
Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?- Page 2

Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?

#25re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 12:47am

There's a real exuberance to the revised second act opening, particularly after dialogue break in the middle. It was a great number in the Atlanta production, with dancing boys and a revolving staircase for the girls. I do see this number as one of the easiest to cut, though. It's basically just a bunch of reprises and it doesn't propel the plot (except for the brief Jimmy and Curtis scene it middle). It's a hell of a number to bring you back after intermission, though.

And I'm in agreement with Capn and Michael Bennet about Condon. I thought he did an amazing job with the Chicago screenplay and I was really happy to see his name attached this movie when it was announced. The only thing I really missed from the stage version of Chicago was "My Own Best Friend." I understand why it didn't make it, though.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

inlovewithjerryherman Profile Photo
#26re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 12:56am

I'm interested in how they're gonna do "Ain't No Party"...

I direct short films, and i can always see big musicals on stage that would transfer really well, most of the time...I even drew some storyboards for Sweeney Todd (which would be a cinematic masterpiece if ever made into afilm, I tell ya) but I must say...filming And I Am Telling You is a HUGE challenge...I just cannot think of a really great way to do it. I actually for a while, thought it might work acapella...but that would be weird...I don't know, but hopefully they'll figure something out.

#27re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 1:24am

Thanks for answering my questions Marquise. Now I have heard The Opening of The Second Act and I absolutley adore it. I really hope it doesn't end up on the cutting room floor.

#28re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 2:30am

I just hope they make the Act 2 Opening really big (as in large, as in huge...) - I mean pull out all the stops. Lots of gold shimmery things, maybe some fire, and lots of chanting men (Deeeeennaaa...)

#29re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 5:23am

FYI --

Bennett kept revising and revising and REVISING the the 2nd Act opening during the entire life of the show and I don't think he EVER found one that he was completely satified with (he is the only director I've ever heard of that never stopped tinkering with a hit show even a YEAR AFTER after it had been playing to soldout houses).

I don't have the strength to sit here and describe in detail all of the different openings of the second act I saw, but there were at least five that I can remember clearly - all completely different from each other (from previews to shortly after opening night to six months later to the LA version to the post-LA version).

Bennett played with the "press conference version" through previews and even after opening, I believe, but he was never happy with it because Eyen and Krieger could never find a way to appropriately musicalize it and he could never find a way to stage it so that it didn't just look like a big ole mess of random people on stage (which it absolutely did in previews). While it gave out some interesting plot and character details, Bennett HATED it and cut it because it didn't "MOVE" like the rest of the show and it was just a ton of unnecessary (though very interesting) exposition, and one of the cardinal rules of directing is that non-critical exposition must always be cut. So buh-bye.

Bennett cut the top of Act II press conference somewhere right around opening night (I think a bit after, but I'm not sure). At various times I saw it afterwards, the Dreams came out at Act II carrying suitcases, with stage patter about all of the places around the world they had been (and they arranged the suitcases as platforms to walk up and down, with dancing boys aiding them); there was a GIANT staircase one time (with each stair lighting and unlighting as they walked up and down); there was once a whole opening dance number involving their various "dancing boys" whom they talked about in detail; and then there was one that had no gimmicks -- just a medley with intricate dance work and choreography around the stage.

In each of those cases the press conference was cut, and following the end of the medley, Effie, Marty and the "I Am Changing" number rolled out immediately afterwards.

I do think some version of the press conference would/could work much easier in the film version than it did on stage -- Bennett was a genius, but for whatever reason, having the press conference there after the big, splashy Act II opening (and then followed by the "I Am Changing" scene) seemed to grind the show to a hault for too long for him, no matter what he did, so he felt the need to cut the press conference. Condon will have a much easier time with it on film, if he chooses to include some version of the scene.

"What a story........ everything but the bloodhounds snappin' at her rear end." -- Birdie [http://margochanning.broadwayworld.com/] "The Devil Be Hittin' Me" -- Whitney

#30re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 2:38pm

I wonder if they'll have different costumes in the movie from the play. All of the Dreams performance costumes a pretty remorable and were almost charcters unto themselves. I especialy love The Dreams One Night Only costumes. I hope they keep those.

#31re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 3:29pm

Thanks for the wealth of information, Margo. I didn't realize the act two opening had gone through that many incarnations. Very cool to know.

"How do you like THAT 'misanthropic panache,' Mr. Goldstone?" - PalJoey

#32re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 3:39pm

Wow- thanks for that! I had no clue it had been such a process! I'm excited to see what they keep/cut

nmartin Profile Photo
#33re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/10/05 at 3:45pm

Marquise, It must be magic at your house.

Thetruth Profile Photo
#34re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/11/05 at 2:38am

Just to "piggy back" off of what Marquise and Margo have already said…

At one point the the Boston tryout Act 2 Opener went like this…
-They start out singing "Dreamgirls"
-Lorell and Michelle don't have their solo lines in the beginning
-Deena says, "Right about now we'd like to take you back into our past and do some of our hits" (It makes is seem like somewhere they recorded and released "Family and "Move")
-They start off with a slower version of "Move" with Deena singing Effie’s part and segue into...
-"Love Love You, Baby"
-"Cadillac Car"
All the songs were given a different field kinda Vegas like, but all that stuff about her perfume "devastation" wasn't in there.

-The part where Jimmy is complaining about how he needs his band back is not integrated into the medley it’s after that during the Dreams Press Conference.

The Reporters ask Deena how it feels to top the Supremes on the charts and how does it feel to be married to the man who made you a star. She replies, "Wonderful, what can I say but wonderful" like she does in the very first press conference. It really shows how much of a pawn she is. The reporters ask her what she's going to do next and she says she wants to be in movies. That's when she makes the Diana comment.

The reporters start in on Lorell and ask her how it feels to always be in the background and will Jimmy ever leave his wife for her. She kinda gets grim with one of the reporters. It's a good build up to her singing "Ain't No Party" later on.

They ask Michelle if the rumor is true that CC pushed his sister out in favor of her. Michelle explains that she didn't know CC until Curtis gave her the job.

Then the reporters ask where Effie White is and they accuse Curtis of killing Effie's career, which prompts Curtis to end the press conference.

OK I've got too much time on my hands and I need to take my butt to bed.

#35re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/11/05 at 3:03am

Have y'all heard about the open casting call for Effie on June 18th in NYC? btw, Marquise it says they are from Detroit in the casting call. Anyway, is anybody here going to audition? I can't wait to see who they find, if they find anybody. It's such a hard part to cast, I'm glad I don't have to be the casting director.

#36re: Dreamgirls movie - What things do you feel should not be changed?
Posted: 6/11/05 at 10:48am

My guess is that they will set all the singing in "performance" format. For example, they will only sing when they are on stage and never when their off stage unless it's a rehearsal or something. I fear that this may cause some significant changes (i.e. the press conference, the fight, etc).
