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Member Name: mattnyc2
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"Six Across" at the Fresh Fruit Festival
 Jul 13 2009, 05:41:37 PM
Hi everyone. It's been ages since I posted on here but I wanted to let everyone know about the play I directed for the Fresh Fruit Festival called "Six Across." It's a great show with an amazing cast and I'm really proud to be a part of it. Hope to see you there!

Quick Synopsis of the play:
Six Across tells the story of roommates that may or may not be like you. But let?s face it, they probably are. Maggie and Brian have no idea what they want from life. While Brian is unmotivated and expects things to come to him, Maggie takes a far different approach by trying everything she possibly can. As events unfold, Maggie and Brian must persevere with the power of friendship and their unique ability to laugh in the face of tragedy. Can Marc, the sexually ambiguous neighbor help or is he there to hurt them? Secrets, issues, pop culture references?and crossword puzzles infiltrate this two act dramedy by Daniel Koenig.

July 14: 9:30 pm
July 15: 6 pm
July 16: 7 pm
July 18: 2:30pm or 212-352-3101 - $20

Hudson Guild Theatre
441 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10001

"Spring Awakening" on 90210?
 Jul 28 2008, 09:02:05 AM
Sorry if this has been mentioned before. I did a search but nothing came up.

Apparently on the new "90210" Brenda Walsh is going to be directing a high school production of "Spring Awakening." I guess that's a nice little piece of publicity for the show, but knowing "90210" it will be done extremely tacky.

re: My thoughts on MAMMA MIA!
 Jul 19 2008, 10:11:20 PM
This movie was campy, silly, ridiculous, and fluff...but I loved every single freaking minute of it!

Left the theater with a huge smile on my face; it's like one big sparkling Zoloft!!!

Did anyone else notice audience members start laughing whenever Pierce Brosnon sang?

re: Phantom Of The Opera part II synopsis (only act I)
 Jul 16 2008, 07:27:56 PM
The phantom running around and haunting Coney Island sounds like a bad episode of Scooby Doo. I wonder if Shaggy and Velma will show up midway through act two with the assistance of Phyllis Diller and the Harlem Globetrotters.
Weird Tony Decisions
 Jul 8 2008, 08:56:19 AM
-Daisy Eagan winning in the best featured actress category. Wasn't she in practically every scene? Seems like a leading role to me.

-Emily Skinner and Alice Ripley sharing a nomination. I get why they nominated them together, but at the same time they were paying two very different characters.

-Fiorello and The Sound of Music tying for best musical. Having done both shows regionally, I feel that "Sound of Music" is far superior to "Fiorello" which really does not stand the test

re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
 Jul 1 2008, 08:43:25 PM
-Don't waste your time in the touristy novelty stores like M&M World, Hershey Store, Toys R Us, etc. They may look pretty on the outside but inside they're selling the same crap you can buy at any mall in America.

-Don't complain to the box office staff or cashier about how expensive everything is. It's New York, it's expensive, get over it.

-Don't squeeze your way onto a subway, holding open the doors and delaying service before squishing into a seat your too big to fit in o

re: Planning a Bway trip? DON'T do these things!
 Jun 30 2008, 11:32:59 PM
I love this thread!

I'd like to add:

-When you're in a theater, put away your damn cameras. Seriously, what's the point of taking a picture of a scrim?

-Don't flip open your electronic devices while a performance is going on. The glare is brighter than you think and extremely distracting.

-Don't buy any candy from kids on the subway who are "just trying to stay off the streets." If they were serious about bettering themselves they would just get a job like the

re: 'The 39 Steps'--Matinee, 6/28--mini-review & comments
 Jun 29 2008, 10:48:39 PM
Great review karen!

Although I really enjoyed the play, I thought it was more suited for an off-broadway house. This may be due to the fact that I was seated in the last row of the orchestra, which made the production feel kind of distant. Also I attended a Sunday matinee with a truck load of blue hairs who were mostly asleep throughout the performance, so there wasn't much laughing going on.

Glad you enjoyed the show.

re: I feel very shunned from my friends for loving Broadway.
 Jun 29 2008, 07:10:52 PM
I feel ya.

When I was ten I brought an "Anything Goes" CD to school for show and tell, starting a decade of taunts and gay rumors.

If people judge you by what kind of music you listen to, then tell them to go f*ck themselves...they're not real friends.

Super Mario Bros.
 Jun 29 2008, 07:04:31 PM
Found a clip, hosted by Jason Bateman and Alyssa Milano.
Super Mario Bros.
 Jun 29 2008, 07:02:07 PM
Off topic, does anyone remember the "Super Mario Bros. on Ice" show that toured in the late eighties. I swear I'm the only person on Earth that was lucky enough to witness that spectacle as a child.
re: Why is 'Rent' closing?
 Jun 26 2008, 09:39:24 AM
Because you touch yourself at night.
re: Theatre used in Spiderman 3
 Jun 23 2008, 10:08:40 AM
Don't know about the inside, but the outside is the Broadhurst.
re: Hoff is PAL JOEY with Channing and Plimpton
 Jun 19 2008, 06:03:10 PM
David Hasselhoff and Carol Channing in a musical together? Now that's something I'd pay to see!
re: Katie Holmes Closes CHORUS LINE
 Jun 19 2008, 11:01:02 AM
If they want to clear out the theater then Katie and Tom should summon Lord Xeno to come down and vaporize the ACL cast.
re: Cry-Baby to Close on Broadway June 22
 Jun 18 2008, 12:04:07 PM
Sad to hear this, as I'm one of the few that didn't absolutely hate this show the way others seem to.

re: My Cry Baby Review
 Jun 17 2008, 11:05:55 PM
I'm not sure what the problem with the sound was, but it was clear that the mics were not working at all. I was sitting in the fifth row and could barely hear any dialog at all (to make matters worse the people behind me started complaining loudly about the lack of sound...only adding to the problem.)

When the curtain went down the cast looked severely confused. I couldn't tell if the cast knew there were mic problems...some seemed to be trying extra hard to project while others jus

My Cry Baby Review
 Jun 17 2008, 10:34:03 PM
Scored some comps to the 7 p.m. performance of Cry Baby tonight. Fifth row orchestra on the left; great seats!

Once the show started it was clear that something was wrong with the sound. The dialog was barely audible and sometimes the sound system drifted on and off. Harriet Harris and Carly Jibson's lines were not heard at all and lot of jokes were missed. After the first number the curtain went down (leaving the cast looking very confused) and an announcement was made that they were

re: Not Nominated at The Tonys
 Jun 12 2008, 11:30:06 AM
Cymbeline for Sets/Lighting.

Old Acquaintance for Sets.

The cast of The 39 Steps.

re: Passing Strange Rush
 Jun 6 2008, 02:16:38 PM
Went to the box office last Saturday at around 5:30 and napped two rush tickets that were located all the way to the left on the front row.

You have to be very specific when requesting rush tickets, because after I asked if there were any rush tickets left the box office guy pointed to the pricing poster and tried to sell me regular priced tickets. I had to ask again, emphasizing that I wanted RUSH tickets, to which to finally sold me the 26.50 seats.

Be forewarned, if you're s

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