Best Glinda

Tap16 Profile Photo
#25re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:49pm


#26re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:56pm

"You spelt Kristin wrong."

Oh, bullcrap. So, what?

"Your grammar is horrible."

Mmm. I have to say, I think I have pretty good grammar for a twelve year old. Apparently, you don't agree. I bet YOUR grammar is horrible! I'm guessing you're sixteen or seventeen. Well, if you are, that makes me feel good. Why you ask? It makes me feel good because I know that I have better grammar than most that are older than me.

"Honestly, leave your sh*t at the door, if you don't like a thread don't click it."

You know why I click these type of threads? One reason is to learn that I shouldn't post this sort of thread. Another reason is to teach these posters a lesson. I mean, I think they have better things to do on BWW then to talk about Wicked. My last reason (I hate to be a bit mean about this...) is because it sort of...amuses me.

What the puck?!
Updated On: 8/1/05 at 06:56 PM

ThE nEw KiD Profile Photo
ThE nEw KiD
#27re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:56pm

DefyingEDCT...You rock! Down with gavrochegirl!

#28re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:57pm

Kristin Chenoweth is Kristin Chenoweth. I thought her performance was positively magical. That being said, I also adored Megan Hilty the two times I saw her. And I don't get all the adoration for JLT. She has a "nice" voice, but from what I've seen of her she seemed to be doing a bad skit on Mad TV. That's just my opinion.

Thenardier Profile Photo
#29re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:58pm


re: Best Glinda

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#30re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:58pm

"Another reason is to teach these posters a lesson"

OH! I was just SCHOOLED.

#31re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 6:59pm

Oh, please. "Down with gavrochegirl!" does not offend me or prevent me from posting on this thread. Since I consider myself a tad bit of a rebel, I say, bring it on, Defying.

What the puck?!

emo_geek Profile Photo
#32re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:00pm

I like Cheno singing better then Kendra...but acting and all together cuteness is KENDRA ^__^! Ive seen Kendra 3 times and Megan once.

"I never had theatre producers run after me. Some people want to make more Broadway shows out of movies. But Elliot and I aren't going to do Batman: The Musical." - Julie Taymor 1999

mominator Profile Photo
#33re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:02pm

Best Galinda? Easily hands down MimiImfurst as Eric Cartman as Galinda. You so ROCK gavrochegirl

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

#34re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:04pm

Why, thank you, mominator. re: Best Glinda Always here to fight the villians.

What the puck?!

mominator Profile Photo
#35re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:07pm

Keep fighting the good fight.

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

#36re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:09pm

I will! *strikes a corny, but somehow heroic pose*

What the puck?!

Thenardier Profile Photo
#37re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:10pm


re: Best Glinda

#38re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:11pm

ROTFLMAO. That is the funniest picture since Dakota Valjean!

What the puck?!

Starchild Profile Photo
#39re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:11pm

I saw Jennifer Laura Thompson and I thought she was very good. Didn't see anyone else so can't compare. But it's true that Cheno (I don't dare try to spell her whole name)has an amazing speaking voice which is perfect for that role. When I saw her on the West Wing I was both fascinated and repulsed. I can't decide if I like it, but her voice surely distinctive!! (I love her on on West Wing)

VB: Mr. Wonka, my name is Violet Beauregard... WW: I don't care.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#40re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:13pm

This really is a common subject on here - pops up a lot.

But JLT was fabulous - the two times I saw her. I don't think she was like an SNL skit at all. Her opera isn't very strong (she's not a coloratura), but her acting was lovely.
Updated On: 8/1/05 at 07:13 PM

#41re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:19pm

Well, Defying? Are you out of insults?

What the puck?!

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#42re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:26pm

mmm no? I dont think I was trying to insult anyone? or pick a fight but go on if you must.

#43re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:31pm

Well, honestly, I think when you posted for the first time in this thread, you were trying to drive me away from posting and/or trying to teach me something.

What the puck?!

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#44re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:33pm

JLT, hands down. I saw her and she just stole the show, has a lovely voice and she is a great actress. 'Nuff said.

I have seen Kristin and she seemed to do everything to get a laugh. Even in the serious scences she did this.

I have not seen or heard Megan, so no comment.

On Kendra from the trailer. I think she is good, her voice is interesting, and acting is something I will see when I see the Philly tour.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#45re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:35pm

Stop fighting with the 12 year old! lol maybe if we're quiet, she'll fall asleep.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#46re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:36pm

Jennifer Laura Thompson was the best Glinda for me. Then again, I don't like Kristin ever, really. And I always love Jen.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

Born2cthelightsofbway Profile Photo
#47re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:40pm

Jennifer Laura Thompson

"You alone can make my song take flight, it's over now, the Music of the Night!!!!!"

#48re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:40pm

WickedGeek, you are the most immature poster on this board. Just because I'm twelve years old doesn't mean I can stand up for myself. I particually don't like when people think that way about me. Hey, kids can do almost anything they put their minds to.

What the puck?!

DefyingEDCT Profile Photo
#49re: Best Glinda
Posted: 8/1/05 at 7:46pm

"Stop fighting with the 12 year old! lol maybe if we're quiet, she'll fall asleep."

Well its almost 8 eastern time, so she should be heading to bed soon.
