
To anyone happy to see "Beauty" go...- Page 2

To anyone happy to see "Beauty" go...

#25re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:45pm

IT DIDN'T FAIL! It's just closing.

There is a big difference.

But, go ahead, continue berating us as if WE'RE the problem. But, sometimes you have to stop and think, that when it's one person again one thousand....maybe it truly is the one that is a little bit crazy.

And, for the record, you're welcome to stop reading at anytime. If what people say here really is getting under your skin that badly, then perhaps it's time to hit the red x in the corner and move on along to something that causes you a little less discomfort.

"You just can't win. Ever. Look at the bright side, at least you are not stuck in First Wives Club: The Musical. That would really suck. " --Sueleen Gay

#26re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:45pm

God ... has Disney brainwashed you this much? lol Things come; things go. They are a huge company who doesnt really care about you, and is not any better than any other corporation out there. I am a huge admirer of Walt; he is one of my idols; and I hate how much of his company has fallen. So, yes, I am a Disney fan, but without the naive, rose-colored glasses.

I am sick of BTB, personally. It is like the musical theatres go to when they're strapped for cash and/or need money, as BTB is a gauranteed seat filler for the tween set.

I mean, will you be this angry when Mary Poppins -- the Sherman Brothers masterpiece -- eventually closes?



"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make" -- The Beatles

"Be the change you want to see in the world" -- Mahatma Gandhi

"Celebrate Earth Day, every day" -- John Denver

"Don't let them mold your mind, they want to control mankind, seems like their only intention is to exploit the earth; and you trust in their deceit, your mind causes your defeat, and so you become an invention to distort this earth; propoganda and lies, is a plague in our lives, how much more victimized, before we realize (hey) ... they'll make it attractive, to get man destracted, corrupting your (soul), polluting your (soul), destroying (your soul, mind control) ... ooh grand master, let the people go, you put them in total confusion, to downs-troy their soul; for they practise what you preach, so they're always in your reach, hi-tech slavery in these days, its mind control" -- Stephen Marley
Updated On: 1/17/07 at 07:45 PM

mattnyc2 Profile Photo
#27re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:48pm

Relax. Breath. Everything is going to be alright. Sure, I like BATB as much as the next gay man/teenage girl, but shows close. That's life. That's business.

FYI, it's not a good idea to use the phrase "you ****ing elistists" when trying to argue a point. That's just asking for trouble.
Updated On: 1/17/07 at 07:48 PM

best12bars Profile Photo
#28re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:49pm

Did you post this thread for others to comment on it, or just to hear/read your own rant?

I knew Jon. He didn't have AIDS, nor did he die from anything related to it. Do some research first, if you want to learn more about it. It's very easy to find.

Broadway shows weren't meant to run forever. I'm glad they don't. Even the very best of them. There are a finite amount of theatres available in a tiny section of NYC known as "Broadway." All good things (and bad) must come to an end, and it's important to see new works coming in, evolving (hopefully) and changing with the times. That's what will keep Broadway alive. Not a show that "sits down" on the Great White Way for 20 years.

I admire your passion... but you haven't thought any of these sentiments through. I also take issue with your defensive attitude in the first post. You can state your point without including insults and presumptions with it... unless you really wanted to irritate the readers, right up front.

Which you did.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

MLE Profile Photo
#29re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:52pm

Exactly, tmm.
Disney didn't come in out of the goodness of their hearts to help the theatre. They saw a market they could dominate. I grew up on Disney movies, I loved them. I just hate the effect Disney has had on Broadway over the years.

I am also "glad" to see Beauty go. Why? Because of my love for theatre. I want to see something new and different. I know it's going to be another Disney show, but it's still something new.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#30re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 7:55pm

I'm a reader, not a poster

You have posted before. You can't hide that in your profile!

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#31re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:03pm

Pippie, first off, I 100% do NOT agree with a word you said. You are an idiot. Go IM with pIgLet1324.

