
Billy Elliot on Broadway- Page 2

Billy Elliot on Broadway

#25re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 7:31pm

Re: Jerry Springer never transfered.

You're spot on about the standing ovation business. On Broadway, it's almost obligatory now.

I was referring to shows like "Blood Brothers" which I enjoyed and which ran briefly in New York but is the energizer bunny in the U.K.

As I also mentioned once, another longstanding British drama, "The Woman in Black" seems to be going on forever over there but had a short run off-Broadway here.

I'm genuinely interested in the differances between audiences and that is at the bottom of my conjecture about the potential success of "Billy Elliot".

In terms of drama, West End plays seem to have a great track record in the U.S. and there have been a handful of musicals that scored big in the U.S. (mostly those with Cameron Mackintosh's fingerprints on them) but, again, there is something noticeably differant about audiences responses to musicals.

#26re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 7:36pm

I'm sure it will transfer soon enough, considering the money it's raking in London. I also presume they'll send Colin bates over. Maybe the'll set up another Billy Elliot school outside new york.

The rain we knew is a thing of the past -
deep-delving, dark, deliberate you would say
browsing on spire and bogland; but today
our sky-blue slates are steaming in the sun,
our yachts tinkling and dancing in the bay
like racehorses. We contemplate at last
shining windows, a future forbidden to no one.

Derek Mahon

"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets."

Arthur Miller

#27re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 8:16pm

Billy Elliot on Broadway? After Lestat? I dunno.

Don't get me wrong, I would've liked to have to seen that show when I was in London. We even tried to get tickets for Friday night. Boy, were we whistling dixie that day.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

tophertilson Profile Photo
#28re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 8:53pm

I would disagree mrkringas about why JERRY SPRINGER didn't transfer. It lost tons o' money in its West End production. And after the glow of the reviews died down, it became clear that it wasn't as good as everyone said it was. It certainly wasn't a "popular" piece of theatre.

Now BILLY ELLIOT is better than JSTO, surely. And that whole "it's too English to play America" nonsense is just that - nonsense. It's easily understandable. That said, I fear it's not nearly as good as the reviews would have us believe.

"Me flunk English? That's unpossible!" - Ralph Wiggum

Tag Profile Photo
#29re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 9:09pm

Toronto rumours of Billy Elliot are back on. It looks like it will happen.
Recent other Toronto rumours include We Will Rock You and Dirty Dancing.

Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#30re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 9:24pm

Wow. Two shows that we DESPERATLY need. We Will Rock You AND Dirty Dancing?

Someone catch me

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

#31re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 9:26pm

I may be wrong, but I thought the ONLY thing holding Billy Elliot from coming to Broadway was that Elton wanted The Imperial Theatre, and only the Imperial Theatre for it?

ruthiefan_felix Profile Photo
#32re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/20/06 at 10:11pm

Billy Elliot 'mawkish', 'repetitive' and 'camp'? I'm sorry but I don't think there's much stuff repeating on stage, just the Letter songs that has been sung.. twice! And c'mon! Anyone who saw the film must know that Billy Elliot is about a boy who wanna go learn ballet and has a gay best friend who supports me... they mustve expected the show to be camp at some point!
Anyway, I hope they'll keep the whole original show when they transfer and do changes to suit American tastes like they did to Mary Poppins!

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#33re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/21/06 at 10:26am

ot - Caroline, is that Gaspard Ulliel in your avatar? I love "A Very Long Engagement."

Theatreboy33 Profile Photo
#34re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/21/06 at 1:24pm

Id hardly call Billy Elliott the best new musical in years. In fact, I doubt it would win the Tony if it had any stiff comppetition. The music isn't anything to brag about, nor are any performances besides the kid's. And it had an ugly set to boot. But that said, I'm sure it will come to broadway and do quite well.

mrkringas Profile Photo
#35re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/21/06 at 1:43pm

Blood Brothers is not really the energiser bunny you make it out to be. It runs cause its

A)A Bill Kenwright production aka extremely cheap as chips weekly costs
B)On the English National curriculum for drama and does a lot of business from schools
C)Its always available at tkts and plenty of discounts
D)If they ever closed that show, the Phoneix Theatre may possibly collapse from years of neglect and the existing set is the only thing holding it together re: Billy Elliot on Broadway (okay that last one has been sexed up a bit!)

Jerry Springer did indeed loose a ton of money and part of that was down to disputes between Avalon Productions and the other producers. Was there not a legal case or something? Anyway you are right in that it was empty most nights and one of the first WE shows to hit the £50 ticket price which didnt endear it!

#36re: Billy Elliot on Broadway
Posted: 8/21/06 at 6:52pm

"Blood Brothers is not really the energiser bunny you make it out to be."

Thanks for the clarification.

I remember thinking as I watched it that I could appreciate it's popularity abroad. The composer/librettist/lyricist (Willie...?) really hit a home run with the anthemic finale "Tell Me It's Not True."
