
TARZAN had CLUMSYDUDE swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}- Page 2

TARZAN had CLUMSYDUDE swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}

#25re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:20pm

bwayondabrain- Thank you. I loved the show. I'm glad we agree.

It was better than standing in Times Square at Bway on Bway.

The Stars R Aligned
#26re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:22pm

this is about when someone thought that when she sang "You'll Be In My Heart" you thought she said youll bean my heart...its a little natural to slur small words together. we do it in regular speech.

just thought I'd just say that.

yes i do hope Jenn finds a good prosperous show. Maybe when and if Sutton Foster leaves the show, she could play Janet Van De Graaff. That sounds like a good match to me!

"Let me see some smiles... Not that phony 'sell-smile.' I want to see that 'I-love-to-dance-smile.'"-Larry, A Chorus Line My bumper sticker in 2100-DISCO STILL CONFUSES ME!!!! Oh by the way, Mr. Green called, he said "Get a CLUE!" Megan-And what about that wierd purple thing on happy meals Me-Grimmace or whatever the heck his name is. Megan-Yeah Me-What is he supposed to be anyways? Megan- I dont know I always thought he was Ronald McDonald's big stupid purple pet or the Hamburgler's hairball

#27re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:25pm

i am another one who personally loved Tarzan. No, its deff not the best show ive ever seen but i still loved it! i thought Jenn was adorable in her role and her voice deff fit the part, especially in "For The First Time" (one of my fav songs from the show!!!)

i was a little annoyed by the way Merle sings "You'll Be In My Heart" but it stilla beautiful song and her voice is gorgeous in that song!

and it is deff such a visual show! yes, some things could be better, but it still looks cool and adds to the show!

THE OPENING tho is the BEST opening to a show i have EVER seen!!! its soo unexpected and mind blowing!! i mean, it REALLY looks like theyre underwater and they have the movement down! its just AMAZING!!

#28re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:26pm

"yes i do hope Jenn finds a good prosperous show. Maybe when and if Sutton Foster leaves the show, she could play Janet Van De Graaff. That sounds like a good match to me! "

That'd be amazing.
I love Jenn.
I really loved her in ASU and Tarzan.
So, I do hope she gets more leading roles as time goes on.

#29re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:27pm

The opening of the show is the best part of the show itself. It borrows a lot from the staging (and Crowley's scenic design) of Aida.

Aside from that and the first few aerials, it's another forgettable afternoon that most people paid $112 for.

#30re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:28pm

Tchi4Lif188- I'm glad we also agree.

For The First Time is my favorite song.
It really showcases Jenn's voice perfectly.
Reminds me of how her voice was showcased during Fools Fall In Love from ASU.

#31re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:35pm

ClumsyDude15: Im glad we agree too!! its so hard to find tarzan fans on here.

but i still am in love with the opening. yes, i do remember the rest of the show YankeeFan, but the opening was deff the best beginning to an amazing night. I still have yet to see anything like that in any other show!

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#32re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 7:35pm

I was pretty psyched when I heard Crowley was designing this. I was hoping it might be another LION KING.

Instead, it's 400 yards of green fabric, with a show to match. I was pretty POd, considering how much I paid for the ticket.


jasonf Profile Photo
#33re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 10:13pm

I am VERY rarely bored in a theater - especially in NY - Tarzan BORED me. The score is SO blah, I can't believe Disney (which I LOVE) didn't scrap the whole thing and start it from scratch with a different composer from day one (and I'm talking about from the movie!). Tarzan is to Beauty and the Beast what Freddy Got Fingered is to Duck Soup - same game, but VASTLY different leagues.

Hi, Shirley Temple Pudding.

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#34re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/11/06 at 11:38pm

To quote Jeffrey from Project Runway:

"Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack."

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

BroadwayRandy0711 Profile Photo
#35re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 4:39am

I was thinking that you may need to say *spoilers* in the title, for people who have not seen it before they may have gotten it confused. I thought the same thing that Jason did that the actors where "clumsy on stage."
*Just a suggestion*

I do have to say that I am a Tarzan fan. I loved the music and thought that he had a pretty good story line. Some of the second act was slow but for the most part it was a good show.

