rave reviews, and her voice is developing well. I believe she'll be around longer than you think.

#41re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 2:33pm

Hey... At Least it isn't Pia Zadora doing a revival of the show.

I remember when she did that show!!!

#42re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 6:51pm

To be honest, Funny Girl is among my favorite shows and I think it should NEVER be revived. Such as I thought Bells are Ringing should have NEVER been revived (and was probably right).

The fact is that any attempt at all would just pale greatly in comparison to the original. It is the case with most musical revivals. I would much rather see capable leading women in roles that were created for them. A new star vehicle, because a lot of these shows require that special leading player who made the show.

In regard to Clarkson it is the worst idea I have ever heard. I am insulted. And I like her too, but put her up there as Fanny Brice and I will have a meltdown.

#43re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 7:11pm

I think we all know she can't really act... take that movie she did , "From Justin to Kelly." That was RIDICULOUS.

Yes, she does have a FABULOUS voice and i do admire her for that, but i don't see her in any theater or acting roles anytime soon. and i'm happy about that.

#44re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 7:19pm

To be completely fair, how many opportunities for acting does a movie like From Justin to Kelly provide? Anika Noni Rose was in that thing, too.

That said, Clarkson as Fanny Brice? Ha! Updated On: 1/10/05 at 07:19 PM

FOCI Profile Photo
#45re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 8:23pm

This thread title almost gave me a heart attack. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
I absolutely adore "Funny Girl" but I think I would have to shoot myself before seeing Kelly Clarkson in the role(though I do like her). If they were ever to revive "Funny Girl" they need someone who could maybe play Fanny Bryce in a diff. way than Barbra and someone with CHARISMA. I repeat CHARISMA.

"I guess she is one very confident girl who feels if you see it, it shall be. I hope she sees a room with a piano player and a bunch of scary middle-aged queens sitting behind a table, talking to each other as she auditions!!" -Marc Shaiman on Kelly Osbourne in Hairspray

#46re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 8:27pm

I would LOVE to hear Kelly Clarkson sing that score. I don't know about her acting abilities though. That film had an awful script. And I failed to notice, until recently, that the other girl was none other than Anika Noni Rose of CAROLINE, OR CHANGE! Forgive me... I'm slow...

Anyway, that script was horrendous. Even Audra McDonald couldn't have made that watchable.

CastAlbumFan Profile Photo
#47re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 9:53pm

Oy vey!

Barbra is too closely identified with the role of Fanny Brice. Kelly Clarkson as Fanny?! Not in a million years!

Praying Decca Broadway will put "Don't Bother Me, I Can't Cope" on CD!

#48re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:33pm


i just heard about this funny news!

kelly in 'funny girl' now that is funny in of itself i got a good chuckle from this thread...

can kelly act? the question is??


she was awlful acting in the movie 'Justin to Kelly' and she sure did Not get any blame for it failing!

most IDOl fans have seen in on cable now and they normaly post how good Justin was in acting he was funny and quick witted and sounded really good!

i have Never heard one person yet Not say how Bad Kelly's acting was in Justin to kelly...

but the movie was still cute in a Disney sort of way and the Music in Justin to kelly was really Amazing i have some of the mp3's and Timeless is on Justin's Cd!

so yes, Kelly can sing as long as they can Filer out when she screams at times she does have a Talent no doubt..

My suggestion for Kelly is maybe the Broadway show:




those might be more workable for her to be in??

But first off Kelly needs some Serious ACting lessons..

the problem is Kelly came off very Insincere after AI-1 in all her interviews she was very Shallow on how she treated JUSTIN on public interviews and Justin was always praising her in every interview and well Kelly was imature at the time and had no clue & came off as self absorbed with little class!

but she is older now, so sometimes age can make a person wiser !

best of luck to her...

Updated On: 1/11/05 at 10:33 PM

#49re: Kelly Clarkson starring in a revival of Funny Girl?
Posted: 1/10/05 at 10:39pm

From most people I've talked to, they have said that Kelly won not only for her unbelievable voice but for her down-to-earth, humble personality. Justin was the one who, after Simon offered some constructive criticism, replied arrogantly, "well, let's see what the audience thinks." Kelly was constantly humble and sincere throughout the competition. Every interview I've seen her do has been completely endearing. She may not be the greatest actress, and she's said it herself. She's not an actress, she's a singer.