However, I don't think we have reason to be happy that B&B is closing. It's not that it's good, it's that it's being replaced with ANOTHER Disney show. It's THE LITTLE MERMAID! Fish, birds, and merpeople! It most likely can only have the quality of an On-Ice show.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#32re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:03pm

For the record, RENT is due to close too. That show is doing nothing to keep Jonathan's legacy alive...

Just curious Colleen - why do you say that? Box office numbers, the current cast, or simply because it's been around for over ten years? I understand your point if you're referring to the box office numbers (although as it's been said countless times on here, I'm sure they're still making a profit due to low running costs), but I found that the current (well, as of November) cast performed with energy, enthusiasm, and with a certain respect for Larson's work which I feel some casts from the early-to-mid-00's lacked. Those casts truly did nothing to keep Larson's legacy alive, but it doesn't mean that problem wasn't or can't be corrected with a few smart casting moves.

alterego Profile Photo
#33re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:07pm

One show I wouldn't be sad to see close - PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. Surely its years are numbered.

Michael Bennett Profile Photo
Michael Bennett
#34re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:07pm

There were stories coming out of the ten year anniversary performance, that the producers of RENT planned on closing it in late 2007 (or roughly two years after the film release) but plans like that are ALWAYS variable, so who knows.

#35re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:12pm

Yes, Lizzie, but she hasn't posted recently/often.

I'm sad to see Beauty and the Beast go - I'm always a bit sad when any show closes, regardless of whether or not I enjoyed it. Not that I didn't enjoy Beauty, I do. It's a classic, touching story and the show was (usually) filled with (mostly) wonderful, talented people. So I'm sad that it has to close, but all things must come to an end.

#36re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:17pm

Okay, let me clairfy something.

In my original post, I said "I'm not sad it's closing!"

This whole thing spawned from a conversation with a Renthead who said that Rent should never close because it would destroy the legacy of Jonathan Larson. To that effect. I thought it was stupid, and still do. Of course it's out of left field for you guys who didn't take part of this real life conversation. I thought the person said he died of AIDS. Sorry to get that wrong. However, is that all you have to say to me? That and that I'm brainwashed by Disney? This was not a "OMG my favorite show is closing!" (Because it's not my favorite) It was an attack on you guys, happy that Disney is closing a show. It's just wrong. And you know, I don't get it. I don't get why you guys like shows to not succeed.

And no, I'm not saying it failed as a flop. But I'm using the term fail as "failing to/cannot break even"

If we take the AIDS mishap out of it, isn't it the same exact story? I just used the wrong term. You guys are exasperating. And you're just rude. I was honestly "attacking" you all to find out why you enjoy a show going. Because I think it happens a lot.

The show closing was not bad news to me. It was the attitude of you guys in general. I don't care if tomorrow, disney had to close all of their shows, but you guys shouldn't be HAPPY about it. This wasn't about Beauty and the Beast. Or Disney. Just the negative people on this board that get to me. I just don't get how you all became so negative, rude and jaded. So there. That's it. Be mean now.

alterego Profile Photo
#37re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:20pm

Yeah. You tell em!

#38re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:29pm

jesus... calm yourself!

#39re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:32pm

I am sad to see it go.
It was a classic on Broadway as well in some peoples hearts.
When i saw it as a kid i really thought it would be open forvever but then again I was 8 and still having trouble finding my left from my right. For those of you who love it that much just wait another 6-8 years for the revival.

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#40re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:35pm

Pippie_Poppins: Every time a show closes, there are some people who are sad about it, and some are happy. This is how it is with every show. We aren't always cheering the closing of every show. Some people like it, some don't. Therefore, some are happy to see it go, some aren't.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#41re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:37pm

wonderful wizard i know you are just saying that some people are happy and some people are sad but i mean this is a record breaking show and with its closing it is breaking a record isn't it? The 2nd disney show to close if i'm wrong please correct me

#42re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#43re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#44re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#45re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#46re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#47re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#48re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell

#49re: To anyone happy to see 'Beauty' go...
Posted: 1/17/07 at 8:40pm

Alterego- tell us what? Pippie does not know her facts concerning what she is posting about, so she is not making a valid point.

"I think of avant-garde as downtown shows where you rub waffles and chocolate on yourself."- Hunter Bell