#36re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 6:06am

well, just to refer to the set comments, i think it is incredible! the water-fall was really cool...
and the opening was incredible! it was funny how unexpected it was- i was just sitting in my seat and booom!- the little lightning and thunder thing and the show began
yeah, im a TARZAN fan

#37re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 8:00am

bwayondabrain- TARFANS, UNITE! We could have a Wonder-Twins thing going.
munk- Thank god someone else here watches Project Runway!
And has anyone seen the thing of different" on site Voldemort?
It's really funny, and REALLY weird if you haven't seen the show.
Plus, I love how he says it. "Diff-ur-ent" enunciating.

"I'm thinking about how if you took the W in answer, and the H in ghost, and the extra A in aardvark, and the T in listen, you could keep saying WHAT but no one would ever hear you because the whole word would be silent." Please support BC/EFA at goodsearch.com! Search for anything, and your charity will get a cent!

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#38re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 10:02am

I thought Jenn was terrible. Her songs are awful (not her fault) and her accent is atrocious.

As far as the harnesses, they didn’t even need to have flying. It has so little to do with the story. The flying is so bad and corny I can’t believe they kept it. De Le Guardia was so cool, but it doesn’t work here. They haven’t even come close to Cirque. Tarzan is the only one that needs to fly and they couldn’t even get that right.

That spider thing is by far the biggest embarrassment on Broadway in the last 5 years. It looked like something Homer Simpson designed.

TabooWickedFan Profile Photo
#39re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 11:24am

clumsy i just have one word for you......


glad you had fun at the show!

"But I relish every brillant inspired moment. This is who I'm determined to be- an actor/singer/dancer-no, I take that back, this is who I am. These people are my tribe, my destiny. I know it. -How I Paid for College; A story of sex, theft, friendship and musical theater.

#40re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 11:43am

yay for tarfans AND project runway fans!!!!!!! lol, i love it!

mediakilled Profile Photo
#41re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 4:29pm

i just threw up in my mouth,..a little.

Paulyd Profile Photo
#42re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 4:38pm

Forget Tarzan. I my opinion the best Disney movie musical is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Ithas one of the best scores i've heard in a movie or on stage for that matter

mejusthavingfun Profile Photo
#43re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/12/06 at 4:56pm

Someday from Hunchback is my second favorite Schwartz song. There is a beautiful version of it by Celtic Women. Check it oun iTunes. It should be an anthem for out times. Hmm I would love to see it played at the end of the Rachel Corrie play.
Updated On: 9/12/06 at 04:56 PM

#44re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/13/06 at 12:25am

Paulyd - Amen! Here's to hoping Disney starts scraping this crap and goes for more artistic endevours like Hunchback could be!

Sillyism Profile Photo
#45re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/13/06 at 12:40am

I have the CD and I can't get over the fact that the song "Different" is right before intermission. I mean is that true? Cause I've only heared that was the case.

I mean the song before intermission should usually be a big fun song, or REALLY meaningful, something the gets the crowd going. I just can't see that song as making me get chills.

I don't know about anyone else, but I want to be extremely anticipating the rest of the show just because of the pre-intermission song. Im in Seattle, so I won't be seeing it anytime soon, but maybe I'll be proven wrong if I ever do see it.

Kay: You might want to be careful about wearing that. Steven doesn't like things that are quite so obvious. Crystal: When Steven doesn't like what I wear, I take it off! -The Opposite Sex

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#46re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/13/06 at 6:51am

Could Jenn pull off the demanding choreography during "Show Off" if she played Janet?

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611

#47re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/13/06 at 3:24pm

"You might want to change the title of this post. It makes absolutely no sense, nor is it relative to your review. I expected you to post information about how the actors, swinging around on stage, was physically, and visually "clumsy." "

I didnt get the title of this at first either... Thought it may have had something to do with Josh maybe "falling out of his costume"!

#48re: TARZAN had Clumsy swinging. {9-10-06 1pm show}
Posted: 9/13/06 at 3:36pm

Im glad you liked the show. I had seen it in May, and my experiance with it was that it was an embarassment of musical theatre. By far the worse thing Disney ever put on stage. Talented people stuck in an awful show. Different strokes for different folks.
